Bryna: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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|name= Bryna
|name= Bryna
|image= [[Image:Bryna.jpg|250px]]
|image= [[Image:Bryna.jpg|250px]]
|birth=[[1 ABY to 10 ABY|9 ABY]]
|birth= {{Birthyear_and_Age|ABY|9}}
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*Created by Xathia as reference for Clan Arcona Run Ons
*Created by Xathia as reference for Clan Arcona Run Ons

[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Arcona NPCs]]
[[Category:Former Arcona NPCs]]

Latest revision as of 15:47, 29 July 2024

The Jedi were real?
This article is part of the history of Clan Arcona and isn't part of current events.
Please do not remove this tag or the contents. These articles exist for historic purposes.

Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

9 ABY (age 34)

Date of Death:


Physical Description








  • white feathers


Personal Information
  • Draken 'Ylith' Atema
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

"There is no light left, why should we delay the inevitable and let the darkness consume us, for only then can we find our true way"
―Bryna to Nyx aboard the Darkest Night

Bryna is the Omwati best friend of Xathia, the former Quaestor of House Galeres. The pair have known each other since childhood, and Bryna is currently the carer of Alyssa, Xathia's young child.

Character History



Bryna was born to high ranking officials in the Omwat town, Ava and Xhal Moonwood. Xhal was a politician, though his background consisted of Jedi training, and had trained with Chal Quatremaine. He had resigned from the Jedi order when his father passed away, and returned to Omwat to take over from his career. Upon Xhal's return in 1ABY, he deviated to a side bar, where Ava was waitressing to help her sickly mother out with money, though he kept returning, specifically working out her shift patterns, it wasn't until a few months down the line when she waited his table that Xhal dared to ask Ava on a date. Ava almost reluctantly accepted, more due to the fact that Xhal could support both her and her mother, then out of attraction. After about a year of courting, the pair were engaged, before being married in 3ABY, a year after Ava's mother's death. In 5ABY, a male Omwati was born and named Ixui, but died within a few months. Many suspected Ava of killing the child, but nothing was brought against her as Xhal strongly opposed all claims she had. Bryna was born in 9ABY, bringing rise to the idea of Ava killing this child. Though she was well cared for, Bryna was not brought outside of the family mansion until she three years old. Xhal spent most of his time at the office, leaving Ava and Bryna to themselves, along with a Twi'lek nanny, and a Human maid. The Twi'lek nanny had a lot of influence over Ava, and proceeded to train Bryna in the Force, having sensed that the young girl was capable of many things. Xhal came home early one afternoon, and walked in on a training session. The nanny was promptly arrested, and publicly banished from the city with accusations of being a Dark Jedi, making it clear to everyone in the city who the nanny was.

Ascension to Adulthood

Upon turning five, Bryna was enrolled into the local school, often being outcast by the other children in the school for her odd behaviour. Though teachers often noted it as well, nothing was muttered to Xhal on fear of being exiled like the nanny. A couple of months later, Nyx Quatremaine was enrolled to the same school, and outcast just like Bryna for her behaviour. Approaching Nyx brashly, Bryna was set firm to make a friend with the other outcast, also learning as much about Chal as possible to pass onto her father. Blossoming into a teenager, Bryna had won her father over, as her mother remained in the shadows. Ava was sickly and barely able to leave the bed some days, just as her mother was. To compensate for her illness, she was often malicious to Bryna for her slender and appealing figure and intelligence, and complained bitterly to Xhal that his daughter was turning into a whore. Learning one afternoon that Nyx had been banished from her parents' house, the Omwati sought out her father, begging to let the Human stay. Xhal immediately refused, since the Quatremaine name was not a proud one, Chal was a prominent spice user and alcoholic, and their youngest daughter was not known for good reason. Though silently screaming at her father's refusal, Bryna didn't push for another answer, and instead set about ensuring that Nyx would still turn up to school. Visiting the Human at the junk yard where she initially stayed, Nyx's pale skin was soon free from bruises and fresh cuts, except the self inflicted ones from working on her latest project, a droid.

Change of Circumstances

Returning down one morning before school, Bryna found the junk yard empty. The 'hut' that both Chi'thiac and Nyx had been staying in had been broken in to, and was looking like it was going to collapse. Suspecting her father had something to do with it, the Omwati ran ahead to school, hoping to find Nyx there. Catching sight of the slender Human, Bryna charged ahead, only to find out nothing new, the junkyard had been stormed in the early hours of the morning, and Chi'thiac had been arrested, but Nyx and Kai, the droid, had managed to escape without being noticed. Bryna frowned when Nyx had no ideas but to sleep rough for a while, maybe join a local gang for somewhere to stay, but Bryna knew that the only other option was an orphanage, something that both girls knew would prove disastrous should it go ahead. Forging a holographic messaging system after school, the two teenagers could communicate with each other should something happen. Nyx joined in with a local gang, one that was notorious for never being caught despite its size and variety of members. Although she still turned up to school, she failed to be able to join the high school since she had no address, and it was common knowledge she wasn't staying with her parents. Bryna could feel her rage against her father's refusal begin to build, but knew she needed to continue her education, or face her father's will. A few weeks after turning fourteen, and a couple of weeks before starting the final lap of her education, Ava died. There was nothing to lose, as Ava had been bed ridden for around nine months, and Bryna had rarely visited or seen her in that time. Starting a new school, without her best friend by her side, was a daunting prospect, one that her father sensed, and took Bryna aside to teach her meditation, ways that he had learnt as a Jedi to keep his Force able daughter from slipping to the dark side. He was wary they would sense her abilities and try and coax her over to the dark side should Nyx not be able to reign her in.

Pressing for Freedom

Passing with nearly perfect grades in 25ABY, Bryna stood poised at her graduation ceremony. Little had changed in the two years that she had been at school. There was only one thing missing, her best friend. Nyx had been driven out of the city a year after Bryna had started the high school after fighting with the gang leader, and challenging his leadership. She had escaped the battle alive, though apparently now had a long scar running from a short distance under her left eye to the jaw line, something very distinguishable and had made her way to the next city. It had taken her six months to get there, since her sense of direction was a little off, but had quickly hidden herself using the basic Force powers she knew. She had been caught stealing, and had been rescued by a stranger who had then taken her in shelter, and she'd built a second droid to assist Kai. Nyx had encountered a Jedi, offering her salvation to the light side shortly before being exiled from the gang, but had refused, saying her hatred had secured her to the dark side before running from the Jedi and his weapon. Bryna had all the details over holographic communication, and had passed these onto her father who asked no questions about where she had gotten the information. Searching out for the Jedi in the city, he had vanished shortly after the encounter it seems. At sixteen, Bryna was flourishing, but her father had no intentions of letting her choose and progress through a career just yet. Nyx was in contact briefly yet again, and had decided to take upon the stranger's offer to join with the Dark Side and become a Dark Jedi. Bryna had no objections, hoping it would finally give Nyx the home she needed, and to stop sleeping around with guys just to stop her being caught by the officials.

Alignment with the Light side

Joining with the Jedi

About six months later, a Jedi broke into the Moonwood home, and startled Bryna. Approaching her with the offer to escape Xhal's grip, and take up a career as a Jedi. Hearing footstep quickly race towards her room, the Omwati accepted and fled with the Jedi, still dressed in her pyjamas. The Jedi was an Ubese male, who gave little away, not even his name, but seemed to assure Bryna that he was a light Jedi. Upon arrival at the Jedi Academy, Bryna received a message from Nyx that she had arrived at the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, and seemed to settle in quickly with others who were like herself. It was 26ABY, and it had taken them a couple of months to arrive back at the academy. Quickly flourishing into the training, Bryna reached Padawan status, and was given a female Twi'lek master, Ree`dira.

An interesting Mistress

Ree`dira in her Light robes

Ree`dira had a particular interest in the young Omwati, and taught her intensely, barely giving Bryna a break, as though to feed the small aspect of the Dark Side within the young girl. One afternoon, around a year after arriving Bryna was called to Ree`dira's quarters, and told to bring a bag with a couple of change of clothes, and necessities . Faced with a smirking Twi'lek, and a prospect of searching out an area of a planet that was thought to be inhabited by Dark Jedi, and used for training. Though suspecting there were ulterior motives to the quest, Bryna nodded and joined Ree`dira on the ship. Nyx was again briefly in contact, she had relocated since last speaking, and gave her the planet name and whereabouts of the base should Bryna wish to visit. Shaking her head, the Omwati focused on meditation. She could sense the Darkness within her, and within Nyx very strongly, and there was also a streak in Ree`dira that the Padawan could sense. Trying to ignore the latter, and soothing herself, the Omwati was interrupted by Ree`dira. Explaining to Bryna that she had been picked by the Master herself for her dwelling Darkness, and that she would not just be taught techniques that the Jedi used, but those also used by the Dark Side. It was explained that both sides should be taught and brought out to stop the temptation of falling away from what was thought to be good. Upon arrival to the planet, there was no life to be found, but the master and apprentice spent the next year there, training Bryna in the Dark Side of the Force as well as the Light Side, and with numerous weapons. Bryna seemed to pick up blasters as a weapon second to her lightsaber, and reluctantly fought with daggers, though she was adept at it, the Omwati preferred to draw on her blasters.


Ree`dira in her Dark robes

Returning back to the academy in late 28ABY, Ree`dira was denounced and struck from the Jedi Order, announced to be a grey Jedi rather then a Light sider, and therefore a danger to everyone there. Bryna was brought before the Council, in order to determine whether or not training could continue under a much stricter master. Drawing her blaster at the Council, Bryna fled to avoid capture, and was publicly announced to be banned from the Academy.

Not wishing to fall to either Side, Bryna contemplated returning back to Omwat and her home town. Looking to Ree`dira for advice, the young Omwati found little shelter, but knew she couldn't return home after the way she had left. Continuing training in both aspects of the Force, Bryna found a home on the planet of Sluis Van, buying her way into a comfortable home with plenty of space to practice the Force, and decide her side. She hid mainly from everyone, to hide her identity.

A Second Beginning


Nyx was briefly in contact; she had married recently, and was pregnant with his child. From what it sounded like to Bryna, this was not going to last long, but she knew better then to enforce a view on Nyx, she would merely go against what she had been told to show that everyone else was wrong. She missed her best friend, it had been a long while since they had met, but Nyx would be wary of a grey Jedi. Looking at what the Light side had to offer, and what the Dark Side had, Bryna shunned the Light and gracefully took a 'fall'. Contacting Ree`dira and asking if she had any further instruction for the Dark Side, the Twi'lek screeched and demanded to never be contacted again unless the Omwati saw the error in her ways and turned away from the Dark side. Giggling a little wildly, Bryna sold the house, and whatever possessions she had no use for, before purchasing two brand new Relby-K23 blasters, two litch blades and a new ship, with enough to last the woman two years should she get lost. Deciding to relocate, and move close to somewhere that Nyx called home, Bryna set out with a purpose, to find her best friend.


"It's ok, you haven't seen me in a long while, and I'm offering to take care of the dearest thing to you. But you can trust me Nyx, nothing has changed since we last met, except I'm on your side. The light side holds nothing for me."
―Bryna gesturing to Nyx, with an offer of taking care of Alyssa

After several months, Bryna came across a planet, Rinn, and took up refuge in another property, again choosing to close herself off from the community by ensuring it was big enough to train in. Traveling to the co-ordinates given by Nyx, Bryna arrived quietly, and gave the name 'Xathia' at the gates. Nyx appeared somewhat swiftly, and looked a little out of breath. She was also clutching at a bundle in her arms. Smiling, she told Nyx that the darkness in her soul had not changed from when they had met sixteen years ago. The two women conversed, and Bryna admitted she had chosen the Dark Side, after being initially trained by Jedi, and offered to take Alyssa out of Nyx's way, and protect her until the Human said so. Nyx had explained about her husband's disappearance, and how her and Alyssa had relocated to a different clan to avoid being found by him. Giving Alyssa to Bryna, added another trail to the hunt, and would most likely hide the baby from Draken. Trusting Bryna with the dearest thing to her, Nyx agreed, and added that Alyssa needed to be brought back, with Bryna in tow occasionally so that she would know who her real mother was. Shortly afterward, Nyx was back in touch, and had been appointed to Quaestor of House Galeres.



Bryna stands with a typical slender Omwati frame at a height of 1.7m, and stands with a firm posture. Her hair consists of white feathers, although for some reason it it dark at the roots. She can look easy to intimidate by many other species, yet her dark eyes reveal a fiery spark that is cradled within the female. Her typical clothing is a simple tunic and fitted trousers with a pair of knee high flat boots, all in black.


Bryna has a sarcastic streak, but is generally quirky to her close friends. She accepts that she acknowledges a lot of people, but few get the title of friend, and fewer still are known as close friends to the Omwat. She's quick tempered to most, though with friends she is gentle and will protect them will her life. The Omwati will not think twice about being brutal, and is strangely at peace with her darkness that has consumed her, especially when compared to her best friend, Xathia.

Preferred weapons

Bryna is trained in blasters and daggers, as well as Forms One and Two in lightsaber. She will always be seen carrying a pair of Relby-K23 blasters and a lightsaber hilt.


  • Quick with blasters and saber
  • intelligent
  • high dexterity


  • Paranoid about people generally
  • ill-equipped without a blaster, dagger or saber
  • weak strength, weak constitution
  • xenophobic to most species


  • Is roughly equivalent to a JH/DJK in regards to rank and powers
  • Created by Xathia as reference for Clan Arcona Run Ons