Keto's Vengeance

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 21:15, 10 June 2007 by Katrila (talk | contribs)

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Once a Battleteam within House Satal Keto of Clan Plagueis, it was all but wiped out during the Sixth Great Jedi War. Unable to recover, it was eventually closed.


Life, Death, and Rebirth

Just after the secret society known as the Krath was founded by Satal Keto and his cousin Aleema Keto, Satal took it upon himself to create his own personal army of strong force sensitive Krath. He was the only one with the knowledge of this army, and called it ‘Vengeance of Keto’. Unfortunately, he was killed by Ulic Qel-Droma in a fierce lightsaber duel before he could recruit a reasonable amount of warriors, leaving the army small, weak, and still developing.

For years, the twelve soldiers trained, hoping to be powerful enough to fulfill Keto’s wishes and rule the galaxy. Eventually, however, they could not overcome the power of the force, and died, leaving the base deserted.

Alas, there was hope, for thousands of years later a young explorer from the Dark Jedi Brotherhood stumbled across their secret base. He entered it and saw the evidence of the ancient army.. Returning to Clan Satal Keto, they formed Battleteam "Keto's Vengeance" in memory of the lost army. Over time the team grow stronger, and when the Dictum of Two Skies took place, the team moved onto House Satal Keto. Here, it continued to grow, but was unknowning of their coming doom...

The Demise

...Coming Soon....

Roll of Commanders

  1. 2/24/2006 to 5/20/2006: Julius Caesar
  2. 5/20/2006 to 9/27/2006: Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius
  3. 9/27/2006 to Present: CLOSED