Tra'an Reith: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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{{Obbie charinfo
|image= image:C:\Documents and Settings\Tiberius\My Documents\My Pictures\WikiCrop.jpg
|order = Sith
|name= Tra'an Reith
|homeworld= Lao-mon
|birth= 80 BBY
|[[Obelisk Armor]]
|death= N/a
|[[Plagueis Emblem]]
|species= Shi'ido
|homeworld= Kalee
|gender= Male
|birth= 4 BBY
|hair= Black
|death= N/a
|eyes= Green
|species= [[Starwars:Kaleesh|Kaleesh]]
|height= 6'
|gender= Male
|weight= 180 lbs
|hair= N/A
|eyes= Green
|height= 2.5 Meters
|enemies= N/A
|weight= 125kg
|saber= N/A
|form= N/A
|allies= [[Plagueis|Clan Plagueis]]
|fightingstyle= Duel Vibroblades
|enemies=[[Scholae Palatinae|Clan Scholae Palatinae]]
|profession= Smuggler, Pilot, Mechanic
|saber= Copper
|position= Protector
|era= New Republic: Yuzhan Vong
*[[Djem So]]
|affiliation= Clan Scholae Palatinae
|fightingstyle= [[Sliding Hands| Sliding Hands]]
|ship= Stellar Vibrations
|dossier= 9059
|position= Questor Emeritus
|era=*[[New Jedi Order Era]]
*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation= [[Plagueis|House Plagueis]]
|dossier= [[dossier:9059|9059]]

Tra’an Reith stands approximately 2.5 meters in height. He weighs roughly 125kg with a solid build of dark red scales. He is lean, with little excess fat on him, having spent years upon the training grounds and battlefields belonging to the [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]. His white mask is distinctive in that it seems to have aged over time, from a bright pearly swirl of shimmering shellack, to a dull ivory color. It has a single red stripe that rises vertically over the right cheekbone and above the right eye hole. Form within the eye holes peer out two hostile yellow eyes that seem to view everyone and everything with contempt and distrust.
Almost always clothed in his Regent robes, themed with the color of the Sith Order, he rarely displays any hint of his non-human nature. Quick flashes of his hands and their scaly texture is the most that can be expected, and even then only if he is using them. They are always tucked away otherwise. He doesn't wear gloves because it is hard to find good custom gloves for his unique anatomy.
[[File:Cpnewlogo.jpg|thumb|left|House Plagueis]] While cloaked, he is an otherwise unremarkable figure that is easily forgotten. Once his robes come off, he is nothing short of the center of attention. His robes highlight his powerful physique, the plating of his scales lending a smoothness to the rugged form of muscular power this he has trained into. It is apparent that his strength is not to be denied, and that taking a blow from him is a dangerous proposition for all by the most resilient individuals.

                        == '''Tra'an Reith At A Glance''' ==
As he has aged, his nature and nurture have taken hold, and changed his approach to combat. Gone is the defensive fighter of years past. With little to live for beyond his own ambitions, his anger and outright disgust for the majority of the universe is often on his lips, especially in combat. He has embraced the physical nature of combat and it is reflected in his shift away from the balance of Makashii and Soresu, to Djem So and Soresu. He seeks to turn every opportunity into a fight for domination and control.

His Sapphire Blade serves as a secondary extension of his will, useful in places in which he needs to engage in combat without revealing that he is a Sith. He has spent a long time practicing with it, to make it almost as proficient as his Lightsaber, that he might effortlessly switch to it in combat as necessary.
[[File:Reith Custom Lightsaber.png|thumb|left|Reith's custom lightsaber]] His usual weapon loadout is a [[starwars:Model MSD-32 disruptor pistol|Model MSD-32 disruptor pistol]], his custom Lightsaber, His Sapphire Blade, and a [[starwars:Thermal Detonator|Thermal Detonator]].

== History ==
He's usually wearing Regency Robes trimmed for Sith.

===In The Beginning===
Each sleeve of the outfit contains a small hidden catch for his lightsaber to hook onto, so that it may hide on the inside of his forearm without making a noticeable bulge.

As a child, Tra'an was always intrigued by the spaceport and the world beyond. The society in which he lived had never really embraced the out worlders, but they had tolerated the establishment of a very small spaceport by smugglers because it brought them plenty of revenue for trade, which they never used. As he matured, he began to spend most of his time at the spaceport, where he quickly became the favorite of the Head of the spaceport. He was soon found to have a gift for mechanical objects, having an innate understanding of how to make them work better, faster, and more.
== History ==
=== A New Path ===
When he reached the age of 30, he began working directly on the ships the smugglers brought in, earning tons of money for the Elders because of how well he fixed the ships. The relations began to grow more and more friendly between the small group of smugglers and the Shi'ido as he became more proficient at keeping the ships running long beyond when they should have been in for a retrofit at a major space station. He became intimately aquainted with blasters, swords, vibro-shivs, and other technology of war.
He also began to learn how to pilot from the different sims that he ran after he finished his work. The many ships let him learn how to pilot them in the sims in place of payment, because money really had no meaning to the Shi'ido, and indulging him meant keeping him out of trouble. This lead to increased understanding of the ships around him. His favorite ships were always the Brayl class freighters, he had a special knack for keeping them running.
When he reached 40, his boss introduced him to the woman who would captivate him for the rest of his time on Lao-man. His eventual wife Sha'rala. She began to slowly draw him away from the spaceport, to where he was psending equal amounts of time with her or there. It was a pleasing sight for the Elders who had long feared him lost forever to the stars when he reached his majority.
===As an Adult===

On his 61st day of birth, they were very pleased to hear his decleration of intent for his marriage to Sha'rala. There was a joyus celebration in th evillage he belonged to, and he was given his choice of items with which to bestow upon her as gifts from the town treasure, since most of them were a direct result of his work. For his bride, he selected only the very best to complement her flawless silver skin. He selected four of the finest Durindfire Gems to be her wedding presents. One each for her ears, and the other two for rings on her hands.
She wore them proudly after they were married and glowed radiantly, almost as brilliantly as the gems she wore. They were happily married for more than a year before she was confirmed pregnant. Two weeks afterwards, she was out shopping while he was at the spaceport taking an exam from his boss to become his apprentice to one day take over his job. A fight broke out when some Imperial goons tried to take her wedding gems from her. She was killed in the crossfire, as were they. When he heard about this as their comrades brought them back on lifters, he discreetly tampered with their hyperdrive. When they lifted off and turned their drive on, they exploded rather spectacularly.
His boss figured out what had happened when he was caught smiling every time it was mentioned. He buried her remains in a beautiful field above a waterfall that she had loved, keeping her wedding gems as a reminder of his love. When he was returning to the village, his Boss caught him and warned him that he would be exiled the next day if he returned. He smiled and thanked him, asking him to have the crew of the Star's Flare waiting for liftoff with the dawn.
He returned to find himself escorted back to his domicle until the morning. When his guards were sleeping, he snuck out the back with a small pack filled with her jewlery, his own reasearch notes, and a few trinkets he had aquired over the years. Then, he snuck over to the "treasury" which was unguarded since none of his people cared for such things. He filled a small bag with a few more Durindfire gems, some Corusca gems, and single palm sized Adegan. he also took a bag full of credit chips to make getting around easier. He escaped to the Starport and took off with the crew of the Star's Flare with more than 10 million credits on his person.
===After Exile===
He spent more than a year hopping transports to make his way to Alderran, a planet notorious for peace and technology. It was considered the home of refugees and drifters of last resort who weren't violent. Every so often he felt the need to be violent, but excised that need by learning the art of the saber from a fellow traveling companion. His mentor stayed with him on Alderaan, where his credits came in handy. He spent enough to keep them in moderate housing, with moderate food, never enough to draw attention, but always enough to stay above the dregs.
He spent much time on Alderaan, excising his need ofr violence by learning and perfecting a mastery of Knifist. He and his companion spent ten years on Alderaan, where he mastered both the art of wielding a saber and Knifist. After this, he and his mentor split ways, as he assumed the form of a human for the first time. He used it to pass unnoticed in Empire territory. He had heard of race of specialists in a type of world-bending martial art, known as Klaran Chi. He headed deep within the core of the Empire to the Corporate Sector where he sought out the surviovrs.
To be completed later after consultation with the CM.

== DJB Facts ==
== DJB Facts ==

=== Positions Held ===
=== Positions Held ===
Master Lucien's Apprentice

=== Outstanding Achievements ===
[[Rollmaster]] of [[House Plagueis]]: March 2011 to April 2011
I am proud of being qualified for promotion on my first day.
[[Aedile]] of [[House Plagueis]]: April 2011 to June 2011

== Trivia ==
[[Quaestor]] of [[House Plagueis]]: June 2011 to June 2013
Interesting or important facts that do not fall under the other two categories.

[[Category: DJB Characters]]
[[Category:Di Plagia]]
[[Category: Clan Scholae Palatinae]]
[[Category:Plagueis members]]

Latest revision as of 15:42, 29 July 2024

Tra'an Reith
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Date of Death:


Physical Description





2.5 Meters







Personal Information

Clan Plagueis


Clan Scholae Palatinae

Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):

Sliding Hands

Chronology & Political Information


  • Pilot

Questor Emeritus


House Plagueis



[ Source ]


Tra’an Reith stands approximately 2.5 meters in height. He weighs roughly 125kg with a solid build of dark red scales. He is lean, with little excess fat on him, having spent years upon the training grounds and battlefields belonging to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. His white mask is distinctive in that it seems to have aged over time, from a bright pearly swirl of shimmering shellack, to a dull ivory color. It has a single red stripe that rises vertically over the right cheekbone and above the right eye hole. Form within the eye holes peer out two hostile yellow eyes that seem to view everyone and everything with contempt and distrust.

Almost always clothed in his Regent robes, themed with the color of the Sith Order, he rarely displays any hint of his non-human nature. Quick flashes of his hands and their scaly texture is the most that can be expected, and even then only if he is using them. They are always tucked away otherwise. He doesn't wear gloves because it is hard to find good custom gloves for his unique anatomy.

House Plagueis

While cloaked, he is an otherwise unremarkable figure that is easily forgotten. Once his robes come off, he is nothing short of the center of attention. His robes highlight his powerful physique, the plating of his scales lending a smoothness to the rugged form of muscular power this he has trained into. It is apparent that his strength is not to be denied, and that taking a blow from him is a dangerous proposition for all by the most resilient individuals.

As he has aged, his nature and nurture have taken hold, and changed his approach to combat. Gone is the defensive fighter of years past. With little to live for beyond his own ambitions, his anger and outright disgust for the majority of the universe is often on his lips, especially in combat. He has embraced the physical nature of combat and it is reflected in his shift away from the balance of Makashii and Soresu, to Djem So and Soresu. He seeks to turn every opportunity into a fight for domination and control.

His Sapphire Blade serves as a secondary extension of his will, useful in places in which he needs to engage in combat without revealing that he is a Sith. He has spent a long time practicing with it, to make it almost as proficient as his Lightsaber, that he might effortlessly switch to it in combat as necessary.

Reith's custom lightsaber

His usual weapon loadout is a Model MSD-32 disruptor pistol, his custom Lightsaber, His Sapphire Blade, and a Thermal Detonator.

He's usually wearing Regency Robes trimmed for Sith.

Each sleeve of the outfit contains a small hidden catch for his lightsaber to hook onto, so that it may hide on the inside of his forearm without making a noticeable bulge.



DJB Facts

Positions Held

Rollmaster of House Plagueis: March 2011 to April 2011

Aedile of House Plagueis: April 2011 to June 2011

Quaestor of House Plagueis: June 2011 to June 2013