Vynar Industries
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Vynar Industries | |
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Vynar Industries is a catch-all corporation, starting out with armor technology and moving into droid manufacturing and experimental tech. In reality, Vynar was a Shadow Company for the Tana Consortium, before the death of the first CEO and member of the Family, Talos Vyranius d'Tana. In the months after the conclusion of the Ninth Great Jedi War and in the weeks since Talos vanished, control has been seceded to the only blood relative of Talos' knowledge, Angral. Since the deceleration of the former d'Tana's 'will', Angral has taken over control of Vynar along with his own brother, Krandon Rowella.
With the so-called Reformation for the Consortium, the need for shadow companies became prevalent. The long-standing Prefect Arms remained and Vynar was opened in 30 ABY along with ODAC, Maurier Security and others. Vynar was given to Talos, the newest member of the Family and is the only company that does not have a clear cut specialty.
Chief Executive Officer/Lead Designer-- TBA
Angral Revane is possible the youngest man in the history of the Brotherhood to rise to a shadow corporation's top spot at such a ripe age, being only 16. He is the blood-nephew of the first CEO, Talos Vyranius and immediate heir of the now-MIA Human. Since taking control of Vynar Industries, Angral has shaken off the cobwebs of inactivity and laziness and Vynar is now competing once again for the top spot in experimental technology development.
Vice Executive Officer-- Krandon Rowella
Head Designer of Droid Manufacturing-- Rav Solace
Rav Solace is a Human who has spent nearly all of his 27 years of life as a mechanic. He first found his love of droids when he was a mere five years old, when he dismantled his family's server droid then flawlessly put it back together, but not before upgrading it with not even released technology. The Solace Family Fortune kept Rav out of prison but from then on, he left Courscant and moved to Corulag, where he found work in a droid mechanic shop. In 30 ABY, when Talos d'Tana came to Corulag to set up the Tana Building, he witnessed Rav's skill with droids and one day later, Rav Solace signed on as the Head Designer of Droid Manufacturing for Vynar Industries.
Rav is an outgoing and friendly person and does not mind that his superior is both a Sith and fourteen years his junior.
Head Designer of Starship Technology-- Darsin Malus
Darsin Malus is a former Imperial fighter pilot turned master ship builder after a routine TIE Defender exercise went awry. JScumm introduced the two in 30 ABY, for Darsin was responsible for making sure that Blue Mist's A-9b's were up to date. When Talos became a d'Tana and given the reins of Vynar Industries, he sought out Malus and signed him on as the Head Designer of Starship Technology.
Malus is a seasoned war veteran with a negative view on how young the soldiers of today are. However, while he has a gruff exterior, he is a hard worker and loyal friend once he knows that he can trust you. He wears his TIE Pilot uniform constantly and has all of his commendations in a mortar board in his office, showing off his proud past. Darsin also flies an ancient Delta-7B Aetherspire Light Interceptor that has been modified over the years.
Head Designer of Experimental Branch-- Ator Ykon
A former Mandalorian Death Watch Bloodguard, Ator leads the Experimental Branch, or 'Dark Sector' as it is called by the employees. Even after the decimation of the Death Watch, Ator wears his Bloodguard armor at all times. He resents the fact that Talos is a Sith and is usually the least friendly of the Head Designers. Ator has never been forthcoming with the reason as to why he despises the Sith, but recent inquiry has lead the CEO to believe it is due to the fact that a unknown Sith destroyed the Death Watch and this Sith was none other than a relative of Talos. The d'Tana keeps Ykon's behavior in line with the proper application of fear and trustworthy employee's on Dark Sector's staff.
Ator is a master combatant and loves his work. He is currently designing new armor technologies, which are being field tested by his staff, Maurier Security Services, and ODAC.
Vynar Industries is located throughout the Galaxy in many outposts but two main bases of operation are located on the massive Coronada Station and in the Tana Building on Corulag.
Coronada Station (Charros IV System)
Tana Building (Corulag)
The Tana Bulding is a large, fifty-story building located on Corulag. The building itself is ornately crafted and has two Elite Security Guards, members of Deployment Gamma, standing outside, with four other 5-man Operative Patrols that constantly patrol the halls. The layout follows:
- Basement: Dark Sector - The basement level belongs to Dark Sector, the experimental tech branch of Vynar. The basement is a wide area, with Ator's office and his staff offices. A wide, central area, serves as the Main Testing Chamber, with five other testing chambers (TeCha: 1-5). A well-stocked lounge is found just off the Main Testing Chamber and four turbo-lifts are available to reach the other levels.
- Level 1: Lobby/Foyer - The Lobby is a very grand area in appearance with the main entrance set at the front. Immediately beyond the entrance doors is the Secretary Desk, a desk of massive ebony with a holo-comp and a Camera Bank that shows all holo-cams in the building, save for those in the CEO and VEO's offices. A security station is also found to the right of the main entrance. Hallways branch off from both the left and right and lead to the Lower Executive Offices and in the middle, a bank of four turbo-lifts.
Notable Products
Heavy Vynar Armor - One of the earliest armor projects ever produced by Vynar, the Heavy Vynar Armor (HVA) is a full body suit of durasteel, interspersed with plates of plasteel. The armor consists of enough protective plating to stop a small plasma-rocket dead on, with only minor blowback affecting the wearer. Automated springs help the wearer get up quickly when fallen and drastically increae mobility within this metal behemoth. The HVA is priced at just 3,000 Galactic Credits and, upon request, can be painted in a number of color schemes or a custom paint for just an additional 150 Credits.
Vynar Recon Suit - A light armor produced by Vynar, the Recon Suit is composed of plasteel plates (helmet, shin guards, knee guards, wrist guards, gloves), and padding, which is used throughout the armor. The helmet is designed with stealth and infiltration in mind, with vision modes and optical suites that are state-of-the-art. This armor is avaiable for just 2,000 Credits and the regular updates to the Optic Suite can be purchased for just an additional 50 credits a month. Just like the HVA, this armor comes in color schemes, however no custom schemes are available for purchase.
Employee Procedures
Security Clearances
Security Clearance
High Clearance
Top Secret Clearance
The Top-Secret Clearance is given only to the CEO, VEO, Head Designers, and Security Chiefs. This Clearance grants access to all projects and areas within the Tana Building and those who hold the Clearance are usually friends of Angral and not every-day employees.
The Symbol
The symbol of Vynar Industries fully represents the newest company. The Sword in the middle stands for the Dark Sector branch and their work in creating arms and armors. The Cogs denote that Vynar has no true purpose and is a catch all corporation, while finally, the wings show that Vynar is always expanding. Talos commissioned the symbol to be dipped in gold to represent the fortune that Vynar would bring in....and also to feel special.