Kandos Katarn

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 23:21, 13 January 2007 by KandosK (talk | contribs)

Template:Krath charinfo

Character History

The Early Years (1ABY - 16ABY)

Kandos was born on an ex-Imperial colony on the planet Pydyr, as a very young child it was discovered that he had a higher than normal midichlorian count and the local Warlord had him kidnapped and his parents arrested. Kandos grew up in a facility on the other side of the planet and was trained up to be the personal assassin of the local Warlord. This training was provided by the Warlord’s many soldiers, including one of the few Mandalorians left in the galaxy.

And so it went that when Kandos was 14 he was given his first assassination assignment to perform. Infiltrating the base of one of the Warlord’s many opponent’s in the local area Kandos easily killed him and most of his bodyguards. Happy with his new weapon the Warlord sent him out on many similar missions and the Warlord’s territory quickly grew in size as he folded the territory’s of his former opponents into his own.

Escape (15ABY)

It was, however, on one such mission that the 15 year old Kandos found out his true history, rather than what he had been told previously. The Governor that he had been sent to kill had caught wind of the coming assassination attempt and had taken precautions, when Kandos broke in to kill the man all he found was a data pad with a note telling him to read the contents. When he found out that his parents had been murdered by the Warlord and that he had been kidnapped as a child he went into a fit or rage, confusion and grief.

Abandoning his mission he headed back to the Warlord, killing anything and anyone that got in his way. The trail of death and destruction quickly caught up with the Warlord and Kandos killed him as he cowered in a locked security room, the training Kandos had received was most helpful in accomplishing this.

Stealing the Warlord’s own personal ship he took off in the modified StarViper and jumped to lightspeed, heading towards the core planets.

The Meeting (16ABY)

After a year or so of being a hired-gun for those that could pay, Kandos met Jandos Kalinor, who would in the future change his name to Shadow Stalker. The two future friends met on the planet Tholatin whilst on a bounty hunting mission for the same man, when Kandos discovered that Jandos was also a Force-user he was intrigued and went with Jandos to join the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The anger that Kandos still felt for what had been done to him by the Warlord allowed him to fit right in with the other Dark Siders.

The Dark Brotherhood (17ABY - Present Day)

When Kandos joined the Dark Brotherhood he tried his luck with the Obelisk order but soon found he had an affinity more attuned to the Krath Order, soon after Kandos transferred to the Krath and joined House Qel-Droma. By the time Kandos was an Apprentice there was already a Great Jedi War starting. Kandos came into the fighting late as he and his friend Kalinor had been away on other business when it started. The two Dark Jedi Apprentices quickly moved to the main base of the Dark Brotherhood and started making their way through the maze of corridors. As they got deeper and deeper into the base they started meeting enemies, they dispatched them quickly and continued on their way, after a while they split up and Kandos was on his own. After a few more fights Kandos became pinned down in a small room, he was eventually saved by Mejas Doto and continued on his way. Kandos made a large enough contribution in the end and was promoted to Novice.

The Exodus (19ABY)

As Kandos continued his training with the Dark Brotherhood he settled in with the rest of his house and eventually joined the Prophecy Phyle. The everyday life in the Dark Brotherhood were shaken when they split from the Emperor’s Hammer. When this happened Kandos knew that he would be firmly with the Brotherhood, unfortunately with the split some of the Dark Jedi left the brotherhood to start their own one in the Emperors Hammer. As the numbers lessened Kandos realised that the Brotherhood was weaker now so they would need more highly trained warriors if it came to a battle, he therefore threw himself into his training and was eventually promoted to Acolyte and then Protector. Kandos also picked up a few Dark Crosses for his work in the Dark Brotherhood. When the new Antei Combat Centre was up and running Kandos jubilantly started his qualification battle but unfortunately he lost the fight to Mejas Doto. He did however pick up a few moves which could come in useful in the future.

Clan Feud (20ABY)

Then came the feud between Clan Arcona and Clan Satal Keto. Kandos again threw himself into this and engaged in many fights against members of House Satal Keto, unfortunately he lost all the fights but he gained experience doing so. During one of the fights against KAP Dalthid, his Vibro-sword was badly damaged by his opponents Lightsaber, the sword was damaged beyond repair so he then needed a new weapon. He did however managed to get a hold of some Cortosis, and made the Cortosis into a new Vibro-sword, this time it was Lightsaber proof. Kandos did however help in other ways and was rewarded with a promotion to Guardian. He also got a Grant of Arms which is proudly on display with his Dark Jedi robes.

After the feud Kandos engaged in a friendly fight with Shadow Stalker which took place in a large bouncy castle, Kandos emerged victorious from the fight and went out looking for new opponents. He also beginning training with DA Trevarus Caerick, hoping this will help him improve his fighting skills and win more battles in the future. After training with a variety of trainers Kandos fought many battles through the third Sith war, the Qel-Droma Phyle war and some against his friend Shadow Stalker.

Fighting Continues (21ABY - 24ABY)

Kandos has helped his clan in the third Sith war, his Phyle in the Phyle war and again helped his clan in the Fifth Great Jedi War. For his activities Kandos was promoted to Dark Jedi Knight and constructed his Lightsaber, finishing his training. During the Fifth Great Jedi War Kandos fought for his Clan but unfortunately became infected with the disease that was ravaging the brotherhood, even so he attempted to aid in finding a cure that would save the brotherhood. When the Fifth Great Jedi War ended Kandos, now cured, was awarded the Seal of Memories for his activities

As the Krath members of the Dark Brotherhood once again fought for supremacy over each other Kandos was not found wanting. For his participation in the Krath Right of Supremacy Kandos gained four Seals of Retribution. Not long after the entire Brotherhood celebrated another year of independence from the EH by hosting the Independence Games, Kandos also took part in this and competed for himself, his clan and the Brotherhood as a whole. For this he gained four Seals of Alliances.

The Sixth Great Jedi War (25ABY)

When the Sixth Great Jedi War engulfed the brotherhood Kandos sided with 'Blue' Jac, and fought against the forces of the 'Red' Jac. Whilst Kandos' contribution was fairly minimal he still earned himself 3 Seals of Duplicity.

Weapons Currently in use

  • Lightsaber: As the final part of Kandos's training he created his personal Lightsaber.
  • Pydyrn Fighting Staff: The Pydyrn Fighting Staff is a collapsible quarterstaff made of a special mnemonic alloy that allows it to extend and retract, whilst still being fairly strong and hard to damage. In it's deactivated state the staff retracts down to a 15cm hand grip, and in it's active state the staff extends to 2 meters in length. The staff can be extended by either pressing the pressure pad built into the grip or by triggering the mechanism using the Force.
  • Custom A280 Blaster Rifle: Kandos's A280 is similar in most respects to the standard Blas-Tech rifle but has a few modifications. Kandos has customised his A280 by adding a NiteSite scope, for use in dark conditions, and a variable energy setting to the weapon giving the A280 four power settings:
    • Fully Automatic - The weapon fires a tremendous amount of Blaster rounds but at a low energy setting, similar in effect to a Repeating Blaster.
    • Rapid-fire - The weapon can fire quickly but the Blaster rounds have more of a kick to them, this setting is similar to the alternative fire of an E-11, but is more accurate.
    • Single Shot - The weapon fires a single Blaster round when the trigger is depressed and is the standard energy setting for unmodified A280s.
    • Hot-shot - The weapon fires a single, high power round that can penetrate even the most powerful personal armour and can even penetrate the armour of an AT-AT walker, unfortunately the shot takes up so much energy that an energy cell only holds enough energy for two Hot-shots.


  • Kandos is allergic to Pydyrn Ratsnake Venom. If introduced onto his skin or into his system it will cause an instant lose of self control that can cause him to make very risky actions. Sometimes Kandos takes a small vial of the venom into battle with him because the effects can increase his fighting ability. Unfortunately the venom can also cause temporary blindness and paralysis if taken in too large a dose.
  • Kandos has a blue Pydyrn tattoo under his right eye.