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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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[[file:MorrighanYoung.jpg‎|thumb|left|200px|Morrighan as a youngster on Dathromir]]
[[file:MorrighanYoung.jpg‎|thumb|left|200px|Morrighan as a youngster on Dathromir]]
Morrighan began as all life in the universe does, she was born but to whom she cannot remember. She presumes a mother and father but she never asked, she just accepted and moved on. Born on Dathomir and within the cult of the Nightsisters she only ever had one path set before her, ruination. Being taught the dark side of the force alongside her sisters and rise through the ranks under the guidance of her superiors and clan mother and when called upon to march she would march under the protection of the Winged Goddess & Fanged God. It was to be a simple life, at least in her mind, one she would happily share with her sisters. She had everything to look forward to and nothing was going to stop her. <br>

Morrighan began as all life in the universe does, she was born but to whom she cannot remember. She presumes a mother and father but she never asked, she just accepted and moved on. Born on Dathomir and within the cult of the Nightsisters she only ever had one path set before her, ruination. Being taught the dark side of the force alongside her sisters and rise through the ranks under the guidance of her superiors and clan mother and when called upon to march she would march under the protection of the Winged Goddess & Fanged God. It was to be a simple life, at least in her mind, one she would happily share with her sisters. She had everything to look forward to and nothing was going to stop her.<br>
It happened upon a day which should off been special for the young Nightsister. The day had been chosen years in advance for when the younglings were to be of age to fully begin their training, she arose upon that day like any other however she almost oozed excitement at the prospect of what was to happen. She had waited long enough and after all she was finally ready to begin to join her sisters and learn how to channel the force as they did. Being far too early for the ceremony the young Nightsister left her home and still with childish enthusiasm headed into the forest to explore an prepare herself for what was to come that day.<br>

It happened upon a day which should off been special for the young Nightsister. The day had been chosen years in advance for when the younglings were to be of age to fully begin their training, she arose upon that day like any other however she almost oozed excitement at the prospect of what was to happen. She had waited long enough and after all she was finally ready to begin to join her sisters and learn how to channel the force as they did. Being far too early for the ceremony the young Nightsister left her home and still with childish enthusiasm headed into the forest to explore an prepare herself for what was to come that day.<br>
They say the forests of Dathomir are full of dangerous creatures that to journey their alone was often suicide yet for one of the sisters the forest was a place to explore. A natural affinity to beast control allowed any serious problems to not turn out for the worse, usually. However it was often said the most dangerous predator of all was not a beast but sentient humanoids and upon that day that saying came true. She accidentally stumbled upon a poachers camp that had set themselves up far too close to her clans habitat and not realised, however once they realised what had stumbled into their midst they were on her in seconds and that was the first time the darkness visited upon her.<br>

They say the forests of Dathomir are full of dangerous creatures that to journey their alone was often suicide yet for one of the sisters the forest was a place to explore. A natural affinity to beast control allowed any serious problems to not turn out for the worse, usually. However it was often said the most dangerous predator of all was not a beast but sentient humanoids and upon that day that saying came true. She accidentally stumbled upon a poachers camp that had set themselves up far too close to her clans habitat and not realised, however once they realised what had stumbled into their midst they were on her in seconds and that was the first time the darkness visited upon her.
=== Imperial Research Labs - X43 ===

[[file:Morrighanx43.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Morrighan as X43]]
She still cannot remember really what happened to her whilst she existed as a plaything. The poachers had known straight away what she was; they would have to if they were operating on Dathomir and seized their chance at a quick credit. Having no idea what the girl was capable off they poured enough knockout drugs into the poor girls system to keep her out cold for days. Fearing they may have killed their quarry they headed to the nearest Imperial research facility an handed her over, getting their money in return and not being seen again by the girl for many years to come, but we’ll get to that later.<br>
Now from that research centre she was shipped off to another facility, the hopes were to introduce her to the acolyte program and make her an Imperial Dark Side Adept. However the ‘’conditioning’’ she had received before coming to them, they saw it as such whilst in reality it was the sisterhood of the Nightsisters and her faith in the winged goddess an fanged god, prevented full acceptance into the program and she was labelled to be terminated. She was saved from this fate by a team of Imperial Research Scientists who requested she be handed over to them to see if they could learn anything more about the Dathomir witches, besides if word got out to the witches who already served the Empire willingly that one of their own had been disposed of there may have been a scene. <br>

Her past was stripped from her along with her identity and she simply became project X43-25/73C, or X43 for short. Her mind was brainwashed, her body pumped full of chemicals and she was put through rigorous training regimes every day. For what eluded her, but she just remembers the pain, the feeling of being present but unable to do anything or say anything and then long periods of darkness followed by more pain. All she truly knows for sure, if everything they pumped her with played with her mind and once she came back to being her, or as much as could be called her she had skills and the use of the force she didn’t have before the darkness. A competent whip user now, the weapon complemented her lithe figure an agile physique but to what purpose she was being used she did not know; Killings, political assassination or even infiltration so many possibilities each more fanciful then the next. Even to this day she enjoys musing about what might have been.<br>

=== Imperial Research Labs - X43 ===
There was one within the research complex who saw the young girl as more than just a tool for deployment a weapon of the times, a researcher who had cared for the girl since she arrive. He could see the hurt in her eyes every time she was tasked to do something beyond her control. Morrighan guessed, afterwards at least, that this man would be the closest thing in regards to a father she would ever have though such notions of family had long been abandoned and to this day still are. The day the project came to an end she was to be disposed of like any blunt tool, they had gotten from her what they needed and were to simply discard her like rubbish, however the researcher in charge not being able to carry out the orders after so many years arranged the only thing he could. The only thing he knew that could save her from termination was in fact worse than death itself. Her mind was cleared and she was led back to her room, the injections came afterwards and for the second time she slipped into darkness.<br>

[[file:Morrighanx43.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Morrighan as X43]]
=== Kessel – Rebirth ===

She still cannot remember really what happened to her whilst she existed as a plaything. The poachers had known straight away what she was; they would have to if they were operating on Dathomir and seized their chance at a quick credit. Having no idea what the girl was capable off they poured enough knockout drugs into the poor girls system to keep her out cold for days. Fearing they may have killed their quarry they headed to the nearest Imperial research facility an handed her over, getting their money in return and not being seen again by the girl for many years to come, but we’ll get to that later.<br>
This time when she next awoke it was in darkness, the air stank of staleness, decay and the sweet tangible smell of spice. She knew where she was yet had no idea how this was so; perhaps she had been here before and yet had no recollection of such an event. Kessel meant only one thing in the grand scheme of things; death generally long before you were to be released, if you were ever to be released. Gangs ran the prison mines and the guards did little to stop it after all one slave amongst millions was never going to be missed after all once you had arrived on Kessel you generally didn’t leave. This was a fate Morrighan would not even wish upon her own enemies, the fact she would wish them dead meant little, for she was born free and below open skies amongst the great trees of Dathomir. Kessel was like a cage in more ways than one, the darkness of the mines sent her senses reeling and she began developing severe cases of claustrophobia, which to this day she still suffers from, she was a wild bird captured and caged for someone else’s delight the fact this was meant to be her salvation seemed like a cruel joke to her.

Now from that research centre she was shipped off to another facility, the hopes were to introduce her to the acolyte program and make her an Imperial Dark Side Adept. However the ‘’conditioning’’ she had received before coming to them, they saw it as such whilst in reality it was the sisterhood of the nightsisters and her faith in the winged goddess an fanged god, prevented full acceptance into the program an she was labelled to be terminated. She was saved from this fate by a team of Imperial Research Scientists who requested she be handed over to them to see if they could learn anything more about the Dathomir witches, besides if word got out to the witches who already served the Empire willingly that one of their own had been disposed of there may have been a scene.<br>

Her past was stripped from her along with her identity and she simply became project X43-25/73C, or X43 for short. Her mind was brainwashed, her body pumped full of chemicals and she was put through rigorous training regimes every day. For what eluded her, but she just remembers the pain, the feeling of being present but unable to do anything or say anything and then long periods of darkness followed by more pain. All she truly knows for sure, if everything they pumped her with played with her mind and once she came back to being her, or as much as could be called her she had skills an the use of the force she didn’t have before the darkness. A competent whip user now, the weapon complemented her lithe figure an agile physique but to what purpose she was being used she did not know; Killings, political assassination or even infiltration so many possibilities each more fanciful then the next. Even to this day she enjoys musing about what might have been.

== DJB Facts ==
== DJB Facts ==

Revision as of 13:44, 20 April 2013

Morrighan Ravenscroft
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

11 BBY

Date of Death:


Physical Description

Dathmorian Nightsister




1.81 Metres


172 Pounds





Personal Information
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:
Known apprentices:




[ Source ]

"The weak need not fear for their existence, it shall end soon."

— Morrighan Ravenscroft 22 ABY

[wip]Mixing a primal nature with the sheer destructive power of the force was always going to be a crazy idea. Luckily as a Nightsister of Dathomir Morrighan was trained from an early age in the arts of making sure not to kill everyone who pissed her off. However taken from her home, experimented on by Imperial Scientists and discarded like trash to the Kessel mines is usual more than enough to send even the sanest person over the edge and it did. However the only difference being, Morrighan was already over the edge so just how worse could she get...

Character History

Dathomir - Humble Beginnings

Morrighan as a youngster on Dathromir

Morrighan began as all life in the universe does, she was born but to whom she cannot remember. She presumes a mother and father but she never asked, she just accepted and moved on. Born on Dathomir and within the cult of the Nightsisters she only ever had one path set before her, ruination. Being taught the dark side of the force alongside her sisters and rise through the ranks under the guidance of her superiors and clan mother and when called upon to march she would march under the protection of the Winged Goddess & Fanged God. It was to be a simple life, at least in her mind, one she would happily share with her sisters. She had everything to look forward to and nothing was going to stop her.

It happened upon a day which should off been special for the young Nightsister. The day had been chosen years in advance for when the younglings were to be of age to fully begin their training, she arose upon that day like any other however she almost oozed excitement at the prospect of what was to happen. She had waited long enough and after all she was finally ready to begin to join her sisters and learn how to channel the force as they did. Being far too early for the ceremony the young Nightsister left her home and still with childish enthusiasm headed into the forest to explore an prepare herself for what was to come that day.

They say the forests of Dathomir are full of dangerous creatures that to journey their alone was often suicide yet for one of the sisters the forest was a place to explore. A natural affinity to beast control allowed any serious problems to not turn out for the worse, usually. However it was often said the most dangerous predator of all was not a beast but sentient humanoids and upon that day that saying came true. She accidentally stumbled upon a poachers camp that had set themselves up far too close to her clans habitat and not realised, however once they realised what had stumbled into their midst they were on her in seconds and that was the first time the darkness visited upon her.

Imperial Research Labs - X43

Morrighan as X43

She still cannot remember really what happened to her whilst she existed as a plaything. The poachers had known straight away what she was; they would have to if they were operating on Dathomir and seized their chance at a quick credit. Having no idea what the girl was capable off they poured enough knockout drugs into the poor girls system to keep her out cold for days. Fearing they may have killed their quarry they headed to the nearest Imperial research facility an handed her over, getting their money in return and not being seen again by the girl for many years to come, but we’ll get to that later.
Now from that research centre she was shipped off to another facility, the hopes were to introduce her to the acolyte program and make her an Imperial Dark Side Adept. However the ‘’conditioning’’ she had received before coming to them, they saw it as such whilst in reality it was the sisterhood of the Nightsisters and her faith in the winged goddess an fanged god, prevented full acceptance into the program and she was labelled to be terminated. She was saved from this fate by a team of Imperial Research Scientists who requested she be handed over to them to see if they could learn anything more about the Dathomir witches, besides if word got out to the witches who already served the Empire willingly that one of their own had been disposed of there may have been a scene.

Her past was stripped from her along with her identity and she simply became project X43-25/73C, or X43 for short. Her mind was brainwashed, her body pumped full of chemicals and she was put through rigorous training regimes every day. For what eluded her, but she just remembers the pain, the feeling of being present but unable to do anything or say anything and then long periods of darkness followed by more pain. All she truly knows for sure, if everything they pumped her with played with her mind and once she came back to being her, or as much as could be called her she had skills and the use of the force she didn’t have before the darkness. A competent whip user now, the weapon complemented her lithe figure an agile physique but to what purpose she was being used she did not know; Killings, political assassination or even infiltration so many possibilities each more fanciful then the next. Even to this day she enjoys musing about what might have been.

There was one within the research complex who saw the young girl as more than just a tool for deployment a weapon of the times, a researcher who had cared for the girl since she arrive. He could see the hurt in her eyes every time she was tasked to do something beyond her control. Morrighan guessed, afterwards at least, that this man would be the closest thing in regards to a father she would ever have though such notions of family had long been abandoned and to this day still are. The day the project came to an end she was to be disposed of like any blunt tool, they had gotten from her what they needed and were to simply discard her like rubbish, however the researcher in charge not being able to carry out the orders after so many years arranged the only thing he could. The only thing he knew that could save her from termination was in fact worse than death itself. Her mind was cleared and she was led back to her room, the injections came afterwards and for the second time she slipped into darkness.

Kessel – Rebirth

This time when she next awoke it was in darkness, the air stank of staleness, decay and the sweet tangible smell of spice. She knew where she was yet had no idea how this was so; perhaps she had been here before and yet had no recollection of such an event. Kessel meant only one thing in the grand scheme of things; death generally long before you were to be released, if you were ever to be released. Gangs ran the prison mines and the guards did little to stop it after all one slave amongst millions was never going to be missed after all once you had arrived on Kessel you generally didn’t leave. This was a fate Morrighan would not even wish upon her own enemies, the fact she would wish them dead meant little, for she was born free and below open skies amongst the great trees of Dathomir. Kessel was like a cage in more ways than one, the darkness of the mines sent her senses reeling and she began developing severe cases of claustrophobia, which to this day she still suffers from, she was a wild bird captured and caged for someone else’s delight the fact this was meant to be her salvation seemed like a cruel joke to her.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

List positions that are important.

Outstanding Achievements

Anything you're proud of.


Interesting or important facts that do not fall under the other two categories.