Inarya: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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|order = Sith
|image=[[File:Inarya Battle.jpg|250px]]
|firstname=Inarya Tiberius Entar
|birth=10 ABY
|birth=10 ABY
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|height=1.6 Metres
|height=1.6 Metres
|weight=90 pound
|weight=90 pound
|allies=[[Cethgus Tiberius Enter Aconea]]],  
|allies=[[Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae]],  
|affiliation=[[Arcona]], [[Entar]]
|affiliation=[[Clan Naga Sadow]]

== Character History  ==
Inarya is a [[starwars:Twi’lek|Twi’lek]] [[Obelisk]] Prelate currently serving in [[Clan Naga Sadow]]. Not a strongly social individual known for her cold nature and dry sarcasm. However for those who have earned her trust she is fiercely loyal.
===Ryloth: Birth===
Inarya was born on the [[starwars:Twi’lek|Twi’ek]] homeworld of [[starwars:Ryloth|Ryloth]], outside of the reach of the New Republic, its inhabitants often fell prey to the whim of the various crime syndicates. Inarya’s family were no different, her mother, Seka, and father, Pol, tried hard to keep their heads down, staying away from the crime lords attention. Their life changed when Seka fell pregnant,  Pol tried his hardest to protect both his wife and his unborn child however the treats and the stress of what would happened to her child caused Seka to go into labour prematurely, the tiny Inarya was born. She spend only a few month before with her parents before a group of Slavers killed her parents and took the infant Inarya captive.
===Tatooine: Childhood===
Ripped from one desert planet to another Inarya was taken from her home world of Ryloth to the seedy criminal underbelly of [[starwars:Tatooine|Tatooine]]. Inarya, still a baby, was put into the care of an elderly Twi’lek female, Poy, who give her the name “Little Salwa”, a name which mean orphan or clanless was well was teaching her to talk and walk. Other than Poy the others that were held with her showed her little to no kindness, Inarya had a lonely childhood. Due her inquisitive nature and defiant streak Inarya was the victim of frequent beatings leading to many bruises and broken bones. After a failed escape attempt the Slaver furious with her near took her out in the yard and beat her publically almost killing her before Poy stepped in. The elder Twi’lek was beaten to death that day, Inarya’s actions cost her the women that raised her life. Poy’s beaten body to this day still haunts Inarya’s dreams.
Soon after this Inarya was sent away and sold to whorehouse, The Black Lotus owned and run by Froda, one of the many member of the Hutt family that set up business on Tatooine. Her name was changed and what little she had was taken away from her. 
===Finding Her Freedom ===
When first coming to the whorehouse Inarya’ s duties included cleaning the rooms, serving drinks and sometimes dancing. It was as she grew older that her womanhood was put on sale, the first night she was force to sleep with a patron she cried clawing at her skin to get their scent off her. Every night after that though she felt nothing, she taught herself to block out the pain. 
The night she discovered she was force sensitive was the night she was attacked by one of the guards. After a heavy night drinking he watched Inarya, stalking the Twi’lek back to her room. Once he was alone with her he locked the door then forced himself on her, as Inarya punched and kicked him in an effort to get the man off of her she reached something deep inside her the man went flying back his head meeting with her corner of a cupboard killing him almost instantly. It was the first time she had murdered a person, but seeing the man blood seep from the mess that was once his skull stirred something inside of her.
[[File:Brotherhood.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Inarya after leaving The Black Lotus]]
For the killing the guard however she was brought before Larkon, the [[starwars:Cathar|Cathar]] head guard and Froda’s second in command, and Froda himself. As Larkon’s heavy furry hands pounding into Inarya’s frame she could the Hutt laughing as he gorged himself, every punch and laugh that fell brought forth a hate in her that she never felt before. She couldn't remember for how long he beat her, all she can remember was waking up in her room bruised and broken.
While Inarya recovered, lock away from the patrons of The Black Lotus, the rage inside her twisted forming a knot inside her. She sat practising moving things, like she did that night she killed the guard. Small at first finding that even that would cause excruciating headaches, Inarya soon realised that this  wouldn’t help her get away the Hutt and the Cathar. 
A few weeks passed before Inarya had managed to make a full recovery, still sore but at least she could move. Inarya had  gotten a little better at controlling her power, at least to the point where so could move small things without getting a headache. Soon after the Twi’lek was back on her feet she was summoned to Froda’s, probably to make sure that the beating had left no marks on her, no-one wants damaged goods.
===Plagueis: Earning a Knighthood===
{{Quote|Potential is something we all have, yet that Twi'lek has already begun unlocking hers, mark my word she will soon surpass some of us|Cethgus}}
The Zabrak and blood where the last things that Inarya could remember from Tattooine before waking up in a completely strange place. Wherever she went there was a strange feeling in the air, almost a energy that she could feed off of. Her purpose for being there was soon relieved to her though as the Zabrak introduced himself as Cethgus Kuga, the Rollmaster of Clan Plagueis serving in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Inarya didn't even pretend to understand what he was saying
[[File:InaryaPlagies.png|200px|thumb|right|Inarya leaving for Acrona]]
===Arcona: The Shadow Clan===
Upon learning of the departure of both Sanguinius her master and Cethgus to Clan Arcona, Inarya followed shortly behind. Faced with a new challenge in a new environment Inarya found herself with a new resolve.

====Tatooine: Childhood====
Other than Alaris, her former Proconsul in Plagueis, Inarya had not seen another one of her species, until [[K'tana]]. The purple skinned former slave reminded Inarya of herself, minus the occasional decent into madness, when she was of her age. She could see the signs on slavery on K’tana’s face and seeing the harsh beating that she would fall prey to at the hands of her Master Jeak Kaeth, made Inarya’s blood boil.

Inarya was born into a life of slavery, her mother was a slave in a Brothel owned by Drake and Darryn Vasch, a human family that had strong ties to the Hutt crime lords on Tatooine. While in servitude Inarya’s mother conducted a secret affair with one of the brother Twi’lek body guards. The lover’s were discovered but only after Inarya’s mother had conceived, furious with the pair Drake made the now pregnant female watch while they killed her lover. They allowed Inarya’s mother to remain pregnant in the event the child she was carrying was a girl. Through trauma and mistreatment while in the womb,  Inarya development the pigment mutation causing her to become Lethan.  
After one such beating Inarya had about as much as she could stand, seeking K’tana in the medical bay she convince the young Student into ending the tyranny he had over her. While to this day she refuses to state what happened, that suspicious fire that took hold of his quarters eliminated nearly all evidence so an investigation was never carried out.  

On the night Inarya was born both Drake and Darryn were there to witness the birth, along with the Brothel Madam Ziare Koto.  When Inarya was born the brothers saw the pigment mutation caused her skin to be a bright shade of red, a trait that was both rare and valuable. After the birth, Inarya was taken by Ziare leaving her mother with Drake and Darryn. The brothers killed the female Twi’lek seeing as there was no further use for her.  
After successfully seeing K’Tana to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, the Twi’Lek was faced with a new challenge this was in the shape of a young Iridonian [[Valkish Ebonvar]], young light Jedi from Oden Ur that strayed into Arconain space. Given the task of turning the young Valkish, Inarya soon become his master and under her careful watch got to Dark Jedi Knight.  

Inarya grew up oblivious to the dark world around her, looking to Ziare as a mother and the other women in the Brothel as older sisters. Partly due to Inarya’s young age she did not see the intention that the brother had for her. She saw her sisters profession as simply being paid to spend time with men or women. Ziare made sure that the young Inarya was kept away from the more seeder side of life in the Brothel.  
Not long after Valkish reached the rank of Dark Jedi Knight Inarya felt an unrest that no matter what she tried wouldn’t shift. Her past was coming back to haunt her, things that she had tried very hard to forget. Her nights were plagued by nightmares and her wake thoughts troubled. With only a notice to her Consul Marrick Inarya disappeared from Clan Arcona. Ryloth was coming her like a beacon, she didn’t know why but she followed, in an effort to try and get some peace.
===Return to Ryloth===
[[File:RylothInarya.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Inarya returning to her home.]]
Upon her departure of Clan Arcona Inarya returned to her homeworld., filled with the need to know about who she was an where she came from. Setting foot on Ryloth Inarya felt the familiar heat of the planets surface hit her skin, the air was arrid, for once she felt at home. The state of Ryloth had changed little since her birth, the cities and outlying towns still under the boot of the Hutts and the other Crime Lords.  

===Orvax IV: Dark Desires===
The sight that Inarya saw filled her with the same rage that she had felt when she was a child, even though not her directly the stench of Hutts was thick in the air.  
Inarya reached the age of ten she was taken from the hot desert heat of Tatooine to Orvax IV by Drake Vasch leaving behind the Brothel, her sisters and Ziare. Once she was on her own with Drake she soon began to realise the reason that he was keeping her, he began regularly beating her as well as making certain advances towards to young Twi’lek. Fearing what he would do, she ran away into the streets. Not knowing the dangers of life on Orvax she soon found herself under the mercy of a group of street thugs. They beat her till Inarya could no longer stand,  threatening to do terrible things to her. She thought that hope was lost till a hooded stranger came,  fighting off and killing the thugs; freeing Inarya in the process. He said notthing and simply gave small girl a gesture of kindness. Although he showed her only kindness she could feel a deep darkness within him, it made her dizzy and curious. She vowed then she would find a way to be like him, to know that power that he knew.

As Inarya grew so did the level of violence that Drake would submit her to, instead of just beating she found most night he would force himself upon her. Feeling his flesh upon hers made her sick, she desired nothing more than to kill him but she lacked the means or strength to do so. .  
===Naga Sadow: New Path===
After leaving the sun baked surface of Ryloth Inarya found herself for once in her life actually missing some where. She was soon back in the black cold of space on her way to her new home. If it had been anyone calling her back to service she would have simply ignored it but she found it hard to say on to Cethgus.  

By time Inarya turned sixteen Drake had amassed a large collection of female slaves from the slave markets that frequented the city. Aiming to set up a seat of power on Orvax and in order to pay off some of the debt his family owed the Hutt’s, Drake started up a second brothel with the young Inarya as the main attraction. The business soon became popular among the locals as well as getting renown by some Off Worlders, however the clientele was mainly slavers.  
Inarya is quite striking to look at her, her crimson skinned cheeks are line with dark black tattoos that spread from her forehead down her lekku. Her amber eyes are circled with black eyeliner, her face hairless other then the lines of her eyebrows.

Upon reaching eighteen Inarya had become twisted with rage and hate. Living a life of servicing those she hated the most had become a prospect that was too hard to bare. The beatings and assaults had grow as her own defiance grew, leaving frequently bloody and bruised for days. In the days that she spent recovering she felt a darkness building inside her almost consuming her like a black sea. It was here when she felt like she was drowning in anger she plotted to free herself from slavery, killing all those who held her.  
Inarya is cold towards others, with a dry sarcasm and has an answer for everything. She is known to show little to no respect for position of authority, talking back when she knows she shouldn’t. Inarya’s mouth has been known to get her in trouble more than once.  

However as soon as Inarya gets herself into the fight her sharp tongue and quick wit subside and replace with silence and focus.

Blames [[Cethgus|Cethgus Tiberius Enter Aconea]] for her fear of flying.  
====Cethgus Tiberius Enter Arconae====
One of Inarya’s oldest and closest friends, even if neither of them care to admit it. She is fiercely loyal to the Iridonian and will follow where he leads. His recent call to her to arms proof that she would act on his word in an instant

==Outstanding Achievements==
K’tana, or Numa as Inarya affectionately call her, is the closest thing that Inarya has to family. She isn’t just her Student she is her sister and friend.

Former First Blade of Galeres
*Blames [[Cethgus|Cethgus Tiberius Entar Aconae]] for her fear of flying.
*Can fluently speak several languages.

[[Category:DJB Characters]] [[Category:Arconans]]
==Outstanding Achievements==
*Former First Blade of Galeres.

Latest revision as of 15:52, 29 July 2024

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
This article details the history of a character who no longer actively takes part in current events.

Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

10 ABY

Physical Description





1.6 Metres


90 pound



Personal Information

Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae,

Chronology & Political Information

Clan Naga Sadow



[ Source ]

Inarya is a Twi’lek Obelisk Prelate currently serving in Clan Naga Sadow. Not a strongly social individual known for her cold nature and dry sarcasm. However for those who have earned her trust she is fiercely loyal.


Ryloth: Birth

Inarya was born on the Twi’ek homeworld of Ryloth, outside of the reach of the New Republic, its inhabitants often fell prey to the whim of the various crime syndicates. Inarya’s family were no different, her mother, Seka, and father, Pol, tried hard to keep their heads down, staying away from the crime lords attention. Their life changed when Seka fell pregnant, Pol tried his hardest to protect both his wife and his unborn child however the treats and the stress of what would happened to her child caused Seka to go into labour prematurely, the tiny Inarya was born. She spend only a few month before with her parents before a group of Slavers killed her parents and took the infant Inarya captive.

Tatooine: Childhood

Ripped from one desert planet to another Inarya was taken from her home world of Ryloth to the seedy criminal underbelly of Tatooine. Inarya, still a baby, was put into the care of an elderly Twi’lek female, Poy, who give her the name “Little Salwa”, a name which mean orphan or clanless was well was teaching her to talk and walk. Other than Poy the others that were held with her showed her little to no kindness, Inarya had a lonely childhood. Due her inquisitive nature and defiant streak Inarya was the victim of frequent beatings leading to many bruises and broken bones. After a failed escape attempt the Slaver furious with her near took her out in the yard and beat her publically almost killing her before Poy stepped in. The elder Twi’lek was beaten to death that day, Inarya’s actions cost her the women that raised her life. Poy’s beaten body to this day still haunts Inarya’s dreams.

Soon after this Inarya was sent away and sold to whorehouse, The Black Lotus owned and run by Froda, one of the many member of the Hutt family that set up business on Tatooine. Her name was changed and what little she had was taken away from her.

Finding Her Freedom

When first coming to the whorehouse Inarya’ s duties included cleaning the rooms, serving drinks and sometimes dancing. It was as she grew older that her womanhood was put on sale, the first night she was force to sleep with a patron she cried clawing at her skin to get their scent off her. Every night after that though she felt nothing, she taught herself to block out the pain.

The night she discovered she was force sensitive was the night she was attacked by one of the guards. After a heavy night drinking he watched Inarya, stalking the Twi’lek back to her room. Once he was alone with her he locked the door then forced himself on her, as Inarya punched and kicked him in an effort to get the man off of her she reached something deep inside her the man went flying back his head meeting with her corner of a cupboard killing him almost instantly. It was the first time she had murdered a person, but seeing the man blood seep from the mess that was once his skull stirred something inside of her.

Inarya after leaving The Black Lotus

For the killing the guard however she was brought before Larkon, the Cathar head guard and Froda’s second in command, and Froda himself. As Larkon’s heavy furry hands pounding into Inarya’s frame she could the Hutt laughing as he gorged himself, every punch and laugh that fell brought forth a hate in her that she never felt before. She couldn't remember for how long he beat her, all she can remember was waking up in her room bruised and broken.

While Inarya recovered, lock away from the patrons of The Black Lotus, the rage inside her twisted forming a knot inside her. She sat practising moving things, like she did that night she killed the guard. Small at first finding that even that would cause excruciating headaches, Inarya soon realised that this wouldn’t help her get away the Hutt and the Cathar.

A few weeks passed before Inarya had managed to make a full recovery, still sore but at least she could move. Inarya had gotten a little better at controlling her power, at least to the point where so could move small things without getting a headache. Soon after the Twi’lek was back on her feet she was summoned to Froda’s, probably to make sure that the beating had left no marks on her, no-one wants damaged goods.

Plagueis: Earning a Knighthood

"Potential is something we all have, yet that Twi'lek has already begun unlocking hers, mark my word she will soon surpass some of us"

The Zabrak and blood where the last things that Inarya could remember from Tattooine before waking up in a completely strange place. Wherever she went there was a strange feeling in the air, almost a energy that she could feed off of. Her purpose for being there was soon relieved to her though as the Zabrak introduced himself as Cethgus Kuga, the Rollmaster of Clan Plagueis serving in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Inarya didn't even pretend to understand what he was saying

Inarya leaving for Acrona

Arcona: The Shadow Clan

Upon learning of the departure of both Sanguinius her master and Cethgus to Clan Arcona, Inarya followed shortly behind. Faced with a new challenge in a new environment Inarya found herself with a new resolve.

Other than Alaris, her former Proconsul in Plagueis, Inarya had not seen another one of her species, until K'tana. The purple skinned former slave reminded Inarya of herself, minus the occasional decent into madness, when she was of her age. She could see the signs on slavery on K’tana’s face and seeing the harsh beating that she would fall prey to at the hands of her Master Jeak Kaeth, made Inarya’s blood boil.

After one such beating Inarya had about as much as she could stand, seeking K’tana in the medical bay she convince the young Student into ending the tyranny he had over her. While to this day she refuses to state what happened, that suspicious fire that took hold of his quarters eliminated nearly all evidence so an investigation was never carried out.

After successfully seeing K’Tana to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, the Twi’Lek was faced with a new challenge this was in the shape of a young Iridonian Valkish Ebonvar, young light Jedi from Oden Ur that strayed into Arconain space. Given the task of turning the young Valkish, Inarya soon become his master and under her careful watch got to Dark Jedi Knight.

Not long after Valkish reached the rank of Dark Jedi Knight Inarya felt an unrest that no matter what she tried wouldn’t shift. Her past was coming back to haunt her, things that she had tried very hard to forget. Her nights were plagued by nightmares and her wake thoughts troubled. With only a notice to her Consul Marrick Inarya disappeared from Clan Arcona. Ryloth was coming her like a beacon, she didn’t know why but she followed, in an effort to try and get some peace.

Return to Ryloth

Inarya returning to her home.

Upon her departure of Clan Arcona Inarya returned to her homeworld., filled with the need to know about who she was an where she came from. Setting foot on Ryloth Inarya felt the familiar heat of the planets surface hit her skin, the air was arrid, for once she felt at home. The state of Ryloth had changed little since her birth, the cities and outlying towns still under the boot of the Hutts and the other Crime Lords.

The sight that Inarya saw filled her with the same rage that she had felt when she was a child, even though not her directly the stench of Hutts was thick in the air.

Naga Sadow: New Path

After leaving the sun baked surface of Ryloth Inarya found herself for once in her life actually missing some where. She was soon back in the black cold of space on her way to her new home. If it had been anyone calling her back to service she would have simply ignored it but she found it hard to say on to Cethgus.



Inarya is quite striking to look at her, her crimson skinned cheeks are line with dark black tattoos that spread from her forehead down her lekku. Her amber eyes are circled with black eyeliner, her face hairless other then the lines of her eyebrows.


Inarya is cold towards others, with a dry sarcasm and has an answer for everything. She is known to show little to no respect for position of authority, talking back when she knows she shouldn’t. Inarya’s mouth has been known to get her in trouble more than once.

However as soon as Inarya gets herself into the fight her sharp tongue and quick wit subside and replace with silence and focus.


Cethgus Tiberius Enter Arconae

One of Inarya’s oldest and closest friends, even if neither of them care to admit it. She is fiercely loyal to the Iridonian and will follow where he leads. His recent call to her to arms proof that she would act on his word in an instant


K’tana, or Numa as Inarya affectionately call her, is the closest thing that Inarya has to family. She isn’t just her Student she is her sister and friend.


Outstanding Achievements

  • Former First Blade of Galeres.