Tythas City
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Tythas City | |
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Tropical |
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Approx. 4000 |
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House Sunrider Possessions: |
[ Source ] |
Tythas City is part of the noble estate of House Sunrider. Located on Daleem in the souther hemisphere, near the equatorial line, it is the home of, and part of, the Thon estate which the House claims as its fief.
It is a city underwater, forever on the edge of unbelievable beauty and perilous danger. Built to support terraforming operations and deep-sea mining, Tythas City acts as a jewel of Daleem and a popular vacation spot for many members of Clan Odan-Urr.

Early years
Built nearly a decade ago as a mining operations digging up rare metals and Rhydonium from Daleem's depths.
Sunrider takeover
There are three major levels Tythas city is located on: the surface also known as New Tythas, Rift city, and the Abyssal deeps. Each area houses varying, often specialized building specifically designed to withstand nearly-insurmountable pressures, but each has its role, its quirks, culture, and its locations of interest.
New Tythas - Surface level
New Tythas is the latest addition to the city, established as recently as 42 ABY and had been under construction for the entirety of that year, and a large part of 43 ABY as well. It is built out of Mon Calmari Habitats spread across the surface, and in the shallow depths, reaching as far as the reefs at the edge of the tectonic plane. It is the command center, habitat sector, and recreational facility for Tythas City residents and tourists alike.
Tythas City Terraformer

The Tythas City Terraformer is the heart of the city, its main power source, and a large reason for the city's very existence. Used to terraform and maintain the unstable, delicately balanced biosphere of Daleem's oceans, the Terraformer is a paramount asset to the Vatali Empire and Clan Odan-Urr
Built in a precarious and seismically active area of the ocean, the Terraformer is placed along one of the strongest currents on Daleem, the Southern Tidal Throughway, which brings nutrient-rich, warm water from the equatorial regions and circulates it across the poles nda back into deeper waters. The Terraformer's position was chosen to affect as large an area as possible.
The Terraformer floats on the surface, surrounded by civilian structures for support. It is maintained by exceptionally strong waterjets, maintaining it's precise location at all times. The demands and importance of the Terraformer itself requires a full time crew to work in several shifts to keep the behemoth running.
A thriving ecosystem has since burst from the murky waters around the Terraformer: wildlife has returned to the reefs and the depths in equal measure, making it a popular destination for under-sea tourism, though much of it is locked off to authorized personnel only.
Ashla’s Tears Amphitheatre[1]
A gorgeous concert hall that lays in the shallows just outside of New Tythas, Ashla’s Tears Amphitheatre is a massive structure made from reinforced glass, gold-plated durasteel, and a duracrete mixture made to look like gold-speckled marble. The building has several separate concert halls, a banquet hall, and a reception area. Each room brandishes at least three glass walls, allowing visitors and performers to watch the aquatic life swimming outside.
The founders of the building spared no expense in decorating the place, as each room holds lavish furniture in white, cream, tan, and navy-gray colors. Gold accents can be found in several areas. There are two total floors, connected by an extravagant double stairwell. The entire reception area is an open floor plan. The main attraction of the reception area is a massive tube that connects the glass ceiling to the floor, allowing sea life to float through blissfully unaware of their audience.
The Last Garden[2]

The Last Garden is a merchant store located on the surface level of Tythas city. It was founded as an offshoot of another experiment. Ithek Naor, an Ithorian botanist, had been one of several recent arrivals to Tythas City, transferred to from Strokera due to a communications error. With an already substantial number of cultivation and botanical experts within the city due to both scientific facilities and hydroponics areas, Naor found herself without much of the work promised and no immediate pay, Naor opted to remain rather than return to a workplace already overtaken by another. Using the last of her coin to buy out a failing shop from a Noghri tailor, Naor transformed it into a specialist plants shop. Due to the limited sunlight in the Deep Habitats and Abyssal Zone, and already knowing of the psychological toll such enclosed dark areas could play on the mind, Naor utilised her skills to import plants which would easily grow in those environments. Requiring little in the way of direct attention and hardy against the sealed atmosphere, the plants she picked were those which would flourish in such conditions without risking the city's habitat or causing problems for the wide mix of races who had called the sealed location their home.
The move proved to be a surprise success, thanks primarily to fitting into a very narrow niche. Each was cheap enough for the dockworkers to buy and required little attention to maintain, and were hard to kill. Many also offered bioluminescent qualities which added splashes of colour beyond the neon lighting in the lowest levels of the city, or were designed to actively drain moisture from the damp air which perforated the otherwise dry atmosphere of the rest of the station.
The shop itself is only a relatively small storefront of various shelves displaying plant species, seeds, and equipment to keep any purchase healthy. Large enough for perhaps a dozen people at a time, the area is ubiquitous and with little aesthetic flourish beyond a handful of basic decorations. Although Naor claims this is for the plants to gain the most attention and to leave her less to worry about, it also reflects her mindset. Approaching her business as less of an artist than an engineer, the backrooms and secondary areas behind the storefront are closet to a laboratory than a garden. With healthy soil difficult to effectively import and replace en masse, Naor utilises a broad mix of technological and chemical means to cultivate plants. The tech itself, often on loan from the scientific wings of the city, is far more advanced than one might be expected for such a store but remains essential in quickly starting and creating many of Naor's products from scratch. Naor herself also isn't above tinkering and experimenting with such species on a basic level. A number of plants are hybrids or genetically modified creations which are far better suited to the city than any naturally occurring race. For reasons of both retaining customers and not harming the ecosystem, these are typically sterile and incapable of reproduction, though odd mutations are noted to have occurred among a few rare plants.
Due to the nature of Naor's work and the equipment in her store, The Last Garden has been investigated for criminal activities several times. Whenever there is a hunt for the movement of Spice or even the fabrication of illicit substances. Although nothing has ever been proven, and Naor has never committed any crime before or after her time since joining the city, it has led to odd rumours surrounding the shop.
The Rift
Located on the edge of a rift between two tectonic plates, Tythas Rift City is officially part of the same fief, though the culture and establishments, and even the people, vary in many ways. Favored by the races who prefer the deeps as their home, Rift City is mostly inhabited by aquatic races such as Mon Calamari, Quarren, Gungans and Nautolans. It is build out of Gungan Hydrostatic bubbles and other similar architecture and is a mid-way station for deep-drilling personnel and the surface personnel to interact It is also a connection between the deep-sea elevator plunging into the Abyssal deeps and a more conventional submersible port for surface vehicles to dock.
The Lily Pad[3]
Set in the deep habitats, The Lily Pad is a gentleman's club for the denizens to relax. Run by Gungans, it is an establishment of curious reputation and particular tastes.
Abyssal depths

Some forty thousand feet deep, located under the Tythas City Terraformer, the Abyssal City stand as it has stood for over a decade, unmoving and indomitable. The oldest section of the city, this sector is built for hard work, drilling, mining, and industry. The drills located in this sector work night and day to fill quotas and obligations set by the Vatali Imperial Authority. While it does have habitats, it is by no means a permanent habitation zone, instead the workers work in two-week shifts, shuttling to the surface for R&R as the new shift arrives.
Alin Nisari[4]

Alin Nisari is a Human working for House Sunrider as the Head of Security of Tythas city. He is a former Colonel of the old regime of the city, grandfathered into his position as Sunrider took over. The change from military to civilian control of the City where he spent the past eight years is something he will forever be getting used to.
Nisari is a long time inhabitant of Tythas city, and a rare case of someone who truly worked their way up through it both literally and metaphorically. Originally born to drifters with little to nothing to his name, Nisari initially earned his living moving cargo and inspecting shipping in the docks, before finding a way up to a better paid position. With a seemingly random career path, Nisari has had a history in working on just about everything lacking highly specialist skills. It was for this reason he easily found a job in the security division of the city, albeit operating more as a peacekeeping figure than an active hunter of criminals.
Nisari has held his post for the better part of eight years now, with his duties usually being limited to petty crimes and smuggling gangs over far more hostile groups. Even so, as both an investigator and diplomat, he has worked to diffuse more crises than quelling them while in progress. This led to some years the suspicion that he lacked the backbone for such a role, and Nisari freely admits he considers violence to be the final option or something best left to others. Even so, his role in coordinating the response to an attempted abduction and hostage taking of several civilians in 37 ABY has dispelled at least some criticisms that he is unqualified for his role.
A friendly if somewhat aloof figure, Nisari is usually quiet and quite reserved in his dealings. Although ever polite and diplomatic, his more hands-off approach only comes from his knowledge of the people he is dealing with. Once certain someone is clearly competent enough to deal with the matter themselves or he knows them well enough to give them leeway, Nisari will usually trust them enough to give them leeway on most matters. It's only when that trust is betrayed or they fall far from his expected standards that Nisari's far less amicable side starts to emerge.
One quality which Tythas city's residents have been given equal reason to curse and praise is Nisari's near encyclopedic knowledge of the law and legal procedures. Capable of referencing sub-passages and details almost verbatim, he is capable of quoting the law down to the last letter. While certainly a stickler for these rules, Nisari is willing to utilise loopholes or exploit them as best as the people need; usually when he has to carefully choose between his morality and upholding the law. It's been noted more than once that if he had ever been inclined, Nisari would have been a terrifying lawyer.
- ↑ The following section was written by: Sivall Tenbriss Ya-ir Zoria, winning entry for Competition: [Under the sea!] Places of interest
- ↑ The following section was written by: Nikora Rhan, winning entry for Competition: [Under the sea!] Places of interest
- ↑ The following section was written by Nero Ashraven, winning entry for Competition: [Under the sea!] Places of interest
- ↑ The following section was written by: Nikora Rhan, winning entry for Competition: [Under the sea!] The people of Tythas