The deletion policy regarding Brotherhood member dossier's was clarified by Syn Kaek during his second term as Master at Arms. This is an outline of the options available to members in the event they wish to leave the Dark Brotherhood. Options include transferring to the Rogues, having your dossier marked as 'inactive' or 'invisible', and permanent deletion. This policy has been updated to include details on dossier deletion resulting from cloned accounts as well as members wishing to restart a new character.
Transfer to the Rogues
In the event that a member doesn't have time for the Brotherhood or wants to take a break, they can request a transfer to the rogues. Rogue transfers for real life purposes are almost always approved and this is the ideal way for a member to proceed in those instances. Even if a member is no longer interested in the Brotherhood at all, it is suggested only a transfer to the rogues and nothing more. In the event that a member realizes they want to come back, it's a simple matter of transferring back to their unit. Members who have been gone for a substantial amount of time are, of course, welcome to transfer to any unit they like.
The practice of 'Clan hopping' (going rogue and then transferring from rogue to another Clan in order to avoid the hassles of an inter-Clan transfer) is not allowed under any circumstances and may be addressed by the Chamber of Justice.
Inactive Dossier
If a member wants a little bit more finality to the termination of their Brotherhood career or wants to make it clear to people recruiting from the Rogues that they are not interested in being an active member, they can request to have their dossier marked as inactive. Information previously on the dossier will not appear (it will display as "This dossier is inactive") though the dossier itself will still show up when searching.
Invisible Dossier
In the event that a member wants their dossier to not appear at all in the database but still wants to keep it there in case they decide to return, the Master at Arms can make their dossier completely invisible except to those with high enough database access.. In cases where someone wants to be 'deleted,' it is recommended that you consider making your dossier invisible first.
Dossier Deletion
If a member is 100% sure they do not want to be in the Brotherhood and do not want to return, they have the option of requesting permanent deletion. In this instance, your name, email address, rank, medals, personal data, and history will be permanently deleted. Once your dossier is deleted, it is gone. The Master at Arms will NOT restore it. In order for a dossier to be deleted, the member must e-mail the Master at Arms, copying the Grand Master, with an explanation for the deletion request. The Master at Arms or Grand Master will seek confirmation from the member through a follow-up e-mail that the deletion is intended, informing the member in that e-mail that the deletion is permanent. If the member confirms the deletion request, the request will be processed. Deletion requests will be denied for reasons of “restarting one’s character.”. Only members who did not wish to ever return to active status should consider this step.
Clone Deletion
Pursuant to the Chamber of Justice policy on cloning, members are allowed only a single dossier at one time. There are circumstances in which returning members are unable to log into their old account, or forget the existence of said account, so create a new one. The server pings these clones and the Chamber investigates. In these instances, the Chamber recommends the second clone dossier to be permanently deleted and works with the Seneschal to restore access to the original dossier. The Chamber always works to maintain consistency with the original dossier including rank and prestige.
Character Restarts
There are times where Brotherhood members wish to re-roll a character and start from scratch. The Chamber’s preferred manner of starting a new character is to request a name/path change from your original dossier and proceed from there. This allows you to make a new character that starts at your original rank and medals. Situations where the members wishes to start over from scratch have been granted, but are done so cautiously and on a case by case basis.
Policy History
- Added dossier deletion clarification in July 2015.
- Policy updated to reflect accidental clone deletion and character restarts in August 2014 by Aabsdu Dupar.
- Originally uploaded in May 2011 by Orv Dessrx with information taken from a Master at Arms report of Syn Kaek.