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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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[[Category:Dark Crusade Krayiss 2|S]] [[Category:Planets]]

Latest revision as of 02:01, 4 February 2016

I see the contestants are making their way out onto the starting grid.
This article was originally created as an entry for a Dark Crusade competition and is not official DJB canon content. It is preserved here for historical purposes only.
Krayiss Two

Krayiss System

  • Hakagram
  • Nakgru
Rotation period:

25 Standard Hours

Orbital period:

162 Local Days


Oxygen Nitrogen





Primary Terrain:

Primary Terrain

  • Mountainous
  • Barren
Points of interest:
  • Sith Library-Temple
  • Darth Zash's Outpost
  • One Sith Spaceport

Ancient Sith Empire, One Sith

[ Source ]

"Did you think that your masquerade would allow you to enter our abode, to steal our secrets? We allowed you to find us. We allowed you to call us from the depths of this world."
―Lord Malignous explaining the draw to Krayiss Two

Krayiss Two is the only truly habitable planet of the Krayiss System. Consisting of a lunar cycle of approximately 169 Galactic Standard Days. Technically in the third orbit of the system, Krayiss Two is most famous for it being the location of a Sith library-temple.

Krayiss Two has two moons, Hakagram and Nakru.


Kymoodon Era

One of the Earliest known renderings of The Krayiss Two Library-Temple

In the years preceding 14,000 BBY there is very little recorded evidence of Krayiss Two. What is known, is that it was a planet in the Krayiss System, located on the very edge of the Stygian Caldera in the sector of space known to today's galaxy as the Esstran Sector. Like much of the early Sith Empire, much of what may have been known, is now forgotten. What is certain however, is that sometime in the Kymoodon Era, a number of Pureblooded Sith sorcerors founded a Library-Temple upon the surface of Krayiss Two.

Library-Temples were structures used by the Ancient Sith, primarily for the purposes of meditation, experimentation, and the recording of their research and experiments into the ways of the Force, and the Sith magics. Furthermore, what is known about the Library-Temple on Krayiss Two, is that sometime around 14,000 BBY, the structure was abandoned, and left under the care of, or haunted by, the spirits of some of the Sith who had previously lived and studied there.

Old Sith Wars Era

Information recovered from ancient Jedi Holocrons have revealed that in 4,009 BBY there was a "gathering of dark side forces" on Krayiss Two. The nature of this force has not been uncovered, but whether it was a force of troops, or merely a natural phenomenon of the dark side calling out to possible recruits, it attracted the attention of Jev Sunrider, Jedi Watchman of the Darada system. Along with three Jedi Masters, Sunrider journeyed to Krayiss Two, but was never heard from again.

By this time, the library-temple had been completely buried by the rigours of time and nature. All that was left visible of the once sprawling structure was the massive black obelisk rising from the depths of the earth, to mark the entrance.

In the years following Sunrider's disappearance, at least one notable event took place on Krayiss Two, with the arrival of the Jedi Vara Nreem. A philosopher of the force at her very core, Nreem had come to the conclusion that there was but one unifying force, encorporating both the light and dark sides. In an attempt to further her education she sought out knowledge of the Sith, but was deemed unworthy by the guardian spirits, and joined the Jedi who had perished before her, in eternal torment.

Evidence discovered later, would point to the discovery of a secret outpost being constructed by one of the foremost members of the Dark Council during the Inter-Sith Wars period, following the Sacking of Coruscant by the Sith Empire.

Post Imperial Period

The Excavated library-temple of Krayiss Two as seen from the One Sith Spaceport

Though Vara Nreem's excursion to the surface of Krayiss Two was one of the last recorded instances of any note concerning the planet, it is interesting to note that in the upheaval caused by the Old Sith Wars, and the state of unrest that the Sith had caused the galaxy, Krayiss Two was long remembered for it's former allegiance as a Sith held world. Even when the galaxy had largely dismissed the Sith and Jedi under Palpatine's rein, histories still made note of this otherwise unremarkable planet.

Brotherhood intelligence reports that scouts from the burgeoning One Sith reestablished their presence on the planet sometime following the Yuuzhan Vong War, erecting the One Sith Spaceport to act as a support base for their expedition in 34 ABY. As part of their campaign to recover their hereditory territory, One Sith archaeologists located one of Darth Zash's fabled outposts, a base with fully automated defense and maintenance systems that had been abandoned for some 3600 years prior to its rediscovery. Despite their best efforts, however, they were forced to abandon search operations, as the droid defenses were inflicting heavy casualties upon the One Sith forces.


Notable Locations

"Taka zeech ma toka duuwaj"
―An Ancient Sith Incantation for Opening the library-temple of Krayiss Two
A View of the Inside of the library-temple

The main landmark of Krayiss Two was its library-temple, which dated back to the ancient Sith Empire. The temple was an enormous structure of angled walls and pyramidal towers, with a tall obelisk serving as a spire on the top of the building. The temple's massive double-door was protected by a force field, which only allowed certain people to enter the premises. After the temple complex became buried, the obelisk was all that remained above ground. Located near the planet's equator, the Ancient Sith library-temple remains entombed in the rocky surface of Krayiss Two. The lone indicator of the temple's existence appears in the form of a narrow tapering monument with a pyramid-like shape at the top.

Covered in Sith runes, the obelisk servers as the gateway to elevating the library-temple from the planet's surface. Once raised, the library-temple consists of angled walls, pyramidal towers, and massive wooden doors at the structure's center. The massive wooden doors are carved with ancient Sith runic scripture and writings and protected by a Sith spirit and three Jedi Masters. The interior of the library-temple holds the results of over ten thousand years of Sith experimentation by Sorcerers. Scrolls, holocrons, and legendary heirlooms litter the halls of the immaculately preserved facility. Steeped in the Dark Side of the Force, many of the items are tainted with the power of their originator's soul and possess the capability to consume the will of treasure hunters and Sith alike.

Erected in 34 ABY, the One Sith Spaceport was created to support the One Sith's expedition on Krayiss Two. Designed to provide resupply and off world transport, the spaceport can support one corvette-class ship and multiple starfighters. The facility is supported by two FPC 6.7 Anti-Aircraft Batteries.

Unearthed in 35 ABY by the One Sith, Darth Zash's Outpost was originally established as a hidden base in the event the Sith Lord needed to vanish from the galaxy. Protected by automated defense systems and maintained by maintenance droids, the Outpost operated independent of the galaxy for over 3600 years. During the initial discovery of Darth Zash's Outpost, the One Sith uncovered four Fury-class Imperial Interceptors before abandoning their search due to heavy casualties resulting from the Outpost's defense systems.

Hakagram and Nakru seen at Twilight


Krayiss Two is orbited by two natural satellites, Hakagram and Nakru. Hakagram and Nakru are twin satellites in near-synchronous rotation with Krayiss Two. The moons orbit Krayiss Two at a distance of 247,000 km and 249,000 km respectively. During Krayiss Two's night cycle, the two moons provide a small amount of illumination on the planet's surface. The moons roughly measure 3,150 km in diameter, are devoid of life, and are completely exposed to vacuum. At present, there are no geological studies of the planet's surface indicating any form of mineral deposits.

Hakagram was the name of one of the Kings of the Ancient Sith, who was beheaded by the Dark Jedi Ajunta Pall. It is unknown where the origins of Nakru's name come from.


Force Ghosts

The Ghost of Lord Malignous, Guardian of the Library-Temple

The planet of Krayiss Two is largely unpopulated by any living organism. Whether this is due to the arid nature of it, or whether some calamity struck the planet at some point in the past is unclear. For thousands of years, the only inhabitants that could be considered to have lived on Krayiss Two were the force ghosts that resided in the Sith Library-Temple. Consisting of the ancient spirits of former residents of the Library-Temple, and the tortured souls of travellers foolish enough to attempt to gain entrance, these ghosts while not truly alive, are the closest thing that Krayiss Two has to permanent residents.

Lord Malignous

The disciples of the Sith Order discovered the secrets of external life countless millennia ago. Incapable of maintaining their corporeal form, these Sith masters developed the power to maintain their consciousness as ghostly manifestations.

Destroyed in unknown events, Lord Malignous returned to the Sith library-temple on Krayiss Two to seek revenge on those who would steal the Sith's secrets within the facility's archives. Cloaked in black on black robes with at horny crown upon his head, the Dark Lord stands as a gatekeeper at the great wooden doors of the library-temple. Summoned through the use of incantations, Lord Malignous only appears if the library-temple rises from the rocky surface of Krayiss Two.

Lord Malignous is a powerful avatar in possession many of the abilities he controlled during life. A deceased Sith Lord, Malignous' spirit has grown in power over the millennia and seeks to collect additional souls to defend the library-temple. Incapable of being defeated through physical conflicts, Malignous remains anchored to a power source unknown at this time.

Jev Sunrider's Ghost

Jev Sunrider

In life, the Jedi Jev Sunrider was a human male who served as a Watchman of the Darada system. In death, Sunrider was defeated by Lord Malignous in 4,009 BBY and bound to the library-temple of Krayiss Two.

Jev Sunrider is a slave to the will of Lord Malignous and will protect the library-temple at the command of his master; however, the former Jedi Master will extend extreme effort in maintaining the library-temple's secrets against Sith knowledge seekers.

Leader of the One Sith on Krayiss Two, Darth Sinagar

One Sith

The One Sith expedition to Krayiss Two required a multitude of support and security personnel. Collected from across the galaxy, these aspirants range from the force-sensitive to sycophants of the Sith cause. Trained in combat, the One Sith support personnel's competency is on par with elite military special forces across the galaxy.

Along with Darth Sinagar and Tor Siva, the One Sith deployed dozens of their Troopers, Acolytes and minions to defend and hold Krayiss Two.

Any advancement the Dark Brotherhood hopes to make will be met with extreme resistance, difficulty, and plenty of bloodshed.

Darth Sinagar

Bog Hayden is a fifty year old human Sith Lord from the planet of Prakith. Originally trained as a member of The Malevolence, Bog was captured by the One Sith on Korriban in 30 ABY. Confronted with the overwhelming power of the One Sith, Bog relinquished his lightsaber and acquiesced to death at the hands of his captors. Subjected to psychological and physical torture, Bog was turned over to the One Sith's inquisitors and re-indoctrinated in ways of the Sith.

Born again as Darth Sinagar, the new member of the One Sith committed himself to total obedience to Darth Krayt and the study of the Dark Side of the Force. Adorned in white and black tattoos detailing his passage from cult member to One Sith, Darth Sinagar eschews any connection to his past.

One Sith Assassin, the Nagai Tor Siva

Tor Siva

Tor Siva is a forty-two year old female Nagai who participated in the Nagai's invasion of the known galaxy. Operating under the command of the Dark Lady Lumiya, Siva conducted early reconnaissance operations on the planet of Kinooine and Zeltros. Identified as a Force-sensitive, Tor received rudimentary training from Lumiya until the conclusion of Nagai operations on Saiko. Left to her own devices following the Nagai treaty with the Alliance of Free Planets, Siva traveled the galaxy as a bounty hunter before being recruited in to the One Sith.

Trained to hone her unique skills, Tor adapted quickly to the life of the Sith Assassin. Utilizing a short lightsaber in combination with her Tehk'la blade, the Nagai female rose quickly through the One Sith ranks before assuming the role as Darth Sinagar's apprentice.

Scouting Party

The team responsible for the scouting and compiling this data is as follows: