Mandalorian Iron
Mandalorian Iron is a very rare metal, not used by anyone outside of the planet Mandalore. To be more in-line with Star Wars factuality you may consider changing what your weapons are made of or supply information on how you acquired it.--Tron 17:46, 18 April 2008 (MDT)
Mandalorian Medal is rare, but not impossible to find. Freedon Nadd's tomb on Dxun was made of Mandalorian Iron and there have been references to it in other locations as well. I am going to guess the Praetor to the Grand Master could find access to a minimal amount of the stuff.--Sarin 09:09, 24 April 2008 (MDT)
Given the resources he would fictionally have as the Praetor of the Grandmaster, it's plausible that he'd be able to get his hands on a small amount to build his weapons with. --Anubis 14:46, 24 April 2008 (MDT)
Yes, thank you Anubis, I think Sarin made that quite clear --Tron 17:52, 24 April 2008 (MDT)
You can sexify all the quotes on your page by making use of the quote template. Just a suggestion for you as you update stuff. --Shadow Taldrya 02:40, 23 December 2012 (MST)