Marshal of the Armies of Tarentum - Marshal Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae
For information on ranks, please check out Tarentum's Military.
Fleet Commander: Vice-Admiral Kessian Armus
Battlegroup Commander: Rear Admiral Welshman Corsair Tarentae Commander, Air Group: Commander Archean Erinos Tarentae
Captain: Captain Adien Corsair
Role: Ship of the Line - The Magnus Kaerner serves as the central component in Tarentum's entire force, acting as the flagship of Task Force Piranha. Major operations will heavily involve the Magnus Kaerner and her compliment of fighters and troops.
Captain: Commander Troutrooper Tarentae
Role: Heavy Assault - The Doomsday functions to compliment the already awesome firepower allowed Clan Tarentum through the VSD Corsair. The heavy armament make the Doomsday idea for knocking out ships up to a Light Cruiser class.
Captain: Captain Merlance
Captain: Commander Dranik
Role: Heavy Gun Support - The Acheron serves as a ship of the line in Task Force Piranha.
Captain: Lt. Commander Kromtal Stormfyld
Role: Heavy Gun Support - The Cocytus serves as a ship of the line in Task Force Piranha.
Captain: Lt. Commander Kazarelth Talîsmarr
Role: Heavy Gun Support - The Reqiuem serves as a ship of the line in Task Force Piranha.
Commander: Rekio Corsair Tarentae
Role: Stationary Garrison and Depot - The Aegis is the home base for all of Tarentum's ships, be they shuttles or the VSD Corsair. Acting as a resupply depot for all ships, and as a stopping point for all wishing access to the undersea stronghold: Castle Tarentum.
Commander in Chief: General Doni Tzu Tarentae
Commanding Officer: Major General Frosty Romanae
Commanding Officer: Lt. General Korras