
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Template:Family charinfo

The Dupar Family is a force-sensitive family that has, since becoming a part of the Brotherhood, continued on through a small group of friends located only within Clan Plagueis. It has almost always had ties with the Crimson Tide. Currently it is not an official Brotherhood family, but merely a band of Dark Jedi trying to keep the line going.


Much of the history of the Dupar family line has been lost, as only Gaidal Dupar and Nemo Dupar hold any of the information. The former has gone Rogue, and has not been seen in years, while the latter is on a headhunt, and has not taken the time to write down the precious information he holds.

It is known that the family seems to have always been involved with the group known as the Crimson Tide, and that all of them have been force-sensitive. During the Clone Wars, Ajax Dupar worked as an assassin for Adom Crimson, but sometime before this he had already fathered at least two children to an known women. Both of the children were males, and were named Ullus and Darius Dupar.

Rather Darius and Ullus were force-sensitive is unknown, as both are presumed dead, but it is known that sometime before the Battle of Yavin, Darius fathered Nemo Dupar. Meanwhile, Ullus married to an unknown women and fathered four children, one of which was named Gaidal Dupar.

Currenly, the line has not continued on. Nemo has made it his life long goal to find his father, and as such as pushed aside thoughts of children. Gaidal, meanwhile, has gone Rogue, and has not been heard from in years. The only continuing line of the family is currently that of Aabsdu, who was adopted by Gaidal as his brother, although having children of his own is not a priority for him either.

Family Tree

                         Unknown Ancestor
                    Ajax Dupar--+--Unknown Female                        
                         |             |
 Unknown Female--+--Darius Dupar  Ullus Dupar--+--Nene
                 |                             |
            Nemo Dupar                         |
 |       |                |                  |                  |
 | Unknown Sibling  Unknown Sibling    Gaidal Dupar     Unknown Sibling
    (See Al'Tor)