File:Valhavoc.jpg | |
Valhavoc | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Corellia |
Date of Birth: |
2 ABY |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Human |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
1.85 m |
Weight: |
98 kg |
Hair: |
Black |
Cybernetics: |
None |
Personal Information | |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: | |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Known masters: | |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
Valhavoc is a Jedi Hunter within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. His current ambitions are to obtain his own lightsaber and the rank of Dark Jedi Knight under the tutelage of his Master, Darth Pravus.
Character History
Born on Corellia, Valhavoc had an average childhood. Coming from a middle class family he had neither a life of privilege or poverty. He was raised by his father and half brother who is 8 years older than him. Valhavoc's father was a low level administrator working for a medium size starship manufacturer, which produced sensor arrays for the Republic Navy. His mother was never known to him. Eventually his brother became a Freighter Captain transporting raw materials for the same manufacturer as their father.
New Republic Defense Force: (20 - 26 ABY)
Valhavoc first joined the New Republic Defense Force, where he served for six years. He was involved in several battles of the Yuuzhan Vong War, most notably the Battle of Dantooine.
New Republic Intelligence Service: (26 - 28 ABY)
During his service with the New Republic Defense Force Valhavoc was recruited to join the New Republic Intelligence Service.
His initial assignment showed Valhavoc was skilled at information gathering and interrogation, while some of his methods were questionable Valhavoc operated within Republic guidelines and didn't overtly use unapproved interrogation techniques. He was granted a degree of leniency by his superiors because of his success. He seemed to have a good instinct of when individuals were being less than honest with him, this was thought to be due to his training.
In 27 ABY there was a large explosion at the manufacturing plant that Valhavoc's father worked at which resulted in the deaths of two dozen persons working at the manufacturing site, including his father. A little known anarchist group claimed to be responsible.
It was determined that the incident would be investigated by local Correlian Authorities. Over the next six months little progress was made during the investigation, and only a few suspects were apprehended. No evidence was found which could directly link anyone to the attack. Frustrated with the incompetence of the local authorities Valhavoc began making inquiries about the attack with the connections he had developed. Over the next three months he found several leads, all of which were located on Correlia.
Revenge: (28 ABY)
In the midst of the merger of the New Republic Intelligence Service with the Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service Valhavoc took the opportunity presented by the change to relocate to Correlia and begin investigating the explosion which had killed his father. Using the information he had gathered from his informants Valhavoc was able to set up several meetings with lower level members of the anarchist cell. Over the next year he became obsessed infiltration of the cell and stopped responding to communications from GA Intelligence Headquarters.
His efforts paid off when he was finally able to identify the cell's explosives expert who rigged the device and the pilot who flew the rigged shuttle to the factory. After a series of brief and brutal interrogations, both of which ended in the execution of the individuals involved in the attack, Valhavoc determined that the factory's Security Director had been paid off to grant the unregistered shuttle access to the facility.
Next Valhavoc broke into and searched the Security Office at the starship manufacturer, there he found proof of payoff to grant access to an unregistered shuttle by cell's front man. He then began tracking the movements of the Security Director, eventually cornering him in the back room of a run down cantina. Valhavoc's interrogation was interrupted by the unanticipated arrival of a young Jedi Knight who found the security Director beaten, bruised, with two fingers cut off and missing an ear, which Valhavoc was currently holding. Despite Valhavoc's attempts to explain to the Jedi the reasons for what was going on the Jedi remained resolute that the Director would be properly tried and Valhavoc's actions would be reported to his chain of command.
Following a Court Martial Valhavoc received a Dishonorable Discharge from the Intelligence Service, and continued his quest to find and destroy the anarchist cell on his own. Unfortunately his leads had run cold without access to the Intelligence Database. Months later he learned that the information he had brutally pulled from the anarchists led Intelligence to their leader and resulted in the destruction of the cell.
The knowledge that he had been cheated from exacting revenge, and the same "crimes" which had condemned him to being removed from his position led to the discovery and destruction of the cell enraged him. The hypocrites in the Republic and the Jedi Order had gladly used the information he had pulled from anarchists over months of work to dismantle a threat with one hand, while damning him and ruining his reputation with the other.
Survival: (29-31 ABY)
Valhavoc next travelled to Nar Shadda. He became a moderately successful information dealer and occasionally would accept a job to pick up a bounty. In earnest, he was passionate about neither of these pursuits in life, mostly using them as a way to ensure he had a place to live and enough credits to fuel his binge drinking, nights which usually ended with him being thrown out of a bar after starting a fight with some Republic sympathizer.
Joining the Dark Jedi Brotherhood (31 ABY - Present)
Personality and Traits
Valhavoc despises the Republic and Jedi Order for the manner that they handled his removal from service. Due to this outright betrayal he rarely trusts governments or large organizations, and instead prefers to keep his confidences in only a few close associates to whom he is fiercely loyal. This can develop into a mild paranoia on occasion.
In spite of this quirk Valhavoc is in general level headed. In combat and in interactions with others he is rarely prone to outbursts, and is more likely to focus his full attention on the task at hand and carefully plan his next move or statement.
- Westar-34 Blaster Pistol
- Blastech A280 Blaster Rifle
- Durasteel Daggers (3)
- One in a sheath along the outside of his right calf
- The remaining two are in concealed sheaths in the small of his back
- Robes - In general Valhavoc favors black robes with red trim, and a black cloak
- Tactical Equipment - When expecting combat he typically wears lightweight body armor which provides maximum mobility and moderate protection consisting of a long sleeve jacket, trousers, boots, and gloves. A load bearing vest is also worn with configurable pouches for storage of spare energy cells or other small items. Valhavoc typically does not wear a helmet, but nearly always will have some form of eye protection.
DJB Facts
Outstanding Achievements
- The name Valhavoc is a play on Malhavoc, a villain from Season 1 of the cartoon "Superfriends".