John Blackwood

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John Blackwood
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description












Personal Information
  • BR-5010
Chronology & Political Information


  • CorSec (Formerly)
Personal Ship:

The Yastobaal



[ Source ]

"'You go in, come out alive. You lie your way through the paperwork, go home, and try to forget about what you saw. Trust me kid, it's the only way you stay sane."

John Blackwood, also known as Subject Delta, is a male Barabel serving as an operative of Clan Odan-Urr. Found as an infant amid the wreckage of a freak starship crash on the outskirts of Coronet City, Blackwood was taken by a Human couple and raised as their child. Although beset by strange occurrences and freak incidents throughout his childhood, Blackwood would join the Corellian Security Force, serving as a detective and investor. Naturally skilled and observant, Blackwood would serve the organisation well, but would find himself embroiled with occult crimes and strange murders, earning him an ill reputation.

Late into his career, Blackwood would uncover the truth of his origins when facing a spectral entity of a long dead Sith Lord; learning that he had been originally biochemically forged by the Sith to serve it as a bringer of destruction. Although Blackwood was successful in defeating the spirit and the horrifying experiments it had influenced, a growing disgust with CorSec's upper management would lead him to quit the force. Swiftly recruited by Essik Lyccane, Blackwood would join Clan Odan-Urr as a field agent and expert on the Dark Side.

Character History

CorSec Days (9 ABY - 42 ABY)

Trainwreck Beginning

The exact origins and genetic history of John Blackwood were a mystery at the time of his discovery around 11 ABY. A freighter, either due to accident or sabotage, had lost control and crashed while trying to depart from Coronet city, and had crashed on the outskirts. Barely missing the outlying suburbs, the vessel had carved a deep scar into the earth and had been split apart upon impact. Although largely intact and failing to explode, what was found within was more horrifying to first responders than any mound of corpses. The vessel's hold was filled with genetic analysis and experimental equipment, transformed into an extensive lab worthy of any biological research station, and with horrors worthy of an Imperial Dungeon ship. Gene-spliced creations were found amid the wreckage, still hooked to wrecked monitoring equipment or barely alive. Some had been forcibly implanted with symbiotic creatures, while others had been seemingly cloned from multiple sources in an effort to splice a new species entirely. Most were dead, and the few left besides swiftly begged for a merciful end.

As the responders explored the freighter they found darker things; data from the Emperor's Deep Core stronghold, passages from the time of the Sith Empire, and texts apparently crafted outlining cruel means of altering another's biological form. This would soon lead to the involvement of Professor Casath Blackwood, a teacher at Corellia University who had knowledge of Sith sorcery. Casath was at a loss for how someone had so easily come into possession of so much illicit data, but soon concluded that the creator at the heart of such work was not among the bodies, and had likely been helping guide it remotely. When investigating a symbol escribed chamber at the heart of the vessel, Casath found the infant Barabel. Unharmed by the wreckage but terrified, his lack of mutations was a sign of suspicion but his lack of hostility or tell-tale signs of experimentation spared him from the fate of other victims of experiments.

Casath quickly came to the conclusion that the Barabel child had likely been abducted from another world. Trying to find his family first through genetic links, and then the freighter's flight path, she was unable to find any possible home he might have been taken from. Even a handful of unusual markers within his genetics offered nothing more than a sign of potentially being tested for DNA harvesting, but nothing more. Wanting to both keep an eye on the child for any risk he might pose and also spare him the hardship of growing up without parents, Casath adopted the Barabel into her family, naming him John after her father.

The Normal Years

John's upbringing was thankfully uneventful but far from normal. Casath wished to keep a close eye on the Barabel and, while every effort was successful in integrating him into her family, she wished to keep a close eye on him. Finding someone in a hellish place such as the freighter had raised her suspicions, and Casath had seen first-hand how the Dark Side could snare someone during the University's efforts to destroy the Cult of Exar Kun. Because of this, John was kept close to her and saw much of the galaxy from an early age, usually being tutored on military bases or joining Casath on archaeological sites. Every effort was made to avoid treating him with suspicion and his history was kept hidden from all but those who saw it as an essential need-to-know security basis. Even so, there were some moments in which John displayed unusual abilities, such as a clear ability to connect with the Force in sensing life about him, or tap into it to enhance his strength. Already growing far stronger than would be expected of a young child; it took considerable effort on Casath's part not to see him as a ticking bomb.

Thankfully, Casath's fears proved to be unfounded. Even in an unconventional environment John thrived, and seemed much more at home on the move than staying isolated in any one place. Happy and outgoing, even being left to his own devices resulted in no crises beyond what might be expected of his natural curiosity. Although he shared nothing of Casath's own patience when it came to research, he was keen to listen, and even grew to read and try and understand the history of his own species. Even in these halcyon days, however, there were some warning signs. It could not be denied that certain arachnological digs seemed to become far more dangerous in John's presence, especially those rooted in the history of the Sith. Ancient arcane devices would suddenly activate, or dormant defensive droids would abruptly awaken. Stranger things even occurred on bases he was stationed in, and one notably harrowing visit to a research base uncovered illegal development of nanomachine weapons based upon a Sith superweapon.

When the time came for John to choose his path in life, he would break from his family's history of working in educational centres in favour of a far more active judicial role. This was in part driven to his lack of patience for the more academic elements of the work he had found, but also his ability to carefully examine, judge, and come to accurate conclusions of scenes. While Casath did attempt to dissuade John from this path in life, once he was set upon it she ultimately gave her blessing and full assistance in enrolling in CorSec. Although struggling with several written exams, John would pass any basic physical challenge with flying colours. Although unable to immediately promote him to the role of detective or even investigator, John's superiors were quick to put him on the first steps toward that and fastrack him to such a role. This was a choice they would soon some to both celebrate and regret in equal measure.

The Black Dossier

"'You can hear them, but you don't really believe they're there. They can't be. You've never seen anything with skin that colour before. That particular texture and sheen. You think you've smelled their breath, but you can't be right. The smell of hospital burn wards, of speeder crashes. The smell of cooked human meat on their breath. That's what you're thinking, isn't it. There are things moving in that building which should not even be alive. Unfortunately, while you might have forgotten about them, they've definitely not forgotten about us."

Dangerous Habits

The Conqueror Worm

Jedi Business (42 ABY - Present)

Physical Description


Uncomplicated and with a layman's view of the world, Blackwood is a normal man trying to deal with a deeply abnormal life. More concerned usually with just doing his job, getting paid, and going home for the day, any casual conversation could allow for a passer by to mistake him for any blue collar worker. It's only when Blackwood gets into the specifics of his work that this illusion is broken. Blackwood will speak of horrifying rituals, serial killings, and macabre with the same nonchalant ease as a construction worker outlining fitting a roof into place. Although far from amoral or uncaring, decades of dealing with the more esoteric aspects of the Force has left Blackwood with a near unshakable disposition which is rarely surprised or horrified anymore. Short of bursts of rage when he is truly infuriated or in the heat of battle, Blackwood is more prone to dry humour or resigned irritation when dealing with matters of the Force.

Although typically laconic unless forced to get a serious point across, Blackwood could be highly personable and sociable with those he was able to rely upon. A few too many betrayals left him with severe trust issues, and as such such a circle was small indeed; a problem only further exaggerated by how few friends and allies he was able to retain in CorSec thanks to his poor reputation for heralding disaster and general weirdness. A former partner once commented that "You know things have gone to kark when Blackwood is given the case. It could be a Rodian taking the credit chit from someone's old granny, and two days later we'll find it's all part of some elaborate neo-Krath doomsday ceremony." It was a point that Blackwood could hardly deny.

Both his method of creation and many cases left him with little to no respect for practitioners of the Dark Side, and distrust for those who favoured its means. Even after long accepting that Nikora Rhan, Ka Tarvitz, and members of the Templar Jensaarai were as far from the Sith who created him s possible, he still never fully accepted them. Although open minded enough to accept and respect the Jedi, even following attempts on his life following misunderstandings due to his knowledge and relationship with the Dark Side, some histories simply ran too deep to fully bury.

Yet perhaps what people most commonly forget is that Blackwood considers himself human in all the ways that matter. Raised by humans, growing up among humans, and working with humans, he did not even meet another Barabel until well into adulthood. Going so far as to take classes to overcome the typical cadence and speech impediments of his kind when speaking Basic, he would only opt to learn his species' language after being prompted by members of his family.


Often working more with anything that Nikora Rhan, Clan Odan-Urr, or the Free Droid Enclave can supply over his own materials, Blackwood has relatively few items to his name. Relying much more upon his wits than gadgetry, he typically operates with little more than the clothes on his back and a gun in his holster. Both are among the few items he kept with him after moving to Clan Odan-Urr, with a BR-5010 slugthrower pistol being the most valuable item still to his name.

Powers and Abilities


Although experienced in a variety of weapon types, ranging from Slugthrowers to blades, Blackwood lacks any noted talent. Passable at best in these fields and with only somewhat better capability when it comes to a wider variety of disabling weapons such net guns, even his experience with explosives is born more from the use of flash grenades and being talked through disabling bombs over real training.

Instead Blackwood's talent lies far more in his physicality, utilising his sheer strength and stamina to overcome opponents. This is paired with his expertise in both Mandalorian Core and the Imperial Martial Arts System, to overcome, disarm, and then disable enemies. Although much of his experience stems from training, this has been further enhanced through harsh combat, with Blackwood learning how to turn effectively any discarded item into an ad hoc weapon; something he actively pursued after being forced to disable and then kill a mutated Rancor with a sharpened length of rebar. When paired with his natural analytical skills, this allows Blackwood to quickly identify a likely weakness in his opponent and exploit it, relying upon little more than anything he can pick up during the fight.


Although far from the superhuman genius most experienced detectives are stereotyped as, Blackwood's attention to detail and ability to rapidly piece together information has served him well over many decades. Typically patient and methodical, but more than willing to take a leap of faith when needed, Blackwood's main strength lies in his ability to judge the motives of people as much as the detail found within a scene. Although hardly unconventional, it is Blackwood's ability to take the Force into account which has led him to at least survive an extremely dangerous life. With Blackwood's habit of stumbling into dangerous remnants of Sith power or ancient knowledge being warped to churn out horrifying creations, the fact he can consider them without losing his grip on the more mundane aspects of everyday life has helped him to solve both legitimate supernatural cases, and recognise when old ghost stories are being used to disguise a more conventional crime.

The Force

Blackwood's relationship with the Force is distinctly complicated. Although he has displayed a natural affinity in many areas, Blackwood actively squanders his potential and avoids utilising it save for the most necessary of situations. This is not so much thanks to concerns about his creation so much as the risk of what he might become, as he knows he lacks the same discipline and mental state of a Jedi to avoid the risks of falling to the Dark Side, or even the discipline needed to not be tempted by the quick and easy path. Even were this not the case, Blackwood remains worried that he might even be hard coded to follow certain paths leading toward being a Sith. This has left Blackwood doing little more than utilising some basic abilities of amplifying his physical attributes and tapping into the Force to sense his surroundings, largely to give him some edge against his usual foes.