NSD Excidium II

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File:Excidium II.jpg
Excidium II
Production information


Technical specifications

1,040 meters

Hyperdrive rating:
  • Class One
  • Backup: Class Ten
Navigation system:

Verpine Navigator SPS

  • Heavy turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)
  • Turbolasers (40: 10 fore, 10 aft, 10 port, 10 starboard)
  • Ion cannons (20: 5 fore, 5 aft, 5 port, 5 starboard)
  • Assault concussion missile tubes (8, turreted)
    • 30 missiles each
  • Tractor beam projectors (8: 3 fore, 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft)

60 Starfighters/Shuttles

  • 2,795 crew
  • 244 gunners



1,600 troops

Cargo capacity:

15,000 metric tons


Six months


Scholae Palatinae Flagship

[ Source ]

Vessel Info

The Nebula-Class Star Destroyer is a recent New Republic design which was meant to go head-to-head with any one enemy Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer and come out on top, using less resources to build than the larger Imperial II. Built as a multi-purpose capital warship, it's also capable of bringing in even more firepower to a battle thanks to hangar capacity for up to sixty starfighters. Essentially a self-contained fleet, it is a formidable opponent.


Service to the Palpatines

Phoenix Palpatine and Lucien Kaeth surveying the bridge.

The ship is currently commanded by Admiral Ail'en Sommetra, previous Commander of the original Excidium. She has proven her worth as an outstanding and loyal officer, capable of handling her ship and crew to high levels of efficiency. Currently she also serves as the day-to-day commanding officer of the entire Clan fleet, as well as when the Fleet Commander is unavailable.


The Pride of the Clan Navy: NSD Excidium II.

During periods of large-scale combat, the Excidium II obviously serves as the Clan's flagship. When not engaged in active battle, the ship is usually guarding the main Clan Headquarters Facility on Judecca. Of course, due to the massive losses sustained by the Clan during the Yuuzhan Vong Incursion, the crew is rated as Regular, which of course is being remedied by the the Admiral.

Although the Clan Leadership is still experimenting with tactics, current Clan battle plans calls for the Excidium II to be used as the hammer for fleet operations, much as the original Excidium was used for. When properly outfitted with its' entire starfighter and bomber complement, it is also designated as it's own Task Force, Task Force Rancor Horde.

In any battle, it is normally not used in a command capacity, since the ISD II Warspite fulfills this role. As per standard Clan philosophy, the ship is almost never used without a full understanding of the threats that face her in combat, so she only engages when the course of action is clear and understood.

The Excidium II is assigned to Line Alpha, along with its escorts GSP Ecthelion and GSP Ferocious.

Imperial Scholae Armed Forces
Imperial Scholae Navy
First Flotilla Victory-class Star Destroyer ISN SidiousVindicator-class Heavy Cruiser ISN Tarkin
Second Flotilla Venator-class Star Destroyer ISN VaderVindicator-class Heavy Cruiser ISN ThrawnAcclamator-class Assault Ship ISN Amedda
External Support EF76 Nebulon-B Frigate TBA • Haven-class Medical Station IMS Tipoca II
Imperial Scholae Army
The Imperial Legion 1st Regiment • 2nd Regiment • 3rd Regiment • 4th Regiment
Imperial Scholae Guard Regiment Judecca Guard Battalion • Antenora Guard Battalion • Ptolomea Guard Battalion • Caina Guard Battalion
For the Empire!