For those members who have reached the rank of Equite, it is possible to declare further adherence beyond Orders and Paths. Traditions are chosen and made available based on a combination of Path and Order, while others are available to all members. These act more like ideological or organizational familiarity. It is important to note that while traditions are available to further refine characters for others, it is not a requirement for membership. This feature functions as a value add in outlining a character for others at a glance and in no way limits those who do not partake in the available options.
Canon Traditions
The newer additions to the original Traditions system on the site, all new traditions are based on a Star Wars Canon group or ideology.
Imperials are hold-outs to the old Galactic Empire ideology, order, and peace via control. Either having served the Empire or having come to understand their methodology, Imperials have a strict adherence to doing what they believe is necessary, regardless of its morality. While many may pine for true freedom, Imperials know that society needs a strong guiding hand to stay on course, lest it all fall to ruins.
Mandalorians know this is the way. Be it born to one of the old bloodlines of Mandalore, or raised as a foundling, or just coming to stand by their code of Honor, Battle, and Duty, Mandalorians are a proud group with a long history. With their iconic armor and fearsome combat skills, Mandalorians have carved out their status in the galaxy with blood and sweat.
Rebels hold on to the eternal spark of hope. Be it in defiance of the might of the Galactic Empire, or the brutal tyranny of the First Order, Rebels defy the status quo and fight for what they believe is right, no matter the cost. With unwavering resolve, Rebels fight to restore true peace and equality to the galaxy.
Criminal Syndicate
Be from one of the five major syndicates, or one of the thousands of smaller gangs and cartels that operate in the galaxy, members of criminal syndicates deal in the darkest of underworlds. No stranger to criminal activity, betrayals, and death, Criminal Syndicates have a hard steeled view of the Galaxy. They know if not them, someone else will, and might as well capitalize on the opportunity.
Separate from the Jedi Order, this ancient order focused primarily on knowledge and harmony within the Force. Isolated primarily to the planet of Bardotta, this sect lacked the name recognition that followed the Jedi Order. Lacking study of combat, or offensive abilities, the Dagoyans focused on personal meditation and asceticism to bring themselves closer in connection to the living Force.
Guardian of the Whills
This secretive religious order is most famously known as the protectors of the Sacred Kyber Temple found on Jedha. As the Galactic Empire stripped the temple clean, and eventually decimated the planet itself, this order has fallen largely to myth and legend. The Order was split between the Guardians who focused on sensing and feeling the presence of the Force, and the Disciples, who studied and attempted to divine the Force’s will.
Sith Eternal
Hidden away in the Unknown Regions, on the planet Exogol, the Sith Eternal was an extreme cult set in preserving the ways of the Sith Religion. It was the Sith Eternal that Darth Sidious entrusted with building the Final Order, as well as the intensive research that went into prolonging the Emperor’s life beyond the events on the Second Death Star. Following the defeat of the Final Order on Exogol, it is unknown how many Sith Eternal have made their way into the galaxy at large.
The Witches of Dathomir were a magick-wielding group. Unique in their usages of the dark arts, the Nightsisters stood separate from the Sith in their connection to the Dark Side. Unlike traditional Force-sensitive beings, they would breathe in an energized mist, that turned their blood to ichor, and then their magick could be channeled via a talisman. While largely believed to have been exterminated in 20 BBY their teachings and ways have continued to endure to the present day.
Legacy Traditions
Some traditions are a holdover from the previous order system the Brotherhood utilized. When we made the change to Sith, Force Disciple, Jedi, Mercenary, Loyalist, the previous options were turned into traditions so that members could still indicate the specific flavor each of the orders brought.
The followers of the Krath keep the traditions of a mysterious Dark Side cult that was believed to have originated in the Empress Teta system. Though heavily influenced by ancient Sith teachings, the Krath traditions prize knowledge as the ultimate power. As a result, their followers delve deep into the mysteries of the Dark Side and are often skilled illusionists, sorcerers, ritualists, and alchemists. In the early days of the Dark Brotherhood, the Krath were organized as a priesthood under a Krath High Priest.
The Obelisk tradition is dedicated to mastering the art of personal combat and war through the use of the Dark Side of the Force. Formally established in the Brotherhood as elite warriors for the Grand Master, the first of their ranks were believed to be followers of the teachings of an ancient master of combat. Before the orders were extinguished, the Obelisk were the Brotherhood’s front lines for ground combat and tactics, led by an Obelisk High Commander. Today, their devotees continue to be skilled saberists, warriors, and assassins – masters of martial arts, weaponry, tactics, and ground warfare.
Jedi Consulars were once one of the three paths followed by members of the Jedi Order. Like their adherents today, the Consulars dedicated their lives to learning, research, healing, diplomacy, and furthering their knowledge of the Force. They are unique among the Jedi for their stance on using force as a last resort and rarely drawing their lightsaber, preferring instead to settle disputes with diplomacy. Consulars are prized as diplomats, ambassadors, and counselors and are also often skilled seers, healers and researchers.
In contrast to their diplomatic brethren, Jedi Guardians dedicated their lives to peace through action – they were skilled saberists and warriors who honed their abilities to defend the defenseless and keep peace throughout the galaxy. Those who follow their traditions today will be found in similar roles, policing and peacekeeping in times of conflict and working to train the next generation in the art of combat in times of rest.
Sentinels were the balance between the wise study of the Force seen in the Consulars and the practical combat skills of the Guardians. Blending knowledge of both traditions with other (often unorthodox) skills like intelligence gathering, stealth, technology, security, and demolitions, the Sentinels were unique in both philosophy and methodology. They are rarely found in Jedi temples or in cooperation with other Jedi, but instead seek to live among civilians and are often given long-term assignments best suited to their particular set of skills.
Requesting a New Tradition
All new traditions must be from a canon Star Wars source. Any requests should include info on why the new tradition would be beneficial, what it should be called. It is additionally beneficial to include Male/Female versions of what the Tradition should display on the dossier, as well as a possible hex code for the color to be used. Please send these requests to the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Master-at-Arms, and Voice.