Mystics Asylum

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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The Asylum of the Mystics of the Black Arts is located in one of the more distant starports of Yridia IX, which has actually been abandoned in years past. The story goes that the asylum was used to house Force-sensitives (unknown at the time), who were insane, and had a tendency to affect the minds and bodies of those around them. The patients of the asylum were locked away, but in a most baffling occurrence, somehow escaped years later, and massacred nearly all of the denizens of the starport. Some escaped, and lived to pass on the tale, but whether it is true or not yet remains to be seen. With the disbanding of the Mystics, the Asylum is no longer in use as a Team base; however, the Clan leadership has taken to using the Asylum for research and experimentation. For a while, the asylum was also a place for the study of necromancy, but due to fantastic events in the clan, the study has been halted.

Facility Director: DA Sirrus

Chief of Medicine: Dr. Steiner

Research Staff:


The Asylum comprises all research done throughout the system. Even if teams are not in residence, they still maintain an office on the Asylum for the purposes of centralizing all data and having the means to collaborate with other departments.

Department of Archaeological Research (ARD)

Headed by Pontifex Saitou, the Department of Archaeological Research devotes its time to attempting to ascertain information of civilizations previously inhabiting Yridia II and III, as well as clues unearthed in texts in the libraries of Yridia pertaining to the study of the Keepers and their buildings on Yridia II.

Department of Necrozoology (NZD)

Headed by Warlord Welshman, the Department of Necrozoology focused on two fronts. The first was forensic, pathlogic and post mortem diagnosis of unusual causes of death - working closely with the ID and DDx. In addition, while the main focus of Tarentum's Necromancy research was focused onto Human-Humanoid re-animations it had been noted that the other genera of life, as disparate as it was, might prove loyal and helpful warrior drones for Tarentum. As such a department had been set up to instigate research and development into using the bodies of non-sentient animals as undead servants. Since the dissolution of the necromantic order, however, the department has been shut down.

Departments of Infectious Diseases (ID) and Diagnostic Medicine (DDx)

Actually two distinct departments, both were merged into one after the succession of Adept Oberst to the position of Dean of DDx, following the move of Dr. Steiner to Chief of Medicine.

The Department of Infectious Diseases involves itself in the study, treatment and possible weaponization of biological agents. To this end, the department has 5 negative pressure laboratories installed throughout the system. Two on the Asylum, one on Yridia IV, one on Yridia III and one located in the Sea of Darkness of Yridia II. The facilities on the Asylum are the only ones authorized to handle highly contagious, highly dangerous and weaponized pathogens. Any minor breach in the Asylum facilities results in a complete and immediate automated sterilization. No biological systems would survive the process. The facilities outside of the Asylum are for the purposes of emergency containment, not long term research. Infected individuals are quarantined until medical evacuation to the Asylum can be performed.

The Department of Diagnostic Medicine focuses on recognizing, treating and informing hospitals throughout the Brotherhood of new and emerging pathogens, as well as new and improved treatments available for existing condition.

Quantum & High Explosives Application Center (QHEC)

Also known as the "Superblock." QHEC is located 2 kilometer's down from the planet's surface, and is only accessible by a series of high speed elevators. Because of the time involved in reaching the Superblock, shifts are doled out in 192hr increments per month. Superblock works on further developing nuclear fusion, fission and conventional explosives. The Superblock's secondary purpose is to house highly unstable isotopes in a controlled environment.

In the event of an accident, the honeycomb nature of the Superblock allows a portion of the sub-facility to be completely sealed off before contamination can spread. Further protocol allows for the facility to be completely collapsed in the event that an outside breach is attempted.

Information Sciences (IS)

The backbone of all departments within the Asylum, IS is charged with not only cataloging and maintaining data, but also developing new techniques for the storage and retrieval of data. Most of the facility technicians, while assigned to other departments, work for IS.

Oceanography (OG)

The department of Oceanography is primarily involved in mapping and cataloging the biotic and abiotic strata of the oceans of the Yridia System. Their research is tied closely to other departments, especially Necrozoology, but remains a distinct department due to the depth and breadth of the field itself.

OG only maintains offices on the Asylum. Their laboratories and primary offices are located on Yridia II.

Microbiology (MB)

While some would argue that MB belongs as a part of ID, the facility directors and even the head of ID point out that MB encompasses much more than pathogenic research. Especially given the aquatic nature of Yridia II. MB and ID collaborate closely in identifying and cataloging pathogens, and MB is charged with tracking mutation patterns, as well as the genetic lineage of all native species present on each habitable planet within the Yridia System.

Synthetic Chemistry (SC)

SC provides detailed chemical research for both energy, medical, military and mundane use. Most chemistry researchers within Yridia receive a significant portion of their funding through SC.
