Talk:Efficacious Dispersal of Responsibility II
Please stop changing the name - like the title or not, this is the official title of the document, and is the name which appears under the policy portion of the DJB website, please leave it be from now on. --Kir Katarn 18:38, 10 November 2008 (MST)
You have to admit, though, that is one retarded name :P -- Xayun
So are pretty much all of the Pyralisized documents. He liked to use a thesaurus to make stuff sound more important/intimidating. This document is merely about the appropriate and efficient delegation of duty. I find it amusing that a document about efficiency contains an inefficient title. --Kaek 13:54, 10 July 2009 (UTC)==Link Suggestions== Below is an automatically generated list of possible links for this article. Please see if these links are suitable and if so add them.
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--Vexxtal 23:36, 2 December 2009 (UTC)