Talk:The Gamerunner
how will you explain being able to afford a crew for such a vessel?--Korras 15:21, 17 January 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)
I've changed it to a starfighter Dismal 21:52, 18 January 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)Dismal
But just to answer the crew was clones... :) Dismal 11:01, 19 January 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)Dismal
Clones want food, too. take into average that food for those is 10 credits per day. say, 50 crewmen, is 500 credits per day. a month, 30 days, is 15000 credits. a year, 12 months, 180000. just for food for your crew. add to that, the running costs of the ship. fuel isn't free. weapons aren't free, etc.. :P --Korras 11:04, 19 January 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)
Hate to be the bearer of more bad news...but 1.) This ship is too small for a cloaking device. 2.) You can't afford stygiums, at your rank. --Muz 22:23, 20 January 2007 (Eastern Standard Time)
Fixed ----Dismal