Ka Tarvitz

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Ka Tarvitz
Biographical Information

Susevfi, Alderaanian by blood

Date of Birth:

33 (Born 1 ABY)

Physical Description







189 kg


Dark grey, shoulder length




Left eye

Personal Information

Kallista Tarvitz (adopted)


Raymus Tarvitz (adopted)

Lightsaber Color(s):

Green Armory Lightsaber

Lightsaber Form(s):

Form 0


Longsword, T-6 heavy blaster pistol, WESTAR-M5 blaster rifle

Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Jensaarai Defender




Clan Odan-Urr, Battle-team Zirael, Jensaarai

Known masters:

Savant Edgar Drachen



[ Source ]

Ka Tarvitz is a Human male and a recent addition to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Sired by Alderaanian survivors, he was raised by the Jensaarai and taught their ways, serving first as an apprentice and then a defender. While devoted believer in its ways, he proved to be extremely reluctant to draw upon the raw aggression which balanced the Light against Dark. Eventually voicing his discontent with their insular role within the universe, Tarvitz and several like-minded Defenders set out to visit a number of distant worlds return with word of rumoured galactic events which could threaten them. This, combined with their self-appointed role of recovering lost Jedi relics, eventually brought them into conflict with Clan Odan-Urr and led to Tarvitz's capture. Upon discovering the fate of New Tython and the threat which beset the Jedi, Tarvitz pledged himself to their service and began honing his abilities under the guidance of Edgar Drachen.

Character History

Lost Heritage (1 ABY - 8 ABY)

The ruins of Alderaan

Like many of his comrades, Tarvitz was taken in by the Jensaarai at an early age. Unlike them, he was brought to their world in an act of desperation. Both of his parents had been freighter pilots operating a small scale shipping corporation centered upon Alderaan. Focusing primarily upon sprint-trades between a number of worlds across the Core, their activities had been all but crippled by the planet's destruction. Quickly robbed of their fortunes and driven away from more prosperous opportunities by old rivals, in a matter of mere months they had been left with little more than an aging bulk freighter to their name.

Becoming more desperate as the weeks past, they arrived on on Susevfi and sought out his grandparents' isolated home among the barren savannas, wishing to leave the infant Tarvitz in their care. Claiming that they had found a risky but profitable venture to restore their fortunes, the two convinced them to take him under their protection for a short time, promising to return within a few weeks. Unwilling or unable to divulge anything more than this, they departed soon afterwards, heading towards the furthest edges of the Outer Rim. No word came from them and as weeks turned into months, several fruitless attempts were made to track down their ship. Unable to locate them, his grandparents took full custody of Tarvitz, raising him as best they could.

Tarvitz's early years proved to be turbulent, thanks in no small part to his adventurous nature. Often told of Alderaan's lost beauty, and the supposedly shining beacon of the Core, he forever imagined that there was a better world far above him; that some verdant paradise lurked beyond the harsh wilderness of his home. While several dangerous encounters gradually curbed his innate curiosity, Tarvitz was nevertheless left with a a highly idealized view of the Core which never truly left him, and the constant idea of something better always lurking just beyond his reach. It was for perhaps this reason that any queries of his past never focused upon the mother and father he never met, and were instead about the home he had never seen.

However, Tarvitz's life proved to be neither quiet nor simple. Before even reaching his eighth year, he began to quickly show signs of a strong connection with the Force. Paired with an distinct lack of discipline, it became increasingly obvious that he was in desperate need of guidance to control his developing powers. Following several failed attempts by his guardians to handle this themselves, he was eventually given to the Jensaarai so he might be trained in their ways.

Apprentice (9 ABY - 18 ABY)

Tarvitz's formative years among the Jensaarai were far from easy. Old by the standards of their recruits, he lacked the innate focus and basic lessons which had been drilled into them from the days they could walk. Barely keeping up with those who should have been his equal, Tarvitz often found himself falling short of objectives time and time again during training seasons. Matters were made worse thanks to his distant demeanor and his distrust for his new tutors. While initially welcoming of their guidance their seemingly constant scrutiny of his abilities, and attempts to push him into the aggression core to their Jensaarai creed, made him increasingly reluctant to put his faith in their lessons.

Tarvitz was only saved from total failure after encouragement to embrace more unorthodox approaches to their lifestyle. Following an especially humiliating loss during a training duel with another trainee, the observing Defender offered him a few choice words of advice: "If you find yourself in a fair fight, it's because you played to your enemy's strengths." While largely made in jest, it was nevertheless enough to force Tarvitz to reevaluate his abilities. Unable to match the mastery of lightsabers or ballistakinesis displayed by other apprentices, he instead pushed to serve the Jensaarai in other roles. While others of his age learned how to wield the weapons of their organisation, Tarvitz pushed to understand how they were forged and maintained. While other apprentices were taught the finer points of hand to hand combat, Tarvitz studied the details behind piloting a gunship into battle. He was by no means a star prodigy in either role but, in taking to these subjects far earlier than others of his age, Tarvitz found he had enough of an edge to stand out among other apprentices.

With this personal success, Tarvitz began to more openly ignore areas of their training he was lacking in, seeking to bolster those he had a natural affinity for, or could begin on an even footing with others. More often than not, he would even seek to use them to nullify the natural advantages of others, leveling the playing field as best he could. This was most evident during training duels, where he began using slight bursts of telekinesis to keep his opponents of balance or reversing their strikes, often timing pushes and pulls to work against key moves of the styles they practiced in. Going so far as to occasionally abandon his training lightsaber in favour of more commonplace weapons, by the time he was set to craft his personal armour Tarvitz was more often seen wielding a metal blade than the weapon of a Jensaarai. While this was viewed as a point of concern, and hardly mitigated his obvious shortcomings, his peers nevertheless did not hold him back. Eventually seconding him to the Ring Defenders, Tarvitz served as a ship mechanic and occasional pilot, assisting their starfighter corps with patrolling nearby space and defending the planet against potential pirate raids.

Tarvitz proved to be a capable asset to the corps, often finding ways to make minor modifications to older vessels, or cobbling together systems to keep them flying. Despite his lack of experience, his attention to detail and a surprising skill behind the controls of twin-seater craft often meant he found a place serving as a co-pilot among their heavier vehicles. Yet, those serving alongside him noted occasional bouts of discontent. Conversations with his superiors often turned to why the Jensaarai seemed to limit themselves to a single world rather than looking to expand their sphere of influence. The scattered records of their archives, lacking as they were, spoke of the great conflicts between the Jedi and Sith, and how empires had risen and fallen before them. Each had been a mighty force to be reckoned with, standing for thousands of years at a time and being reborn time and time again, while they hid on a barren rock, hoping to go unnoticed by the rest of the galaxy. Few answers if any would satisfy him, and he would often cite how the Empire was crumbling away, how their famed leaders had met their end at Endor, and how the Jedi were, at best, a rumoured shadow of their former selves. What little news passed through Susevfi by traders or visiting travelers rarely mentioned any standing Order of Force adepts, and in its fragile state the galaxy seemed ripe for their ascendance.

He had not been the first to ask this of course, Apprentices and Defenders alike had argued this many times over, but Tarvitz proved to be especially persistent. Still maintaining the same rose-tinted view of the Core Worlds, leaving Susevfi's atmosphere only to still find himself bound to the world frustrated him time and time again. He hungered to see them for himself, and longed to learn more of the wider galaxy, but so long as the Jensaarai remained determined to keep themselves hidden from sight this remained impossible. Much as he tried to suppress these feelings, as duty-bound and devoted as he was to those who had shaped his very life, his dissatisfaction became increasingly evident throughout his final few years as an Apprentice. By the time he was deemed ready to face the trials of becoming a Defender, he had developed something of an ill reputation for trying the patience of his superiors. Nevertheless, Tarvitz's skills proved to be adequate enough to overcome the obstacles put before him, and quickly justified his place among their number. Shortly before his eighteenth birthday, he began the painstaking task of forming and constructing his armour, building it plate by plate over the basic framework provided to him.

Tradition required that Tarvitz construct its design with a basis upon another creature, reflecting its aesthetic and core traits. While not required, many Defenders selected those whose strengths they most appreciated or even reflected their own self-realized qualities. While unable to select a true choice at first, Tarvitz eventually settled upon the quite unusual choice of a Vorn tiger; a now extinct beast which had been native to Alderaan's open plains. Renowned for its territorial and solitary nature, he appreciated its ability to avoid unnecessary conflict but its sheer ferocity when combating those who crossed them, though the influence of his lost homeworld over this choice not be denied.

Defender (19 ABY - 27 ABY)

Regarding his ascension to the rank of full Defender merely as another stage in his life rather than some monumental accomplishment, Tarvitz began burying himself in his work, actively requesting further duties and more arduous tasks.

Reclaimer (28 ABY - 33 ABY)

A fortunate haul

Knight (34 ABY)

Physical Description

Tall, heavily built and with his fair share of old wounds, Tarvitz is an imposing figure at the best of times. Sporting a determined if world weary stare, his weather-beaten skin reflects a hard life of having traveled under countless alien suns, and is matched by his fading shoulder length hair. It is obvious from a glance that Tarvitz has led a hard life, but a seasoned warrior can quickly tell that he lacks the innate combat experience of a veteran soldier. Adorning the upper left of his brow and encompassing his eye socket, the pale green glow of a dark metal cybernetic sensor clashes against his dark blue organic right eye. Around its edges, the old scars of shrapnel wounds and burned tissue can still be seen, clashing against his proud features.

It is rare to see Tarvitz out of his armour, either set, even during passive moments such as personal meditation or social meetings. Preferring its bulk and weight over standard clothing, he only discards it during ceremonial duties or formal gatherings, and even then favours a practical attire over more stylised robes. This has the unfortunate side effect of making him stand out from crowds or drawing undue attention in otherwise peaceful environments.

Personality and Traits


Much of Tarvitz’s current gear and equipment has been salvaged from past wrecks or bartered from traders on the Outer Rim. While often well-used, each has proven to be extremely reliable in the past, and served him well during a multitude of boarding actions against derelict vessels. While many retain obvious custom works or improvements, Tarvitz has often taken great care to ensure that no Jensaarai iconography or identifiable brands remain visible on his equipment.


The sword Tarvitz keeps at his side was one retrieved during a particularly notable salvage run, and taken from an ancient vessel bereft of any name. Despite its ornate design, Tarvitz found that its length and angular head was perfect for combating a foe in the tight confines of warship. While the blade has been reforged several times thanks to battle damage, Tarvitz has always taken great care to replicate its ability to be easily slid between the armoured plates of a foe or the reinforced shell of a battle droid. Paired with the sheer stopping power of his T-6 pistol, Tarvitz has found the combination to be simple but quite effective. For addition ranged firepower and flexibility, he also frequently carries a WESTAR-M5, but freely admits that he favours single-handed weapons over it.

The lightsaber he carries at his belt is one of a student, as befitting his current training under Master Drachen. As his original weapon was destroyed during his initial conflict with the Jedi, Tarvitz has opted to carry this one until a replacement has been forged, or he feels capable of truly holding his own in battle against others of the Order.


While often opting to travel light, and retaining few personal possessions, Tarvitz nevertheless owns two sets of warplate.

The first of these was a recent acquisition - A heavily modified and stylised set of Phase II clone paratrooper armour taken from a Rebublic warship. Reserved for situations where the Jensaarai were required to disguise their true allegiance, it is a stark contrast with his more regal uniform. While stripped of its more heavily damaged or high maintenance systems - notably its jetpack - it has been upgraded several times, both to reinforce the plasteel chestplate and for space combat. While the helmet and several key features mean it can be easily identified, the dark purple colours and ivory trim disguise its practical build, and many mistake it as ceremonial armour at first glance. Several pouches at its belt store a datapad, com-link, and a small medpac among other items.

The second, his personal Jensaarai armour, is rarely seen nor worn even among of Clan Odan-Urr's strongholds. Patterned after the Vorn tiger, it consists of several cobalt blue interlocking plates across vulnerable points of his body, bridged by a mesh of hardened white metal scales. The horned helm vaguely resembles that of a feline beast, with the intricate patterns of its plating giving it the initial impression of being little more than a museum piece. Unwilling to let his lone involvement with Odan-Urr bring the wrath of the Sith down upon Susevfi, Tarvitz has taken great lengths to keep it hidden from sight.

Powers and Abilities