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Tier 1 Gaming Platforms are those which are currently popular with the Club at large, and played on a regular basis either during Vendetta Events or just for fun. These platforms will always be available to be played during Player vs Player related Competitions in Vendettas or other Major Events. Tier 1 Gaming Platforms will be chosen at the discretion of the Fist, however they will always include at least one of each of the following genre’s: First Person Shooter, Real Time Strategy, and Flight/Space Flight Simulation.
The current Tier 1 Gaming Platforms are as follows:
- Jedi Knight Series (Jedi Academy) (FPS)
- Battlefront (2015 release) (FPS & Flight Sim)
- Starcraft 2 (RTS)
- X Wing Series (Space Sim)
- Pazaak
Jedi Knight Series (Jedi Academy)
Jedi Academy duel
- All official DB competitions utilizing these platforms require the use of an official DB server (an updated list of which can be found on the Gaming Servers wiki page). If no official DB servers are found online players may, through mutual agreement, play on another server. By doing so, they also forfeit the right to any complaints regarding the outcome of the match due abuse/server statistics/mods/etc.
- If settings cannot be agreed upon, the participants will each choose either Force setting or Weapons setting.
- When both players have sabers ignited, the duel starts
- You cannot use a bacta tank at any time during a duel.
- You cannot attack a player who has been knocked to the ground in a duel, whether by kick or saberlock loss.
Battlefront (2015 release)
Battlefront includes options for playing Member vs Member PVP, Members vs Others PVP, and Members vs Environment PVE. This section will be broken down to detail rules for each type.
Member vs Member Battlefront
- Battlefront Game Mode "Battles" is used.
- The winner of each Match is the first member to reach 100 tokens.
- Default play mode is with AI Soldiers "Off"
- If both members agree AI Soldiers may be turned "On", this activates Hero / Villain mode.
- Note that the Emperor has a very powerful Health Regen Ability.
- As with all Member vs Member PVP, IRC Challenges are required.
- Members IDs (Origin/PSN/Xbox Live) must be listed on their Dossier.
Members vs Others Battlefront
- Must be playing with at least one other DJB member to qualify.
- Matches without screenshots will not have CFs awarded. A screenshot of the summary screen shown at match completion is required.
- Members IDs (Origin/PSN/Xbox Live) must be listed on their Dossier.
Members vs Environment Battlefront
- Must be playing with at least one other DJB member to qualify.
- Matches without screenshots will not have CFs awarded. A screenshot of the summary screen shown at match completion is required.
- Members IDs (Origin/PSN/Xbox Live) must be listed on their Dossier.
Star Craft 2
- The game must be updated to the current version available.
- Match host will be decided prior to the start of the match via IRC.
- Settings will be determined by both participants prior to the start of the match.
- If you wish to change settings in between matches, both participants MUST agree to the change.
- To find other DJB Members who are playing Stacraft 2 refer to this Forum thread and add them to your Friend's list.
- Members IDs ( must be listed on their Dossier.
X-Wing Series
- Matches will be hosted by each player for a minimum of five minutes, unless agreed beforehand that one participant will host the entire match (If one host, a match is ten minutes in length)
- Kills from each host (or the entire match) are added up to determine a winner in 1v1 matches
- The starting distance between opponents should be a distance of two to three kilometers
- Craft type and shield/warhead usage will be decided prior to match start and used for both hosts
- Default ship type is TIE Interceptor
- You cannot use hyperspace
- You cannot use the “W-trick” to increase your rate of fire
File:Pazaak.jpgThree Points in Pazaak Example
- Matches must be set up on Telegram using @DJBFistbot
- Like all duels, a Pazaak match will end when one player earns three points (refer to screenshot example on the right)
- Pazaak matches will be played utilizing accounts from the Pazaak Cantina.
- Pazaak Side Decks should be created using only the Level 1 cards. These consist of the following:
- +1 to +6
- -1 to -6
- If both members agree higher level cards may be used.
- Turbo Mode (or playing without a side-deck) is also allowed, but only if both members agree to play in this manner.
Star Wars The Old Republic MMO
- For non-duel The Old Republic information refer to
- Main article: [[ToR Guild Rules|ToR Guild Rules]].
- Members IDs (Character Names) must be listed on their Dossier.
- An individual can run each Flashpoint three (3) times per day for Clusters.
- Operations
- A raid is Full Cleared when all boss encounters in it have been completed.
- If a raid is Partially Cleared (first two bosses of the encounter completed) members will earn 40% of the CFs listed above.
- If a raid is Mostly Cleared (all but the final boss encounter completed) members will earn 70% of the CFs listed above.
- Operations where one or no bosses are downed, earn no CF's.
- World Bosses
- Xenoanalyst II and Golden Fury are considered World Bosses.
The Old Republic Duels (Level 15)
- Matches must be set up on IRC through #dbgaming
- Members IDs (Character Names) must be listed on their Dossier.
- Characters are to be no higher than Level 15.
- Empire Character Classes are recommended for ease of meeting up with others to Duel. At Level 15 you may not have access to your Starship yet.
- It is recommended you create a Character solely for the Casual Duel Bracket if you wish to participate, upon hitting Level 15 stop exploring or playing that character other than to Duel.
- Gear Restrictions
- Only items of "Blue Quality" or less will be equipped (No Purple Items, Item Mods, etc.)
- No Ear, Implant, or Relic slot items are to be equipped.
- Augment slots are allowed to be added to equipment.
- Orange Gear may be used in all other slots.
- Head, Chest, Glove, Leg, Boot Orange Armor can be purchased from the Social Items Vendor in the Cantina on Dromund Kas (or Coruscant for Republic faction) for less than 2,000 Credits for the full set.
- Wrist and Waist Orange Armor can be purchased from the Auction House or members of the DJB Guild may be able to craft some for you.
- Weapons are provided to each character when they finish their class quest on their starting planet, if an Advanced Class is selected that can Dual Wield a second weapon is provided by their trainer at that time.
- Consumable Use
- No Stims, Adrenals, or Medpacks are to be used.
- If members wish to use Class Buffs they should Buff each other to ensure a level playing field.
The Old Republic Duels (Open Level)
Note: This is a separate platform from the Level 15 Bracket. Those who play against one person in Open Level Duels and then refuse against another will be found as match dodging.
- Matches must be set up on IRC through #dbgaming
- Members IDs (Character Names) must be listed on their Dossier.
- There are no gear restrictions. If character’s dueling are at different levels and they both agree to it the higher level player may remove pieces of gear to handicap themselves. However, this is not required.
- Consumable Use
- Use of Class Buffs, Stims, Adrenals, or Medpacks should be agreed upon prior to the start of the duel.