Talk:Talos Vyranius d'Tana
Your article has been marked questionable because you mention being in a time when the Jedi Temple and Jedi Order do not exist. In the time period you have listed 3 ABY-22 ABY, the Jedi Order was gone or in the later portion of that time, just re-emerging under Luke Skywalker. 3 ABY is when events such as Battle of Hoth and Battle of Endor took place. You say when you were 10 (13 ABY) you were sent to the Jedi Temple on Courscant - but it didn't exist at that time. At 13 ABY Luke Skywalker was using the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV (which had just been built in 11 ABY).
You article is therefore, questionable because of your timeline conflicts. Please adjust this and then the Wiki Staff will remove the Questionable tag. --Tron 16:42, 1 May 2008 (MDT)
You are how old? Born around 5,000 BBY? I find that really hard to believe - you don't even detail any of that in your article. Please clarify --Tron 20:14, 28 December 2007 (MST)
I know Tron remarked on the 5000BBY birth, but 23 ABY would make you 5 years old in the DB timeline. We're currently in 27/28 ABY :P --Shadow Taldrya 17:24, 11 January 2008 (MST)
Caedes will fix it sooner of later. Probably sooner, as a lot of new things are gonna go on. --Anubis 20:39, 5 February 2008 (MST)
Right I fixed it. It was always meant to be 3ABY after Tron remarked on the 5kBBY thing. My finger slipped, I do most of my editing on this page late at night, Im sure we can all relate to how it can go at times =P. Right, I also took out the entire Red Saber Order so if Tron could take that out, that'd be great. Also I'll be adding more links soon and as Anubis said, alot more will be coming soon so I'll wait till then. Alright, I fixed the article. It now has all the links mentioned in the Wiki page. TA
Born in 3 ABY, went to Jedi Temple at age 10 - There was not an active Jedi Temple on Coruscant in 13 ABY. Please look at Jedi Temple at Wookiepedia. It was destroyed 19 BBY, rebuilt circa 36 ABY. Its always a good idea to look up when things took place before putting a date. --Tron 23:25, 30 April 2008 (MDT)
Name/Page Changing
If you're going to constantly change your character's name and thus your wiki page title, please go through the links to the old page (now a redirect) and update them accordingly. Your page doesn't really need 5 different redirects when no one is going to search passed "Talos". Start here - - update the links on all those pages and we can delete that old redirect. Keep that in mind for future name/page changes as well. --Shadow Taldrya 01:40, 30 March 2008 (MDT)
- You're also only supposed to use your DB name for your wiki page. From what I see on your dossier, it is still only "Talos Annedu". Please update your DB names BEFORE changing your wiki pages. --Halcyon 08:08, 30 March 2008 (MDT)
Questionable 2
A few things about Valheru
- Shi is hard to get to, a DJK wouldnt be able to do this unless you have the exact locations. Even Ylith only been there once with the help of a map...hight doubt you could find it just like that.
- Korriban? No-No right there. Even the Elders have rarely visited Korriban, let alone have an estate there.
- Irons from Shi? It is very rare since the Planet itself has been deprived from it's minerals and has no habitation or anything at all.
- Cortosis - Like Korriban, a general DB no-no
- Using the Male Valheru Pic - I'd prefer if you'd use an other one, since that one is the general look of a random Valheru male during the time before the Old Republic, it doesnt work for present times.
Please consult me if you try to use these things, so I can guide you with those.
--Ylith Romanae 14:14, 10 May 2008 (MDT)
I'd just like to note that unless you have a small info paragraph or description about your warbanner, the image goes against the DJB Wiki guidlines set for character pages, and should not be on the Wiki. Please fix this, and go here for more information on this. --Anubis 20:59, 5 June 2008 (MDT)
Do all of your NPCs still have a connection with your character? You've gone through about a half dozen character changes and we need to know if we can delete them or not. --Tron 21:51, 7 June 2008 (MDT)
Batman? Really? In the Star Wars universe, you are Batman? --Tron 00:32, 7 August 2008 (MDT)
You're going to need to remove the Das'Verd armor segment - you gave up that right when you left for CSP and now you're back but in Blue Mist, so no Soulfire Armor. --Sashar 07:33, 22 October 2008 (MDT)
I'm confused on a few things. You say that you joined in 30 ABY, when it is currently 29 ABY, and you are a Dark Jedi Knight. Also, you would only be 17 years of age. Isn't that a bit strange? And how did you find the Brotherhood? That's generally not something that's easy to do, especially if you have parents that aren't Dark Jedi (I assume there's an explanation for how you're Force Sensitive). Oh, and why do you look like Jango? ~ Legorii 20:37, 24 October 2008 (MDT)
I too am...confused, on a few things. How can you be a Dark Jedi Knight with loads of history, yet have not even joined yet. We're only in 29 ABY. Being an exact look-alike of Jango Fett and his clones isn't something you see every day. Being a mandalorian, Jango wasn't Force Sensitive. It's incredibly hard to believe that somebody who looks exactly like him and his clones, would be a Force Sensitive.
I'm not trying to go off on you or anything, really. What I do suggest, however, is taking a look at other articles that have been written (there is a large selection of featured articles) and come up with something that doesn't involve looking like a clone. Keep your join date to the time you joined in real life, and work your way up from there. Good luck in writing the new article. --Anubis 20:49, 24 October 2008 (MDT)
In Tritus's defense, there is nothing wrong using any Star Wars image (even those of clones - he doesn't claim to be on clone descent). You Legorii look just like Volfe Karkko, Anubis you look just like a Sith Soldier (armor that has not been around in almost 4000 years), and I look just like Lucien Draay. So there is nothing wrong with how he looks or what he wears, at this time we let lunatics have their own starships - we stopped arguing with the members about how they could afford ships worth hundreds of thousand credits (because it is all soon to be done away with). If he can make the outfit when he logs in to domain, I see no reason he cannot wear it. His article has been cleared so there is no argument about his past any longer. But again in his defense not alot of members know when in the SW timeline we are - and it is not impossible for someone to join the DB at age 17 or to have found it - we are scouting the galaxy looking for new recruits and (like the Jedi before us who took newborns) we like to manipulate younger ones since they are easier to mold at that age. Keep in mind this club is made strong by members who take initiative and reach out. In the future try not to discourage this sort of thing as you've done here. If you see someone making an error , by all means correct them, but don't tear them down. --Tron 22:54, 24 October 2008 (MDT)
Understood. --Anubis 07:48, 25 October 2008 (MDT)
Vampires = No
No, there are no vampires in Star Wars. Check out Anzati. Might do the trick for you. If not, find something else, there's no such thing as Vampires, hybrid or otherwise in the Star Wars Universe, or the DB. --