
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Template:Sith charinfo Raken is purely and simply an engine of revenge.

Character History

"The devil is not what you think..."

Raken's history is the journey of a man who was once child, then slave, then monster. His name is the Basic derivitive of the Dathomiri word rah-k'ah, or "beaten one". A fitting appellation given the unmitigated brutality of his existence. His tale ennumerates for us The Four Stages of the Darkside: Temptation, Imperilment, Submission, and Atonement. Within each phase we experience his pain and bear witness to his anger. He is a man lost to the universe through the cruelties of fate and the iniquities of those who serve themselves above all things. Say what one will, he has become what he was made.

Enter the World of Pain

8 BBY to 3 BBY

"And you too shall walk the path..."

Raken was born in the eighth year preceeding the Battle of Yavin. His parents, whose names are lost to us, were planetary engineers, or terraformers, who saw an opportunity for wealth and a secure future on a forgotten colony world. Making their home on the failed-core planet, the couple went about the arduous task of revitalizing the dead the world. Raken was born on the Eve of Hope, an Elomin religious holiday, to his excited parents.

The enormously heavy gravity of the world required the use of powered exo-skeletons and made progress painfully slow. Horribly maimed in a terraforming accident, Raken's father would barely survive. Crippled and severely embittered by his condition, he distanced himself from the family forcing Raken's mother to take on more of the role of both mother and father. Over the subsequent years, Raken watched his father's health slowly fade as he drew away from his son to sink ever deeper into his misery.

Raken and his grief-stricken mother buried his father on the dead world when he was five years of age.

Black Leaves

3 BBY to 2 ABY

"Only in the wake of fire can true strength be known..."

By the summer of his fifth year, Raken's mother had gone quite mad with guilt and regret over the death of her husband. The terraforming project was flirting with bankrupcy and many colonists had already begun an exodus from the planet amid rumors of corporate sabotage intended to recoup the company's losses through insurance fraud.

The summer winds brought a sour tang with them that was discovered to be an unusually high concentration of methane and ammonia. The air quality worsened to the point of mandatory evacuations being ordered by the company directorate. What flora had been planted to help revitalize the atmosphere now turned black starved for oxygen and poisoned by the mounting concentrations of deadly gasses.

The change came rapidly causing wide spread panic until the remaining populous broke and ran scrambling for any ship that would lift them beyond the lethal grip of the world's atmosphere. Unable to secure transport and under the reason of madness and dillusion brought about by the noxious air, Raken's mother placed a small energy pistol in her mouth and vaporized the back of her head.



"Without hope, the chains of weakness are released..."


2 ABY to 3 ABY

"In madness, at least, one is never alone..."


7 ABY to 12 ABY

"That which you fear knows why..."

The Arts of Revenge

3 ABY to 7 ABY

"To the disciplined mind and will, the body answers..."


12 ABY

"Freedom is like immense pain; one does not truly know it, til he has experienced it..."

Necessary Evil

22 ABY

"With dark intentions, one may find himself in the company of wolves..."


"Unto death forseen, he shall know no bar to his will..."

When Raken's eyes were taken by the Sisters in his 13th year, there was a dark vision shown him by the maddening whispers within his mind. As blood pooled in the sockets and his vision showed him his right eye removed with a dull stone knife, the pain sent Raken into a deep trance within the eddies of the Force.

A lake of blood stretched out before him rippling at his ankles as he wade deeper into its crimson depths. Floating face-down at the surface were the bodies of hundreds of Nightsisters slain by his hand. Their stringy dark hair spread out around their bloated heads like writhing snakes. Raken bled from many wounds inflicted during the battle. He could feel his life ebbing away, yet he was without fear. For the first time in his brutally short life he was at peace. The light faded as his refulgent eyes went dark and he slid beneath the surface of the lake.

From the relative peace of his vision, Raken was brought back to the muddy surface of consciousness by his own screams. The pulling of his left eye from its socket, he could of course not see, made all things dark forever.

Having seen his own death creates a liberation and calm for Raken that frees him to focus his considerable efforts to his misison.

Rumors & Legend

"In their mouths were the words of his deeds, and in those words both truths and lies would tell his story..."

The Spiderlord

Many among the Brotherhood have heard the whispers of Raken having once been known as The Spiderlord. This honorific was granted him by a primitive culture who worshipped their planet's giant arachnid species. They would send their warriors into the lush forest in search of the mighty spiders lurking within. Only the bravest and most skilled of them would emerge with the prize: the venom soaked fangs of the beasts ripped from their mouths by the warrior's own hands.

One in ten generations succeeded.

Raken accidentally had killed a villager in a contest of skill. The man was the small village's greatest warrior and next in line to assume the challenge of The Spiderlord. Indifferent, though not evil, Raken agreed to take the man's place so that the village would keep its honor and send its finest warrior into the dark wood.

Eight moons rose and fell over the tiny village before a silhouette emerged under the light of the ninth moon. Envenomated and near dying, Raken staggered to the village commons and before the assembled people raised two blood-drenched articulated fangs over his head. A cheer went up that the villagers repeated on each of the next nine nights: cua'toi wa'na-keh...

"Hail to The Spiderlord"

DJB Facts


  • Author of the Clan Plagueis Battleteam System
  • Author of the Clan Plagueis Google Groups Guide
  • Creator of the Clan Plagueis Planetary System Images
  • Creator of the Clan Plagueis Fleet Images
  • Finished 9th Overall in GJW6
  • 5th Prodigy of Plagueis
  • Co-Author of the Antei System

Positions Held


  • Had never heard of an online Star Wars club before joining the DJB
  • Raken Spiderlord was the name of my SWG character