A harbinger of chaos that serves herself first, so much so that she forfeits the Rule of Two. In that sense—despite the era that she was born in—Alaisy Tir'eivra is a very traditional Sith, following the code as they did before the Sith Lord Darth Bane made his mark on the ancient Order.
Her harrowing, enigmatic appearance demands attention, while Tir'eivra's tenebrific aura tends to fill the space around her. She has garnered a reputation of utter ruthlessness and occupies a diplomatic niche in situations where fear and intimidation are key.
Strict Imperial upbringing on an isolated, toxic remnant world forced the female Human to adapt and put her emerging talent in Sith Alchemy to use, animating objects and experimenting with materials to beat back loneliness. One of her crowning achievements is the creation of her living alchemical suit made from the treesap of Tratlaum's last Bleeding Willow tree, which is now metonym with her black-clad, shimmering appearance.
Corruption, caused by her deep immersion into the Dark Side of the Force may have been one reason for her unnatural height. The symbiosis and merging with her suit halted her growth and helped to mend the cycle of damage the Dark energies caused to her body. The integration of the memories and plant-like properties of her symbiote make it difficult to determine whether Alaisy is still even Human, but she is determined to bestow the name of 'Aphotis' upon herself once the time is right.
Personality & Interests
Alaisy Tir'eivra is by nature a gloom-ridden, pessimistic, and passionate creature. She works hard to blend terror with seduction. For her, it is both a weapon and a lifestyle. Her constant pessimism is her answer to the fragility of hopes and expectations. In her eyes, worse is always yet to come and it is better to be ready than surprised.
One way in which she keeps terrors on the surface is by often plunging into a dreamstate. This is where she tends to her garden of trepidations, keeping them vital and ready to be unleashed onto her prey. The tall woman gathers inspiration in places with great tragedy, beset by ruin and decay. Sometimes she is seen deep in thought or surprisingly willing to share melancholy with others.
On the surface, she can seem like a very selfish person. However, there are situations in which she can open up to others, or even support them. Self-improvement is her main drive, both as a Sith and as a person. While Alaisy draws deeply from the Sith code, it is her love for trials and challenges that push her further. This is also an area in which she can show empathy. Seeing someone else struggle and work hard for their goals delights her. But she also relates to someone's worth in rivalries, deep philosophical debate, or by learning from their experience in life.
Pain and hardships are large elements in this. Struggle being the chance to improve your survival, both physically and mentally. As a result she is a terrible team player, putting so much importance on the power of the individual that she does not believe in friendships or working together towards a common goal.
Conflict is something Alaisy actively seeks in order to avoid stagnation. She will use every trick in the book to come out on top, or to learn from her betters. She shows no remorse when killing, sometimes enjoying a much less complicated outcome. The only condition is the amount of pain inflicted, often wanting more of it. Both to inflict it and to receive it.
From birth onward her life has been regimented, mostly due to her Imperial upbringing. This has made her very self-disciplined, efficient, and self-sufficient. But that order and strictness can get in the way of her yearning for freedom. This is a point of frustration when she has to wait and can't fully utilize her free time.
The merging with her symbiote has calmed her down somewhat, being a long-living organism, it taught her to look much further into the future. It also opened up alchemical solutions to evolutionary lackings. She is not beyond the genetic modification of herself or others in the name of beauty or fear. Sith and Nightsister rituals are often used by Tir’eivra to justify immoral experiments.
After all, there is always room for improvement.
In more than one way she knows that societies cannot condone her behavior, but as much as it antagonizes people against her, it also breeds a competitive admiration towards her. Fear makes others pliable, freezing them in place and beauty makes them fight for her, sometimes against each other even. It is such a perfectly chaotic combination that she doesn’t even try to hide straight up war crimes. Someone else will take the fall, or sees her as the perfect monster for the job.
Tir'eivra has very pale, soft, white skin lacking any scarring on her body. Strangely it has very few, if any, pores or hairs, and her veins are set deeper. Her shiny, black tail is about 140 centimeters long (4'6") and connects to her spine in a smooth gradient at her back.
Her raven hair is almost as shiny as the latex she wears. It is also surprisingly heavy, falling straight, without ever having a single stray hair. Her hair gets polished by her oils just like her second skin does and it consists of less keratin and large amounts of isoprene.
Finally, her eyes are no longer grey, but electric blue instead. When she dips into the Dark Side of the Force they tend to gain a glow to them. When she goes further they bleach themselves into a bright white.
Many of these unnatural anomalies are products of alchemical experiments, gene-splicing, and the merging with her symbiote.
She also has tattoos. Rarely seen, because of neck corsets, Alaisy has a tattoo covering her neck. It consists of two large circles with the name 'Aphotis' spelled out in Basic. Meaning 'of perpetual darkness'. Smaller lettering in ur-Kittât on the large circles shows the pilgrimages she has made to important dark nexi.
Lastly, her eyeliner has been tattooed on permanently by Sith Pincerbugs. Meant to be permanent and excruciatingly painful, this further shows her devotion to embodying beauty and terror.
Apparel, Design, and Philosophy
Of course, the first thing anyone identifies about Alaisy is her shiny latex clothing. Her alchemical suit, or second skin as she calls it, most often comes in the shape of a full-bodied catsuit. On other occasions, she has been seen in public having it shaped into various dresses. She accessorizes it with corsets, belts & buckles, and armbands. The only times that she layers on different clothing is in places that are very dry or are afflicted by acid rain. These are most often hooded cloaks.
She's also often caught wearing a personalized facemask. There are many reasons why Alaisy chooses to wear one. The most plain reason would be that a mask can be very intimidating. Sith often wear them, either to channel power into the objects themselves or to aid in their terrifying appearance.
They also allow them to block outside influences. It conveys the message that they fully embrace the Dark Side. In Alaisy's case, her mask is her identity, as much as her face. A lot of thought went into the design of her facemask, from its appearance to its functions.
The functionality of her transparisteel domed visor is that it gives her a wide peripheral view, and the ability to darken it enables her to dim bright lights. Aesthetically, it transmits femininity and mystery. She can choose when to show her eyes and reveal her emotions, but when she leaves the lens opaque it makes her look esoteric and predatorial. The metal plating is practical for structural strength, but it also symbolizes restriction and dedication by binding her high ponytail in a cuff and sealing onto her neck corset.
Tir'eivra feels safe behind a mask, having grown up wearing one on her home planet Tratlaum. It illustrates her freedom, being able to explore the toxic outdoors without worry, enabling her to escape the stresses of her Imperial upbringing. Many Sith choose to make their mask uncomfortable or painful to wear, strengthening their devotion to the Dark Side. Alaisy foregoes this by instead giving her mask the ability to temporarily cut off her supply of oxygen. Doing this gives her the ability to focus and push through inhuman amounts of pain and struggle, much like a shot of adrenalin would. Aside from this, her mask is as much part of her as her Alchemical skin is, it can feel warmth, pressure, cold, and pain. This sensitivity gives it an allure and sensuality.
In general, she always wears heels. The combination of dominance, power, elegance, and balance makes them an absolute must. To her, they are as comfortable to walk or run on as her own feet. They are always at least ten inches in height because, to her, it makes them proportionate to her tall frame. She isn't stupid however, if there is a grid on the floor specifically meant to trap them, she will either use a repulsor to float over the obstacle or take them off. And she certainly knows how to use them as weapons.
Alchemical Second Skin
Tir’eivra’s Alchemical Suit is a living garment, made of solidified, milky white liquid, that functions as her second skin, and when fully extended covers more surface area than her primary biological skin. Made of epithelial cells with large amounts of isoprene, it can be classified as an organ, as it is a collection of tissues that serve similar functions.
When fully stretched, it covers her tail, parts of her mask, her boots, and belts. The attire can fully retract into her tail and settle between her spinal discs. It lacks pores or hairs, and adjusts pressurization depending on the environment. Temperature regulation is mainly managed by her tail, by balancing blood flow over its long length. The suit's reflective finish comes from a nourishing, anti-inflammatory oily substance produced by glands; these oils also serve a minor function as temperature regulators, both on top of the second skin, and below it. The latex is not chemically chlorinated and gains a matted texture when it is left untreated.
Only Alaisy can willfully remove, or adjust its coverage. She can also grant permission. Forceful removal, however, can be excruciatingly painful as it is incredibly sensitive. While it can be dyed, changing colors is taxing and temporary. The suit takes various shapes, favoring a full-coverage catsuit but can adapt to different clothing forms, though some require longer growth cycles. The latex can cover surfaces beyond her skin, like her mask and shoes, thus sharing with those accessories her senses of pain, pressure, warmth and cold. Buckles and other metal pieces can be attached similarly to skin piercings.
Although not classified as armor, the suit is effective at repelling high-velocity attacks for a very limited time. Practically it can only be compared to light armor in overall performance. When damaged, it can repair itself by slowly weaving strands and tendrils together, feeding off of the Dark Side of the Force.
Character History
Early Life (14 ABY - 30 ABY)
Alaisy at the age of 8.
Alaisy at the age of 16.
Clan Arcona ABY39: from left to right Aiden, Lucine, Marick, Atyiru, Alaisy, Zujenia, Kordath, and Sera