Perdition (group)

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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General information
  • Original: Dassac
  • Reformed: Trilsha
  • Dassac
  • Trilsha
  • Tiysha (formerly)
Historical information

31 ABY


32 ABY


33 ABY

Other information
Notable members:
  • Mercenaries
  • Former One Sith

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

Perdition is a rogue, mixed militant group composed of various mercenary hirelings, former agents of the now-extinct One Sith organization, and the personal army of three powerful Dark Jedi. Formed by said Force-users in 31 ABY during the One Sith's crusade against the Brotherhood, Perdition is cooperatively lead by two former One Sith operatives, a Warlord named Trilsha and her Master, the Elder Dassac. A third leader, Dassac's second apprentice and Trilsha's sister, Tiysha, headed the group's martial operations before her death in 33 ABY.


The Triad of Perdition

In 30 ABY, the Dark Jedi Brotherhood began a campaign to conqueror old Sith worlds and to eliminate their adversaries in the One Sith. Battling across many planets over the next galactic year, it became increasingly apparent to both Brethren and One Sith alike that their war would not end quickly. In 31 ABY, one of the One Sith's most powerful Elders, Dassac, forsaw a long and tiresome war of attrition, and decided that staying with his organization was no longer beneficial. He took his two apprentices, the Zeltron sisters Tiysha and Trilsha, marshalled their forces, and departed from the One Sith fleet aboard his ship, the ISD-I Inferno, in the middle of an engagement.

Hailing themselves as Perdition, the final damnation, Dassac and the sisters retreated from Sith space with their forces and traversed the Outer Rim, very selectively selling their services and building caches of wealth so that they could expand into a small squadron. While Dassac ultimately headed the group and commanded the complete loyalty of his apprentices, Tiysha oversaw their troops and combat operations while Trilsha dealt behind the scenes with politicking, logistics, intel, and planning. They worked as a triad: the elder, the assassin, and the shadow. For the next few years they continued this way, while Dassac quietly observed the looming defeat and eventual betrayal of the One Sith at the Brotherhood's hands, and knew he had chosen well.

In 33 ABY, Perdition was contacted by a man named Ethran Sayre. Sayre, a Dark Jedi in his own right, had a mysterious vendetta with Arcona of the Brotherhood, and was not only willing to pay handsomely, but provide a fleet of additional troops. Dassac, interest piqued by a chance to analyze his former enemies up close and relatively discretely, accepted the contract. Perdition united with Sayre's forces, hiring additional mercenaries funded by another agent, Dimitri Faust, of the Faust Corporation, a long-standing rival to Arcona's S.C.E.P.T.E.R. organization. The plan was an elaborate one, and Sayre its mastermind: Perdition would be "hired" by Faust while Sayre conducted his machinations in shadow, traveling with a smaller squadron while the main invading force went ahead, his goal the complete and total domination of Clan Arcona - but not its destruction.

Perdition and Faust, directed by Sayre, worked to systematically position themselves at all levels throughout Arcona's home system and planet while the Clan was busy scrapping over Sith worlds. Upon Arconan forces' return to Selen, their homeworld, Perdition launched their attack with the attempted assassination of the then-Galeren Aedile, Atyiru Caesura Entar. In the siege that followed, Arconan forces were outmaneuvered and outmatched at nearly every turn, their resistance vicious but slow. Perdition managed to conquer the Clan, only to be ordered to retreat from the system completely by Sayre. They did so, somewhat begrudgingly, and departed the Dajorran system shortly thereafter. With Faust and his men obliterated in the fighting, Sayre paid Perdition and disappeared into the stars.

However, Perdition had not come out fully unscathed. Tiysha had been killed in the fighting by one of Arcona's Equites, Ood Bnar, and Trilsha was devastated. The triad broken, their forces and fleet damaged, and their bridges burned with the One Sith's defeat, Dassac allowed Perdition to scatter and crumble, leaving his remaining apprentice behind as he took to his own more profitable pursuits of power.

Nearly a year later, in late 33 ABY, Dassac was traveling the Core worlds, having watched the final end of the Brotherhood and One Sith's war - and the reclamation of the Sith worlds - from afar, when he was contacted by his old apprentice. Trilsha, cold and of a mind for vengeance, had spent her time gathering and bolstering Perdition's fragmented remains, and wanted Dassac to join her in returning to Dajorra and finishing the damnation of Arcona. Dassac, amused by the idea, agreed. Lead by Trilsha and armed with Dassac's cunning and resources, Perdition set out for Selen, intent on wiping out S.C.E.P.T.E.R., Galeres, and Arcona as a whole...



Perdition operates much like any other mercenary or criminal group, immoral and ruthless, despite the party's aloof and militant behavior. It conducts its many and varied operations in relative secrecy, typically obfuscating their involvement with Force-users beyond initial contact and direct interaction as required by their assignment. The majority of its forces are mundanes of mixed martial and scholarly background, ranging from former One Sith sycophants to personal armies and households of their Dark Jedi overlords, additionally accompanied by healthily paid and healthily fearful mercenaries. Their jobs chiefly included assassinations, artifact retrieval, infiltration, intimidation, or personal defense, but branched to other, more superfluous tasks on occasion, as it amused their leaders.

In its reformed incarnation, Perdition exists not as a mercenary group, but as a revenge-driven cult, accompanied by swarms of hirelings and paid guns.


Commanders: the Three-Headed Beast

The Elder


"Did you think I was done with you, little ones? Oh, no, no..."

A powerful and old Dark Jedi, Dassac ultimately rules Perdition, just as he ruled his apprentices and his former One Sith legionnaires. The Chistori male, well into his fifth decade, was known for being polite but volatile, merciless but oftentimes honorable, and had a wry sense of humor. The keen, cruel, nearly unhinged intellect shining in his reptilian gaze was often enough to bring any who faced him to their knees. His motives often seemed to be driven by little more than personal entertainment and a thirst for knowledge and novelty, but anyone glimpsing the shade of predatory sadism and wicked cunning to his character would know that the Adept's goals run dark and deep.

Favoring a red saberstaff, Force Lightning, and telekinetic powers in addition to his natural strength, agility, and predatory jaws and teeth, when he did chose to fight himself instead of allowing his younger apprentices to do so, the Chistori was considered rather formidable.

The Assassin


"Too small to make a proper rug out of you, fool, but perhaps we can make a jacket, hmm?"
―Tiysha to Kordath Bleu d'Tana

The wildest and most bloodthirsty of the triad, Tiysha is the younger sister of Trilsha and Dassac's red right hand. Mentally unstable, the psychotic, violent, Zeltron grew up in her older sister's shadow, constantly resenting her. When the siblings drew Dassac's notice at a young age, Tiysha devoted herself to her Master, constantly trying and failing to become his most trusted and valuable asset, an honor that always belonged to Trilsha. Sadistic, playful, and cunning, Tiysha developed from a mindless rancor to a horrifyingly effective and savage vornskr, both her Master's attack dog and assassin. When she wasn't cleaning the blood from her clothing, she oversaw the ruthless training of Perdition's troops.

Though possessing an unpredictable and murderous affinity for the Force, Tiysha truly excelled in martial and lightsaber techniques, able to effortlessly defeat even Dassac in one-on-one saber combat. She also possessed expertise in certain stealth weapon tactics, and was an accomplished sniper. For all her skill, however, Tiysha was wounded several times throughout the Siege of Selen, and eventually killed by one of Arcona's Equites.

The Shadow


"You mistake me. I am not here to talk. I am here to obliterate your existence. Captain, launch the warheads."
―Trilsha upon contact with SCEPTER forces

Intelligent, aloof, cold, haughty, and cruel, Trilsha is the wisdom to her sister's power and Master's leadership. Extremely clever and well aware of it, she is a sleek, disdainful, and frigid manka cat in contrast to her younger sister's bumbling violence. Having seen opportunity in joining Dassac and is One Sith, Trilsha set her eyes on gaining power and influence, finding something close to contentment in her ability to outpace and overcome any who challenged her or the sibling she was obligated to keep track of. Often acting as Dassac's assistant and second-in-command, Trilsha climbed the One Sith's ranks and eventually came to rule Perdition alongside her two partners. She served behind the scenes as Perdition's coordinator, spymaster, and diplomat, only dirtying her hands at the direct command of her Master or at personal whim.

Of an equal with her deceased sister in the Force, Trilsha wielded a single saber and made extensive use of a repertoire of mental Force abilities. Trained in subterfuge and stealth killings like her siblings, she also excelled at slicing and interrogation.

General Forces

Besides its Force-touched leaders, Perdition was also composed of many former One Sith members as well as the personal forces of several Dark Jedi. Originally, the majority of its ranks were composed of these servants and zealots, but after its reformation in 39 ABY, the group's strength had thinned considerably, and much of its forces are now mercenary in nature. Though their naval power had once expanded, Perdition's fleet now boasts only a handful of ships along with its original carrier, the Inferno. However, all its troops, mercenary or otherwise, are well-equipped, well-trained, and perhaps most importantly, well-paid.
