Eamon Syklauk

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Eamon Syklauk
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description





1.85 meters





Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information

Division VII Commanding Officer


Division Commander


Dark Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

Character History

"Times have changed since you were a field commander. I intend to change them further."
― Eamon to a professor at the officer’s academy

Early Life

Eamon Syklauk was born as the son of a poor Selenian woman, who worked at a produce shop in Estle City. His father was killed in a gang fight in Estle City, and it was then, at the age of four, that Eamon was sent by his mother to an orphanage on Eldar. Eamon emerged as a natural leader, one of the most popular orphans and definitely one of the most gifted.

When Eamon turned eighteen, he was sent from the orphanage back to Selen, to attend officer’s academy. He visited his mother there, only to find that she had died of starvation only a year after he had been sent away. It was then 16 ABY, and Eamon threw himself into his studies. He attended the academy for four years, until moving back to Eldar.

The Eldarian Ranger

On his return to Eldar, Eamon was placed in the 1st Deep Assault Recon Brigade, as an advance intelligence officer. The brigade was nicknamed the “Eldarian Rangers”, and they were a legendary unit on Eldar. Eamon was 22, and stayed as the advance intelligence officer for the Rangers for three years.

In 23 ABY, he was promoted to Brigade Commander of the Eldarian Rangers, as he was one of the most senior officers in the brigade. He implemented many new policies in the unit, during his short tenure. He only served for a year, before he was promoted onwards to Assistant Division Commander of Division VII.

Division Commander

When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded Dajorra, Division VII was one of the most instrumental divisions in the defense of Eldar. Eamon Syklauk was put on the spot immediately at the start of the Eighth Great Jedi War, when the Division Commander was killed in an initial skirmish. Eamon’s superiors did not want to put him in command of the division, but there was nobody else readily available. He had served as an assistant for three years, and he felt he was ready.

Eamon took charge of the division, leading them courageously against the enemy. He proved critical to the Dajorra Defense Force’s success. However, the conquerors were overwhelming. When Arcona was forced to abandon the Dajorra System, Eamon insured his men a place on the fleet, and left his fellow Division Commanders behind.


Eamon was a bitter man, and still struggled under the insecurity brought about by his childhood. Even so, he was a particularly talented officer, and generally well liked by his men. He had many love affairs with different women, but never once did they work out for him, only contributing more to his bitterness.