Nasake Shinjin

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 03:24, 24 March 2007 by Katrila (talk | contribs) (Niman Master moved to Niman Visutor: New last name.)

Template:Krath charinfo




Niman was born on 2 ABY aboard his parent's ship.


Niman's parents had been searching system after system for a place to live. Most systems would give them space, but his parents needed something most systems weren't easily going to give. A home. They had always been in the higher class on Sulon, but this came to a sudden halt when the Empire came and took over. They flew on the Eon Flux. Eventually, they stumbled upon the Enriton system when Niman was 5 standard years old. The royal family's baby, Dismal, was 4 years old. They not only graciously gave them a place to live they allowed them to run for governor of Tempest. They won, suprisingly, and Count Saudu even vetoed his law on cloning for the exiled family.


Niman's Robes

Niman had been given taught sword and hand-to-hand training on Tempest. He took a special liking to long blades and had even hoped one day of acquiring a Sith Sword. He also took up the deceiving art of Shadow Fist fighting. After his parents death Niman knew he had to take the position of Governor and General of Illusia. He had antiquate piloting skills due to training with Dismal on the Eon Flux. His blaster skills were probably his lowest, but they would suffice. One thing that Niman took a special, dark interest in is the art of stealth. He had a ancient stealth field generator, but this was replaced sometime in the future.


Niman had grown very close with Dismal, and once his parents said he must learn the ways of the Force Niman knew he had to go. Dismal left on the Gamerunner and Niman left on the Eon Flux. Once, the Human left he got a message from Tempest saying that all the planets in the Enriton system had been bombarded by Star Destroyers. My parents and Dismal's were dead. While still in rage Dismal decided to change course to a remote system. Niman, however, remained on course to Yavin 4. He was still in pain from the loss of his parents, and he was quickly rejected for his instability. They told him to remain for help, but he left. He left for the only place he knew where he could just get lost, Nar Shadda.

Life on Nar Shadda

Life on Nar Shadda is tough if you aren't part of something big. Niman experienced this first-hand on his first couple of mounths on the "Sleepless Moon". Eventually, Niman had killed enough thugs to get the attention of the GenoHaradan (a league of assassins). He did quite a lot of bounties for them, and eventually earned there trust. I had earned a personalized Poison-Blade and Stealth Field Generator. He also had found traces of the Force inside him. He even sometimes used the Force to get some of his bounties more easily. Niman had made quite a life for himself there. He had a great apartment in the Red Sector, a small fortune in credits and the reputation that made some crime bosses shake in their boots (if they had any). Then one day he received a job to kill a Jedi. He didn't think it would be a problem. Just to slip in while they sleep and slit their throat. But, once he did do it it changed him forever. All the power that he felt during her last moments of breath was invigorating for him. After seeing this power he sought to have it. He immediately left on the Eon Flux in search of a way to deepen his knowledge of the Force.

The Search

Niman's Lightsaber

Niman had looked all over the mid and inner rim for places besides Yavin were people taught the ways of the Force. They had heard rumors that there was a secret guild in the Antei system in the outer rim. It was probably their best lead so they set out for the Antei system on the Eon Flux. Traveling through uncharted space is quite an experience in itself. This experience had already changed him quite a bit. Niman also had the time to hone his Force abilities. Eventually he reached the border of the Antei System without going through a sun. The Human looked at Antei's brilliant sun, and suddenly something decloaked of to the left side of the ship. Before Niman could could get to the bridge the ship was hit with an ion cannon blast and the ship was a-drift. Then a tractor beam pulled the ship towards it. Then, the Human woke up on a shuttle to the Shadow Academy.


After a few months at the Shadow Academy Niman was sent to recruit someone as part of his ascension to be a full member of the Dark Brotherhood. He left and searched for the only friend he knew of at the time, Dismal. Niman had traced him to remote farming world. He had studied the weak thing he had become through years of farming. He knew he wanted a different life. So, I did the most humane thing I could think of. The Human walked up to him in a small diner, and they caught up on what had happened. However, Niman smartly left out the Dark Brotherhood entirely. He eventually persuaded for Dismal to take him to the Gamerunner. Once inside Niman quickly injected him with a Tranquilizer Dart, and the Krath brought him to the shuttle to The Shadow Academy.


Niman received a Genoharadan Poison-Blade as a reward during his service to the guild. Also, he received a Stealth Field Generator as an award. He also received a special sound dampening armor that was taken from him when he entered the Shadow Academy. The Headmaster said it gave him an unfair advantage to the rest of the students.

Positions and Afflitions

Niman is currently a Dark Jedi Knight of the Dark Path. He is afflicted with Clan Plagueis andViad House Satal Keto. He is the Vidame of Khurr. Niman is also a Learner in the Antei Combat Center. He is a Aedile of the House Satal Keto. Finally, he is a Prodigy of Plagueis


  • Niman is the owner and pilot of his own ship, The Eon Flux
  • Niman is a member of a secretive assassin's guild named the Genoharadan, where he obtained his Poison Blade and Stealth Field Generator
  • Niman is the Aedile of House Satal Keto.
  • Niman is afflicted to House Satal Keto of Clan Plagueis
  • Niman is the former student of Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor
  • Formely named 'Niman Master' and is now just called 'Niman.'
  • Newly elected Prodigy of Plagueis