Talk:MAA Policies
This is the raw data. Someone may want to clean it up. Kaine Mandaala 10:37, 9 December 2006 (Mountain Standard Time)
"13. [...] Each one will be investigated by the MAA. [...]" -- RevengeX Palpatine 08:47, 20 August 2007 (MDT)
- Got it. Thanks --BenevolentWhiner 09:17, 20 August 2007 (MDT)
Clan Titles of removed clans
shouldn't there be a section of the clan titles be listed of Titles people kept when a clan was decertified in the Brotherhood, aka Tarentum? I know some of them got to keep their Titles but it isn't listed under the MMA policy
Brim: The Tarentae have a page for this. Aquillas mentions that Aquillarum wasn't a proper clan title and Clan Exar Kun has a list of four Kunars. I don't know that it's worth going through for the other clans, since afaik the most recent closed 16 years ago.
Alethia Archenksova (talk) 12:41, 27 July 2021 (UTC)
I was actually referring to the section under policies, perhaps adding a 11th that stats "clans that have been removed or revoked, members with that clan's title are allowed to keep said title until they either request removed or they earn a new title with a different clan". I just noticed this wasn't in the 10 rules under Clan Titles and yet there are many folks from Tarentum that have kept the title "Tarentae".