Tyron Kesh
![]() | |
Tyron Kesh | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Coruscant Underworld |
Date of Birth: |
3 BBY (age 52) |
Date of Death: |
N/A |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Human |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
1.95072 m |
Weight: |
101.151 kg |
Hair: |
Black |
Eyes: |
Black |
Cybernetics: |
Prosthetic Arm |
Personal Information | |
Mother: |
Trinity Dawn |
Father: |
Hesh Walker |
Known Children: |
None |
Spouse(s): |
None |
Allies: |
Clan Taldyran, Sith Order. Dark Jedi Brotherhood |
Enemies: |
Jedi Order |
Lightsaber Color(s): |
Red |
Lightsaber Form(s): |
Djem So |
Weapon(s): |
Military Holdout Blaster, Stun Baton, Vibroknuckler |
Fighting Style(s): |
Teras Kasi, Sharn-ado |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Era(s): |
Rebellion Era, New Republic Era, New Jedi Order Era and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era |
Affiliation: |
The Imperial Army, Order Of The Sith Lords, House Dinaari of Clan Taldryan, The Dark Jedi Brotherhood |
Personal Ship: |
Tie/IN Interceptor Judgement Dawn |
Known masters: |
Tess Morgan(Fictionally) |
Known apprentices: |
Neophyte Jedd Kunar |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
Tyron Kesh was a Sith Acolyte once in service of House Dinaari of Clan Taldryan.
Character History
- " I am the Sith Lord Tyron Kesh and in front of me you are nothing"
- ―Tyron Kesh
Early Life
Birth & Childhood
- " Leave my mother ALONE!!!!"
- ―Tyron Kesh to his Father shortly before accidentally killing him
Tyron Kesh was born on the Core World Coruscant under the name of Logan Walker in 7 BBY to Hesh and Trinity 'Dawn' Walker. His father worked as a Mercenary for the Hutt Clan. During the majority of his childhood Tyron lived with his mother in the projects of the Coruscant Underworld. His father was nearly always away on business but when he was home he would be abusive towards Tyron's mother whom he loved very much, for this reason Tyron despised his father and everything about him. One day when Tyron was twelve years old his father returned home in another one of his drunken rages and began to beat Tyron's mother, Tyron lashed out in an uncontrolled outburst of the Force killing both his beloved mother and his despised father. Ashamed and grieved Tyron disposed of his parents bodies by burning them. Orphaned and alone Tyron wandered the streets of Underworld until he was approached by a lone Sith Lord who offered to teach him how to control his new found abilities in return for his loyalty as her apprentice. Tyron accepted the offer, pledged his loyalty to his new master, denounced the name "Logan Walker" and took the name "Tyron Kesh." Tyron and his Master who went by the name Tess Morgan fled Coruscant to the planet Dantooine to begin his training as a Dark Lord of the Sith.
Training On Dantooine

- "Remember this place Tyron for this is where I will teach you the secrets of the Dark Side and this is where you will become a Sith Lord"
- ―Tess Morgan To Tyron Kesh
After fleeing Coruscant, Tyron Kesh and his Master Tess Morgan went to the planet Dantooine where he was to begin his training as a Sith Lord. It was there on that he discovered he was not the only apprentice his master had acquired and in fact she had built an entire Sith Academy on Dantooine. Master Tess demanded her apprentices attend public schools to seem as normal as possible. Tyron was bullied most of his school life but he allowed it because the hatred he had for the bullies gave him strength. During his years in high school Tyron fell in love with a fellow Twilek student named Sheera Tashik. The two students began dating and Tyron kept their relationship a secret from his master knowing she would see it as a weakness most likely resulting in his master killing Sheera. When Tyron turned eighteen his master had one last test before his training was complete: he had to kill Sheera Tashik. When he refused to kill the woman he loved his master killed her anyway, outraged Tyron lashed out and dueled his master. Although he lost his left arm Tyron Kesh emerged victorious decaptitating her but with his rage not fully quenched he lashed out on the entire academy where he lived killing everything in his path including his fellow students by bringing the entire academy down on top of them. With his rage was finally washed away in blood he saw the carnage he had caused and Tyron fled Dantooine and wandered space. Tyron believed the carnage he caused was because he gave himself fully to the Dark Side and went to a planet only heard of in legends, said to be the Birthplace of the Jedi: Tython to find answers and hopefully himself.
Solace On Tython

After fleeing Dantooine and making the perilous journey to the planet Tython, Tyron Kesh found solace in one of several temples built by the Jed'aii Order millennia ago. The temple which was named Akar Kesh(Tyron did not see it as mere coincidence that he had chosen to name himself this but instead saw it as another instrumentation of the Force) or Temple Of Balance was strong in the Force much like the whole planet. Day after day, night after night Tyron meditated their and had begun to call it his home. Everyday he discovered new parts of the long deserted world discovering countless ancient temples and fortresses including the ancient Sith Lord Belia Darzu discovering evidence of a battle between Darth Bane and four Jedi during the time of the Old Republic. Through meditation in several of the temples he found during his time on Tython he realized that what he had done on Dantooine couldnot be taken back, so he rembraced the idealology of the Sith and decided to go to the ancient home world of the Sith known as Korriban to hopefully discover knowledge from the ancient Sith of the past.
Journey From Tython To Korriban

- "Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova"
- ―Han Solo To Luke Skywalker
The trip from Tython to Korriban had taken even longer than the original journey to get to Tython. Tyron had decided to bring a rock from the planet as a souvenir and he knew it could have its uses should he ever fall into a situation where he wasn't able to use the Force; even being a rock it still had the Force in it just as the rest of Tython. It should have been quicker; Tyron had plotted the hyperspace routes that would lead him back out of the Deep Core. But in the years he had spent on the long forgotten world in solace, several of the lanes he had used for the inbound flight had shifted and become unstable. Two had already collapsed, forcing him to recalculate his journey. Tyron knew that statistically, the chances of this happening in such a long time span were astronomically large. Nevertheless Tyron made it out of hyperspace alive and began the journey to Korriban landing approximately two days later.
Journeys On Korriban
- "Korriban is the ancestral home of the Sith. It is a place of great power; the dark side lives and breathes in the very core of this world."
- ―Qordis To Darth Bane

Valley of the Dark Lords

Upon arriving on Korriban Tyron Kesh journeyed through an area known as the Valley Of The Dark Lords, a valley filled with the tombs of long past Sith Lords. During his time in the Valley Tyron uncovered much knowledge that the Jedi had failed to get rid of during their attempts to rid the Galaxy of any Sith Knowledge or Artifacts. Once he had found his fair share of ancient knowledge he left the Valley of the Dark Lords and went to search other locations of interest. Next on his list was the Sith Academy.
The Sith Academy

After searching the Valley of the Dark Lords Tyron Kesh ventured to an abandoned Sith Academy which hadn't been used since the times of the Old Republic. Upon arriving Tyron discovered a tomb built in honor of the founder of the Rule Of Two & the Sith'ari Darth Bane. He learned from a specter of the Dark Lord of the Sith gaining much knowledge until he left and went to search the rest of the Sith Academy. During his searches of the Academy he discovered many ancient texts and scrolls all of which he took for himself and hid in an unknown location to everyone but him. To this day no one but him has any idea that he possesses such knowledge. For a number of days Tyron Kesh meditated in the halls of the long abandoned Sith Academy until he had a vision of region of space known as the Antei System. Knowing that a Force Vision should not be ignored he immediately left Korriban and ventured to the Antei System believing that to be where his destiny lies.
Continued Adulthood-Present Time
The Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Tyron Kesh traveled to the Antei System believing it to be uninhabited, it was there he discovered the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. At first Tyron disagreed with the Brotherhoods unwillingness to adhere to the Rule Of Two but Tyron believed it to be more than a mere coincidence that his visions had led him here: it was the Force showing him where his future lies. Tyron stayed with the Brotherhood and was assigned to House Dinaari of Clan Taldryan. It was in Taldryan that he met Howlader Taldrya whom he saw as a mentor and frequently sought advice from. Tyron continues ascend the ranks of the Brotherhood by utilizing the knowledge of the Shadow Academy and learning much about the natures of the Dark and Light Sides of the Force. To this day Tyronmcontinues to impress his masters and fellow Brotherhood members by ascending the ranks and winning his fair share of competition awards. Some have begun to see Tyron Kesh as a potential threat but instead of being insulted Tyron is pleased that he is making such a mark on the Brotherhood.
Rebirth As A Jedi
Physical Description
Tyron Cruciatus Kesh is a mountain of a human being standing at six feet, four inches and weighing two hundred twenty three pounds of mostly muscle. Tyron's fists have scratches and bruises from an adolescence of fights and brawls. From the time of his birth Tyron has always had long and lavish black hair refusing to cut it unless it began to block his eyesight thus affecting his combat effectiveness. Tyron prefers to wear his personally trademarked black and red clad armor whether in battle or on formal occasions. He has wide black eyes that look like a dark void filled with absolute nothingness.
Personality & Traits
- "I see the world as it is, not as how I want it to be"
- ―Tyron Kesh
Tyron Kesh is extremely dedicated to the Sith cause, and is determined to bring about the end of the Jedi, though he knows he might not live to see it. He is a firm believer in the rule of the strong, viewing the weak as chains holding back the strong. According to the natural order of things, Tyron believes, the weak should serve the strong, rather than being treated as equals. Whereas the Jedi and the Republic believe that it was the duty of the strong to help the weak, Tyron believes that the strong were intended to rule the weak masses. Equality, Tyron believes, is a lie perpetuated by the Jedi. Tyron also despises the ideology of Peace and sees it as the worst kind of lie one can tell. He believes that as long as they're is a Light and a Dark Side the Force and the Galaxy at large will never know peace. Peace, Tyron believes is yet another lie perpetuated by the Jedi. Tyron Kesh see everything that the Jedi believe in as being false and counterfactual further fueling his hatred for the Jedi. Other than the Jedi Tyron Kesh has a vast hatred towards authority of any kind therefore refusing to work together with others unless he is in charge making other see him as a loner but Tyron doesn't care as long as those who know him also fear him they can believe whatever they want. Tyron Kesh is a firm believer in the idea of self perseverance, he believes that that personal attachments can only hold you back. Friends are a burden. You have to rely on yourself. You have to develop your own potential. Your own power. In the end, Tyron believes, that is what it really comes down to. Power.
Powers & Abilities
Lightsaber Combat
Tyron Kesh was trained in lightsaber combat by his master Tess Morgan who happened to be a former Jedi Blademaster. He became a deadly lightsaber duelist, and wields a red-bladed, curved-hilt Lightsaber which he created himself and later had painted black and red. Tyron developed a slightly altered style with his unique weapon, the subtleties of which were recognized by only the most experienced weapon handlers. Tyron prefers a head on approach when it comes to combat, charging in and attacking using his massive size to his advantage he overwhelms his opponent with pure brute force leaving a wake of carnage behind him.
Force Abilities
- "Some possess raw elemental power; they can unleash storms of lightning from their fingertips"
- ―Darth Bane
Tyron Kesh was very talented in the Force. As a child on Coruscant, he was able to use the Force on occasion, though he had no understanding of it and his use was largely instinctive. However, after he received formal training at the secret Sith Academy on Dantooine, Tyron became one of the most skilled students there. He was highly dedicated to his training and spent hours reading ancient Sith texts, knowledge that was forsaken by the school's other attendees. In addition, he received private lessons in the ways of the dark side, and excelled. He desired to become a great and powerful Sith Lord, and spent a tremendous amount of time practicing, in hopes of perfecting his skills.
Tyron was a very fast learner, and quickly passed his masters and fellow apprentices on Dantooine in just a few months. He possessed great telekinetic power, and could easily shatter his opponent's Force shield, as he did with a fellow student in the dueling ring. The Dark Lord's Force telekinetic prowess was such that he caused the entire Sith Academy on Dantooine to collapse with a Force Wave, which resulted in the death of his former master and fellow students. After just a single practice session with Tess Morgan, Tyron exhibited a capacity with Force lightning that surpassed even his master. By the time he was in his early thirties Tyron was able to cast electric voltage so strong that most opponents died instantly upon contact, the energy output leaving their bodies burned and charred. He was able to plunge deep into his hate and draw fully on the power of the dark side to unleash powerful Force waves, the strength of which devastated almost anything in their path.
Hand-To-Hand Combat
When not armed with a weapon Tyron Kesh is still a powerful opponent to face. He has trained in several types of Martial Arts all of which utilizes his vast size and strength to overwhelm his opponent with brute strength. Using the Force he can deliver hard punches and kicks with a blinding speed and accuracy. Tyron prefers to take a heavy beating before defeating his opponent allowing the pain and anger to fuel his adrenaline and only when he is on the brink of collapsing will he finish his opponent. Whether he has a weapon or not Tyro Kesh is more than a formidable opponent to face on any battlefield.