Mirus Hi'ija

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Mirus Cavataio
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description







199 lbs




Dark brown



Personal Information

Old Folks' Home



Lightsaber Color(s):

Red Armory Lightsaber

Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):

Broken Gate, Dulon, K'thri

Chronology & Political Information





Dark Jedi Brotherhood


House Taldryan

Personal Ship:


Known masters:

Rian Aslar

Known apprentices:




[ Source ]

"So be it. Let the fires of battle consume us!"
―Mirus Cavataio, to Kaun Denaria of the Misty Falls Clan of Dathomir

Mirus Cavataio is a warrior from the planet of Dathomir and the heir of a long Force-sensitive bloodline. Having been raised on the Force, constant battle under the guidance of his father and the idea of the Sith, he left his homeworld to discover the Sith. Two years later he found himself at the halls of the Brotherhood to learn the arts of the Force, first becoming a Sith and then an Obelisk. He is a member of House Taldryan and a proud warrior who will gladly put his life on the line to defend the House from any threats to its precious and revered unity.


Birth and Youth

Dathomir, Mirus' homeworld.

Mirus was born in the year 9 ABY to Lauda Cavataio and Sanies Robur, a priestess of Dathomir and a slave of the Morte clan. The Morte clan, while not the most dominant of clans, was still a definite presence on the planet of Dathomir, led by a Superior Mother named Petra Cavataio, who also happened to be Mirus' grandmother. Petra Cavataio was an ancient Sith witch. Some say she lived for thousands of years with a combination of the Dathomiri and Sith arts, but those who asked tended not to survive the encounter. Mirus also had a twin sister named Mira and an adopted sister, one year younger, named La'Ca. They lived in the Morte clan's stronghold, built into the side of a mountain near the Dreaming River. All three of these children shared one very important thing: the fact that they were all potentially strong Force-sensitives, being of Force-sensitive heritage themselves from both their mother and father's sides. This made them prized possessions of the Morte clan and all three of them would be destined for greatness.

Mirus' early youth was fairly normal for most children of the galaxy. Educated at home by hired tutors from off-world along with his two sisters, he learned a wide variety of disciplines: sciences, arts, mathematics; most normal school subjects. All of it was under the purview of the education of the Dathomiri children, carefully administered to them by their rather doting and rather well-travelled mother Lauda. She, having majority custodianship of the three children, preferred that they grow up like normal children. The mundane subjects that their mother taught, contrasted with Sanies' teaching on the side when the time was available to both Sanies and Mirus, gave him a nice and balanced early life. He played sport with other children of the clan, especially games such as grav-ball with the other boys. It was a rough and tumble life, and fighting was often common with other boys, as little boys were apt to do. He did tend to get along with most people for the majority of the time, which made making friends in the clan simple.

Mirus' father, Sanies Robur.

Dathomiri culture, especially that of the Morte clan, was a total matriarchy. Men were no better than slaves, even when born into a position of power as Mirus was. His father Sanies, little more than a skilled warrior-slave from the nearby planet of Bandomeer, belonged to the Superior Mother and was typically away from his children for long spans of time. Many years before he was captured and then raised as her pet assassin, given a prized weapon - a lightspear, with a phrik-plated haft. The times that Mirus and his father got to spend together were extremely important to Mirus; it was Sanies that taught him how to fight with a sword, how to hunt, to fish, to live off the land and regaled him with tales of missions of hunting and tracking foes for his grandmother and the fierce battles that he took part in with rancors and rebels alike. This put a sense of purpose and adventure into young Mirus, even from an early age. While his sisters took after their mother and learned the Dathomiri magics, Mirus preferred physical arts. This would be the major shaping impact on the things that became his later life.

A First Taste Of Power

Rumours had always floated around the stronghold that, beyond the arts of magic that were common, Petra Cavataio had studied Sith arts many years ago. Out of the three children, Mirus was the only one truly curious as to its nature. As he grew older, he asked more and more questions of his grandmother, who grew to loathe him more and more for his inquisitive nature. He wanted to know what the Sith were, which she told him. But she would never, ever, ever reveal any of the secrets that the Sith held. This was not a situation he could abide so he concocted a plan to enter the library of scrolls that were under constant guard at all times. These scrolls possessed the secrets of magic and the Force that the witches of the Morte clan ascribed to. Mirus set a creature from the family zoo known as a purbole loose into the library, letting the little beast terrorise and tear up the place while his father was on guard duty. He wanted to know those secrets at any cost, eventually stumbling on a number of journals of Petra's written many years ago on the topic of Sith Alchemy and a treatise on the Code of the Sith until he was discovered by his grandmother. This earned him two days in the dungeons tortured by his own father, given the fact that Sanies had failed to keep someone out of the highest restricted section of the library of scrolls.

However, this did not deter Mirus; in fact, it did quite the opposite. It set in him a burning desire and aspiration of learning those secrets, the secrets to the supposed ultimate power his grandmother wielded. If he could have such power for himself one day, he would break free of the male oppression that the witches tended to practise. He could be a somebody too on this planet, which was a thought that pleased him greatly. One day he would have to return to the idea and become stronger. In his youth, however, it was not to be, and the idea was shelved for a later year.[1]

Starting Down The Warrior's Path

By age fifteen, Mirus had become a stronger fighter. Spending more time with his father and really taking up the art of the sword as a more dedicated practise given the Morte chosen weapon was a sword. Mirus found himself working with the armies of the Morte clan in many types of training, both tactical and practical. He knew how to handle himself in battle and how to wield his weapon, training with people twice his age and easily a foot taller than him while he was still growing. It was here that he was starting to learn the art of Broken Gate, a martial art common across the galaxy. All of this made him a keen young warrior, thirsty for his first fight against a real enemy and hungry to learn more about the arts of battle.

His first real test in battle was a trial fought between the Morte clan and the Misty Falls clan over a disagreement that the two Superior Mothers had. Mirus found himself taking his first life in this fight, an older slave that fought him sword on sword. Mirus took his first real wound from this man only to cut his hand off then stab him between two ribs, killing his first enemy. It was a glorious moment, followed by two more kills later on in the chaotic and violent battle. For his efforts, Mirus was awarded the dragon's fangs tattoos next to his left eye, a Morte clan symbol of a warrior's greatness in battle. Almost every single Morte warrior who survived their first battle carried the mark as a reminder that thir lives were now entwined forever with the arts of war and that they could never leave its harsh embrace.[2]

Much of his early adulthood was spent fighting alongside the army. His skills grew with a sword, tested primarily on raiders from other clans and marauders and smugglers from off-world, killing many men in the process of defending the Morte clan stronghold. Between himself and his father, many enemies of the clan had been slain and his grandmother finally began to see Mirus' worth as a fighter. This was starting to heal the rift created earlier by his little intrusion into the restricted area of the Scrolls. With his ties to his family finally strong and a good sense of his own inner strength, tempered in the fires of battle, Mirus could finally start working on his own projects, building his body to be strong and starting to research deeper mysteries of the Force with greater access to the Scrolls.

Into the Galaxy

As his twenty-fifth birthday approached, Mirus had to make a very difficult choice: he could stay on the planet with his mother, father and sisters, staying in the Dathomiri life with the aspiration of perhaps one day becoming a general of sorts for his clan. Or, he could risk everything and leave the planet in hopes of finding some trace of the Sith and learning their arts from them. He chose the latter and, despite a complete denial and pleading from his sisters and mother not to leave, he did so on a freighter bringing supplies and slaves to the planet. He was left out in the wide Galaxy, with barely any money, the clothes on his back, a very vague notion that he could control the Force and the need to achieve his one goal.

Lynx, the rogue Dark Jedi.

He stumbled onto the planet of Tatooine, where he ran into a strange sentient; a Kel Dor who seemed to know more about Mirus than he ever told this man. The Kel Dor made Mirus a simple offer; travel with him for some time and he might be able to help him on his quest. Said travelling companion was actually a rogue member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood who took a particular interest in helping potential new students realise their true calling and offered his assistance freely. Mirus accepted this offer and travelled around the Galaxy, performing various deeds at the behest of his travelling companion, whose name Mirus only knew as Lynx, named for a planet in the Tapani Sector. Their adventures were many, going across the Galaxy and testing themselves against all kinds of challenges, many of them involving illegal activities such as stealing. More than once did they find themselves in trouble with smugglers or pirates, fending them off-- Mirus with his trusty sword and Lynx with a lightsaber of blue. More than once did they have to attack people for their own survival, however, raiding merchant ships and the like just to scrounge for some food and the money they needed for their nomadic lifestyle. They used a battered and old YT-1300 as their base of operations, amusingly called the Ion Maiden.

Eventually it came to the point that Mirus had to fake his own death in order to get some bounty hunters off their back; a short adventure on Tanaab where Mirus and Lynx accidentally managed to kill the son of a government official because he was threatening them with a blaster and his friends who all happened to be mercenaries. The ensuing firefight killed all of the mercenaries and fatally wounded the son, to which the official put a small bounty on their head. Mirus, in a short moment of critical thinking, detonated an escape pod after launching it from their ship while being chased by a pair of Preybird fighters and making the ship drift, appearing dead in space. It was enough to get the pilots off their tail and the bounty off their heads, but Mirus never forgot the lesson: don't cross the governments of any system. With them off his back, Mirus was free to pursue other things.

Over the course of the two years in which they travelled together, Mirus took up the art of Dulon, partially out of the want for improved combat skills but also because Lynx refused to actually teach him anything despite being obviously some kind of Force-user. This frustration helped him hone this art and become proficient in it reasonably quickly. While not a master, it was certainly a start on the right track.

Eventually Mirus and Lynx came across the world of Empress Teta, bathed rich in the history of the Sith and the Krath. It was at this point that Mirus' barrage of questions about the Sith forced Lynx to cave and start telling Mirus about the two. Lynx had sufficiently dragged enough marauders and pirates onto Mirus that he was physically and mentally ready to handle the rigors of the Brotherhood. He told Mirus of the Star Chamber and the Tripartite Path, of Sith, Krath and Obelisk, of Okemi, Tiamat and Ferran - but only in passing mention. He told Mirus that he would have to take a test to prove himself worthy of their powers, of the power of the Sith and the greatness that was the Galaxy's infinite Force. Mirus accepted this offer, just as he had done so with Lynx's original offer two years before. It was time to accept his destiny and embrace the darkness.

Shortly after, Mirus was preparing himself for the first step on the path of the Brotherhood: the Test of Lore. Finally, here was his chance: two years of searching and of training and his chance to learn the powers of the Sith had finally arrived. Lynx dropped Mirus off to take the test, never to see the mysterious Kel Dor again - he'd never even learned his real name. However, that was no longer an issue. He had to focus on his goal. He finally had his chance to become a Sith and Mirus intended to take the chance with both hands and run with it.

From Initiate to Protector

Mirus' acceptance into the Brotherhood came easily, passing his Test of Lore and being sent to the moon of Lyspair over the planet Antei, to the Shadow Academy. At the Shadow Academy it was very clear what Mirus wished to study, applying immediately for the Sith Order and its associated studies. Upon passing his first basic exam, the Academy presented him with the rank of Apprentice and formal assignment to House Taldryan. At this point, Mirus was transferred out of the Academy and out to Taldryan's headquarters on Karufr, where his training would truly begin. Academy exams could still be taken from his new residence, which he continued to do almost obsessively, attempting to absorb as much of the knowledge as he possibly could, especially that of the Sith. It was staggering and mindblowing, just how much knowledge was available, all of which he tried to absorb as quickly as he could, faring reasonably well in doing so. He enjoyed testing his mind in amidst testing his body and learning the histories of the Sith, studying ancient Darths and their impacts on the Galaxy.

The symbol of House Taldryan.

This wanton lust for knowledge had Mirus recognised by his House summit. They granted him the rank of Acolyte for his dedication to his studies and granted him the use of a training saber and learning the bare basics of lightsaber combat, Form Zero. He spent a lot of time with his combat instructors, almost spending his time entirely with them for his tenure as an Acolyte while waiting for some of his straggling Academy test results to come through. At this point, Mirus truly began to excel. He found that he was not particularly good at using the Force, though he was learning a wide variety of Force powers - instead, his size, strength and natural bent towards physical activity made him a natural in a variety of combat arts. He polished off his skills in Broken Gate and Dulon that he'd learned as he travelled the Galaxy and put finishing touches on them while he started to learn the basics of lightsaber combat.

In fact, his combat progress and prowess was enough that one of his instructors made passing mention to both the Antei Combat Centre and the Grand Master's Royal Guard, both at home on Antei. A trip there would likely not go astray were he to attempt qualifying for them. So saying, Mirus took both of the application tests as soon as he possibly could and found full marks on them. While he could not travel to Antei immediately to begin his training with them, the status of membership was enough for Mirus. He understood the Guard would require advanced training the likes of which he had never seen and the Combat Centre would require a full qualification for its later rounds.

With a spare moment in his training Mirus had the chance to finally qualify for the Antei Combat Centre. He submitted himself for training and judgement, eventually encountering a Krath named Socorra Erinos who tested his skills in the Courtyard of the Elders. Ultimately, Mirus was defeated atop the Spire but learned considerably from the battle, especially his weakness in the Force and resolved to improve that about himself before he made Dark Jedi Knight. [3]

After the qualification on Antei, Mirus remained dedicated to his training and continued practising with his combat and Force instructors, honing his body with harsh training and his mind with continued study. All of this relentless effort eventually paid off and Mirus was granted the rank of Protector.

New Horizons

Upon Mirus' promotion to Protector, things began to change as he took a more active role in participating in the House's activities, not just his own studies. Granted the honour of an armory lightsaber, a considerable upgrade from his training saber, Mirus could then say that he had his own real lightsaber - even if it was only a mass-produced one, he had his own weapon. Not only this, but the House Summit informed him that his duties and responsibilities, as well as the things he could access as a member of the Brotherhood, were now far greater. This prompted him to push harder in his duties in order to live up to the heightened expectations upon him.

"You will come quietly."
―Mirus, to rogue apprentice Kariss

True to this effect, he immediately received a request from the Summit to re-capture one of the apprentices afflicted by the Horizon plague and bring them back to the House for curing. Mirus had essentially missed the entirety of the actual events surrounding this contagion and was fortunate enough not to be infected by them. However, its lingering malady still affected other Journeymen. Mirus set out to the nearby planet of Sarmus, where in its forests he found the rogue Apprentice named Kariss, a Zabrak sniper. In a short yet brutal fight after a discussion of the loyalties of House Taldryan, Mirus defeated Kariss and successfully returned her for her cure. It was a difficult and harrowing experience but Mirus came out stronger for it, learning a lot more about why one had to be part of House Taldryan and loyal to its cause.[4]

Rian Aslar, Mirus' Master.

This attracted the attention of Rian Aslar, the Quaestor of Taldryan. His interest in the Journeyman was so much so that Rian took Mirus on as his Apprentice and their formal training began. Rian immediately began to improve Mirus' training regime considerably, discussing many topics at length in their few moments of downtime when Rian was not occupied with his work as head of the House Summit - battle, home, training. This Master and Apprentice relationship would ultimately be very important to Mirus, forming the very thing that would push him harder as a member of House Taldryan. Being apprentice to the leader of the House was obviously a gigantic responsibility in and of itself and he pushed himself as hard as he possibly could to excel to ensure that Rian's reputation, and that of his own, was never tarnished. A new path had opened, and new horizons awakened to him in the aftermath of the plague. He had many opportunities and had every intention of running with them.

On the Obelisk Path

Under the guidance of his Master, Mirus realised many things, the foremost of which was that his training with Rian was very combat-oriented thanks to Rian's alignment as a member of the Order of Obelisk. This prompted Mirus to deeply contemplate his own choice of following the Sith path. He found that more of his personal traits fell in line with Obelisk and that his decision was made early without understanding the Tripartite Path fully. His own dedication to perfecting his body and combat arts would make him a far better study of the Obelisk philosophy than it would the Sith and he put in a formal request to transfer. A day later he found new robes present at his quarters, clad in blue - Obelisk blue. Mirus could not have been happier that this change was so easily granted to him. With a new purpose, he set out to continue his training.

That training began with the study of the martial art known as K'thri. Not being a particularly lithe or graceful fighter, Mirus barely managed to stumble his way of the first few days of training and looked like an absolute fool while he did. With a lot of time and practise he started to improve, grasping little more than the basics around the time he was given his promotion to Guardian for his hard and dedicated work in helping the House with little tasks and activities. With a renewed promotion and a new-found sense of duty, Mirus pushed his training to the next level, all but sacrificing free time in the pursuit of greater strength in the greatest of Obelisk traditions.

"You are needed back on Dathomir immediately. You have been summoned for a Trial of Grievance."
―Sanies Robur, to Mirus Cavataio

That strength would immediately be tested by a call from his father on Dathomir, asking him to return home to participate in an unknown Trial of Grievance, a way of challenging people for a crime they committed. Mirus asked Shadow Taldrya and the Old Folks' Home to take him back to Dathomir in their ship Senility, which they consented to, teaching him about the way the old guys did things around Taldryan. Sabacc, porn, and napping ensued on the trip to Dathomir, leaving Mirus amazed at how these legends of Taldrya still functioned, but he supposed they had their reasons. Being left on Dathomir, Mirus faced down the Trial the following morning with his father, only to find that a Sith was the one who had masterminded this plot.

The man who had issued the Trial, Kaun Denaria, was the father of the first man that Mirus had ever killed. The Trial of Grievance turned to combat immediately as Kaun challenged Mirus, even going so far as to set off a grenade provided by the Arconan in order to cheat and win. Mirus survived the grenade even though he took a lot of shrapnel to his body, then promptly killed Denaria despite the pain after a mental reminder of his Master's words. Finally he ended the Sith on his father's lightspear after the Sith went berserk. Mirus eventually succumbed to his wounds and the exhaustion of using the Force, his father carrying himself and the Sith back to the Morte stronghold for investigation. Mirus discovered the Sith was an agent from Arcona sent to get at Taldryan's Quaestor through his apprentice. Mirus took this knowledge back to Karufr with him, unsure of what to do next. [5]


Mirus is naturally a large and physically imposing person with a heavyset, muscular frame built from many years of training his body. He stands a not-quite-intimidating five feet and eleven inches, but carries the bulky muscle mass of just shy of two hundred pounds. With very little body fat and a body that tapers down towards his waist, he looks every part the powerful and strong fighter he is. He possesses long, strong fingers, large feet and bronzed skin from spending a considerable amount of time in the sun, pockmarked and weathered though his complexion may be. He has short-cropped and thick black hair, narrow chocolate brown eyes, thin eyebrows, a long nose and wide jaw, face usually kept in a brooding or even emotionless expression. Mirus' face tends not to show much emotion even when irritated but it most certainly be obvious when he breaks out into extreme ends of emotion.

Mirus has a number of scars and tattoos all across his body acquired from various battles fought; the most obvious of all of these are the set of dragon's fangs beside his left eye acquired as a sign of his dedication to battle and the long black coiled krayt dragon around his left bicep. He has a long scar running across the side of his left knee from a slice to his tendon that never fully healed, a set of three claw scars from a rogue nexu running diagonally on his right palm and a slight cut across the bridge of his nose.

In terms of clothing, Mirus chooses simple garments; his preferred choice of Brotherhood attire is the Dathomir robes with cloak as chosen by the Heralds of the Brotherhood. When not wearing that, Mirus chooses to wear a simple pair of tunic pants with a wide fibreweave belt in which he can carry weapons, occasionally wearing durasteel shoulder pauldrons with leather straps across his chest, as well as fabric bracers to absorb sweat. Being from a planet where nudity is often the choice of attire, Mirus must sometimes remind himself to put clothes on before leaving his quarters.


First and foremost, Mirus is a warrior. When in combat he chooses the direct and combative approach, preferring swords and lightsabers to any other possible option, including the Force. Ten years of fighing battles using his sword has taught him the hardiness and impetus that evolves from constant life-threatening battle. He applies that straightforward manner to all aspects of his life from training and study to exercise and even social encounters. This makes him a very dedicated warrior and friend, as well as a follower of a cause that he believes strongly in - however this can lead to an overzealous manner in more than one way, leading him to chase a path he thinks is right with little regard to the truth of a situation. His loyalty is unmatched, however, dedicated to the people close to him and the bonds he forms with those people.

Being from the planet Dathomir, Mirus tends to have a few idiosyncracies. Sometimes he will break out into Paecian, the language of the Dathomiri people, entirely by accident, or leave a few words here and there instead of using Basic. More often than not he will reference Allya as many would invoke the Force as some kind of curse or word for reverence. While his travels across the Galaxy have taught him much about the comforts of modern technology in comparison to a slightly backwards planet, there are still some things about piloting and astrogation he does not understand, requiring someone else to fly him places should he obtain a transport. All of this in mind he does miss his home and his family a lot, especially his twin sister Mira and his father with whom he was closest.

Mirus is a man of few words, a trait inherited from his father, choosing mostly to speak only when spoken to or when the situation calls for it. Oftentimes Mirus comes across as extremely intense and in many ways he is, though tries to curb it when he is speaking to someone. Upon topics of battle he is very passionate and will speak at length about them. As well, the chance to train or learn a new skill is something Mirus tends to enjoy speaking about as well, almost leaping at any chance to do so with even strangers. This, however, assumes that one can get to know Mirus well enough that he will speak more than about five or six words at a time to the person in question.

His major likes are weapons and artifacts related to battle - he enjoys collecting weaponry and relics of wars long past, especially exotic swords and other melee weapons though he will not say no to a good blaster. His collection, however, is small and he is always looking to expand it - which can, and has in the past, landed him in trouble. He enjoys eating berries to the point that he has sometimes been said to have a berry fetish, almost always found with a pouch of berries or small fruits available. He dislikes water and swimming, so much so that he has a phobia of swimming. He also has a phobia of clowns after a particularly vicious incident in his youth involving a deranged clown and a vibroblade. Nobody talks about that any more. He also does not like excessively talkative people, sitting still in one place with nothing to do for a long time and the colour yellow.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Outstanding Achievements
