Christopher Winchester

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 12:11, 27 February 2016 by Nero Inferni (talk | contribs)
Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
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{{Character |type= Jedi |image= |firstname= Nero |lastname= Inferni |homeworld= New Tython |birth= 0 ABY (age 43)

|death= |species= Human |gender=Male |hair= light brown w/ grey |eyes= Blue |height= 6' 2" |weight= 187 lbs |cyber= |mother= |father= |children= |spouse= |allies= |enemies= |saber= |form= |weapons= |fightingstyle= |profession= |position= [[Magistrate] to the Master At Arms |era= |affiliation= |ship= |masters= |apprentices= |dossier= 13401 }}

Nero Inferni is a Human male Jedi Peacekeeper of Clan Taldryan.

Character History

Early Life





Powers and Abilities

Lightsaber Abilities

Force Powers

Other Skills

Physical Description

Nero is a middle-aged human male with an athletic build that shows, despite his age, he is in great health. He has a square jaw and high cheekbones, with a nose that you can look at and tell has been broken at least once before. The faint lines in his face tell the tale of a man who has not led an easy life. His eyes are the color of ice flows on arctic water. The salt-and-pepper color of the stubble on his face and the grey feathered throughout his short, light brown, hair show his age.


Positions Held
Before Position After
Battle Team Formed Battle Team Leader of The Harbingers
37 ABY - 38 ABY
Armags C’Hiesa
Corax Battle Team Leader of The Harbingers
39 ABY
Battleteam Closed
Armags C’Hiesa Aedile of House Dinaari
39 ABY
Aiden Lee