Cerone Kroan

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Cerone Kroan
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

30 BBY

Physical Description





1.9 meters





Personal Information


Chronology & Political Information

Officer in the Arcona Expeditionary Force


Executive Officer of the MJHC Last Light


Dark Brotherhood Era


Arcona Expeditionary Force; Arcona; ISDII Eye of the Abyss II

[ Source ]

Cerone Kroan is an old crotchety Human. He’s served as an engineer on Arconan vessels for nearly twenty years and believed he was serving out the time remaining to his retirement as Chief Engineer aboard the ISDII Eye of the Abyss II. However, in 37 ABY, he was promoted to Executive Officer of the MJHC Last Light.

Character History

Early Life

Cerone was born in Estle City on Selen. His father was in law enforcement and in Cerone’s teen years his father became a politician. He was raised to follow in his father’s footsteps, but Cerone didn’t want to be stuck on Selen for his entire life. As soon as he was of age, he entered the military academy and graduated in the top 10% of his class. Cerone demonstrated an aptitude for engineering. His father’s political position made Cerone an excellent candidate for advancement out of the academy, but he refused special treatment and opted to be elevated based on his own merit. Cerone was stationed on Giletta Spaceport as a shuttle repairman.

Life as an Engineer

It quickly became apparent that he wasn’t just good with engines, but also a capable leader. He was promoted and put in charge of a Flight Deck team. Within a few years, he was the Flight Deck Chief and caught the eye of his superiors, who decided that he would best serve as an engineer aboard a ship. He was made the head of an engineering team aboard a ship. His father, who had become an authority figure in the Selenian Government, had hoped that Cerone would have left the military by now to follow in his footsteps. Cerone however, had no desire to go into politics and this created a rift between him and his father. He slowly raised through the ranks and was made the Assistant Chief Engineer. The ship came under fire from pirates and an explosion in engineering killed the Chief Engineer. Cerone managed to get the ship in working order within 4 hours, and as a result, they were able to limp back to Selen. This caused him to be elevated to Chief Engineer.

Yuuzhan Vong War

MJHC Last Light

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Selen was attacked while the ship was docked at the Giletta Spaceport. The Captain decided to retreat and headed towards the Core. Cerone often found himself at odds with the leadership as the Chief Engineer, becoming increasingly disgruntled by what he felt was bad decisions by the Captain and the Executive Officer of the ship. Cerone realized that they had defected to the New Republic and were planning on turning over their ship. He and the Chief of Security managed to uncover the plot and took the two into custody.

Present Day

Upon returning to Giletta Spaceport the Security Chief and Cerone were offered the two vacant roles as a result of their work. Cerone declined but requested to be placed on the flagship of Arcona, ISDII Eye of the Abyss II. He was granted the position and was prepared to serve out the remaining time of his service as the Chief Engineer of the most important ship in the fleet. Cerone caught the eye of Marick Arconae. Marick decided that Cerone would make a good second-in-command. Cerone refused the promotion, but Marick insisted. Cerone now serves as the Executive Officer on board the MJHC Last Light.


Ask the people under his command and they will describe him as the old man. Cerone likes this persona and doesn’t do anything to change it. To spite being perceived as grumpy, he is well respected and willing to stand up for his crew if they are deserving. In private, Cerone is a heavy drinker which started when his father made it clear that he wanted him to become a politician. His drinking has increased since becoming the MJHC Last Light XO.