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Clan Ordo | |
Unit Information | |
Active: |
From Old Republic era to the Present Time |
Allegiance: |
Type: |
Mercenaries |
Size: |
At least 200 warriors |
Part of: |
Meritocracy |
Patron: |
Mandalore the Preserver |
Motto: |
kyr'am bah hut'uune |
Equipment: |
Decorations: |
Red Hand Print on Helmet |
Commander(s) | |
Commanders: | |
Notable commanders: | |
[ Source ] |
Clan Ordo is an ancient Clan of Mandalorian Warriors, dating back to the Mandalorian and Great Sith Wars 4000 years before the Battle of Yavin, and even further. Though this once proud Clan has known Mandalore's to come from within it's ranks, it's loftiest heights were achieved under the great Mandalore the Preserver would eventually slip away into the annals of time. Possibly coinciding with the desolation of the Planet Ordo, while the family name lived on, members of Clan Ordo were slowly absorbed by other Clans, either through marriage or shifting allegiances.
Ge'verd Ordo was raised at his father's heel, hearing of the great history of his family name. As a direct descendant of the Great Canderous Ordo, Ge'verd knew that greatness flooded his veins, but others would never accept his families claim of direct descent. Despite this, after his father's death, Ge'verd, owing largely to his own prowess as a warrior gathered others about him, those with a desire to not simply be pawns of Boba Fett and his hands off approach to leading the Mandalorian people. These people he reformed into Clan Ordo, a Clan that would one day challenge to the the most well respected and feared of all the Mandalorian Clans.
Old Republic
Easily the most recognized member of Clan Ordo was Canderous Ordo, also known as Mandalore the Preserver. Gaining honor for his clan starting in the Mandalorian Wars, he rose to prominence as a key member in the Battle of Rakata Prime. Ordo's use of the stylized Star Forge as clan heraldry is a reference to this event. Following this, he gathered the scattered clans together as Mandalore the Preserver and ushered in a new era for the Mandalorian people. The tale of Canderous and his clan became legends for young Mandalorians to aspire towards.
Cuy’val Dar
- Main article: [[Cuy’val Dar|Cuy’val Dar]]
- ""You're the best in your field—the best soldiers, tacticians, sappers, communicators, survival experts. I picked you personally because I want you to train the best commandos in the galaxy. You'll have everything you need, whatever you want, except one thing—home. This is a top-secret project. You'll not tell anyone where you're going and you'll not leave Kamino, ever. As far as your friends and family are concerned, you're already dead.""
- ―Jango Fett, recruiting the Cuy’val Dar
In 32 BBY the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett summoned a group of one hundred individuals, to come to the watery world of Kamino to train Clone Troopers for the Galactic Republic. Of these one hundred males and females, seventy-five were Mandalorians, including several members who would essentially serve Clan Ordo. For one decade, these one hundred training sergeants trained the Grand Army’s ten thousand Clone Commandos up until their deployment at the Battle of Geonosis, which sparked the galactic Clone Wars. With their contract up, the Cuy’val Dar trainers returned to their lives, and would eventually lend their assistance to Ge'verd Ordo in his quest to rebuild the name of Clan Ordo.
In 24 ABY, the starwars:Yuuzhan Vong made a deal with Boba Fett regarding a partnership between them and the Mandalorians. While neither side truly planned on keeping the agreement, it did give a chance for the scattered clans to rebuild themselves with honor and glory. Ge'verd Ordo, a descendant of the great Canderous Ordo, saw this as an opportunity to rebuild the great clan. He made a name for himself in the beginning years of the Yuuzhan Vong War. In this time, he was able to start attracting the warriors needed to rebuild.
Battle of Ebaq 9
- Main article: [[Battle of Ebaq 9|Battle of Ebaq 9]]
One of the most influential moments in the rebirth of Clan Ordo, was the Clan's involvement at the Battle of Ebaq 9. Ge'verd found the idea of siding with the Yuuzhan Vong completely abhorrent from the start, but as he was trying to remain in Boba Fett's good graces, he had so far simply avoided working for them, following the edict that they not work against them. When news of the massing New Republic forces at Ebaq 9 reached Ge'verd from his network of sources, something in the young leader snapped. He wasn't the most honourable person on Mandalore, but he also knew that if the Mandalorians did nothing, they'd be gobbled up by the insane Vong religion sooner or later.
Knowing that all contracts were supposed to be cleared with Mandalore before taking them on, Ge'verd risked all he had built to sign on with the New Republic forces, allowing the possibility of leading his Clan into exile, to do what was right. To fight against a threat to all the galaxy.
Though it was hard fighting, at the end of the day, the combined forces succeeded in perhaps the most famous victory of the Yuuzhan Vong war. Ge'verd and Clan Ordo however were left in the dark as to what Fett's plans were for them, and their betrayal.
Battle of Mandalore
{{Main|Battle of Mandalore
The time following Ebaq 9 was one of trepidation for Ge'verd. Though he knew he had done the right thing, he feared that he had brought disgrace and dishonour onto his Clans name, going against Mandalore's wishes to not openly fight against the Yuuzhan Vong. The Clan mostly avoided returning back to Mandalore during this time, continuing in a prolonged contracts to help root out the remaining Yuuzhan Vong on some recently reclaimed Vong Formed planets. When the call from Boba Fett came out however, that Mandalore itself was under attack, Ge'verd and the entire Clan Ordo rallied to their homeworld's defence.
Fighting bravely in the battle, Clan Ordo earned some clemency for their earlier actions, and were welcomed back to Mandalore to help the rebuilding.
A Little Help from a "Friend"
In 33 ABY, a rift began to form within Clan Ordo over the issue of stronger cultural and financial ties with other Manadlorian Clans. Many, especially younger members, believed a more unified system with fellow Clans would be beneficial for long term cultural and financial surivival, while others did not. When the loyalists, many of who were more senior members, concluded that stronger ties with other Clans would only serve to weaken Clan Ordo - a violent uprising began. The younger members believed that overthrowing their leaders would renew the pride of Clan Ordo - and ensure its long-term survival.
The Ordo elders were able to put down the rebellion of their younger clansmen, but only with the military assistance of Jedi Master Michael Halcyon. This reliance on outsiders would play a role in Clan Ordo's later financial agreement in the defense of the Jedi on New Tython during the Battle for New Tython
Notable Members
Ge'verd Ordo

- "We shall regain our nobility once more, Vode (Brothers, Sisters), as a dralshy'a (stronger, more powerful) Clan and restore Ordo amongst the elite of Mondo'a!"
- ―Ge'verd Ordo speaking the gathered Ordo Clansmen before the invasion of Brotherhood forces on New Tython
Ge'verd was born 4 BBY as Koti Tracyn Ordo, a combination of Mando'a words meaning "Mighty Fire of Ordo", the name being granted by his father when he became 13 years of age. Shortly after his passage into manhood, Koti's father died from an incurable disease that had been eating away at him for almost a decade; a sickness he endured from one of the many battles fought on behalf of Clan Ordo. His father had spent most of Koti's childhood on escapades throughout the galaxy to attempt bringing back the mighty name of Clan Ordo. His fathers death quenched any movement in the Clan's slow construction, all of the other "Ordo's" were quickly either discovered as frauds and not truly heirs of the Ordo title; those who were true Ordo's gave up hope at the fall of their leader.
Koti quickly became accustomed to being known as the son of Ge'verd by other Mandalorians and soon adopted it as his own by default - the name Ge'verd literally meaning "Almost a Warrior". His father's later triumphs outweighed his faults in his early life, and this cause led to an empty attendance for the funeral that Koti held for him on their home planet of Ordo in the Mandalore sector. Shortly after his fathers funeral, Koti adopted the name of Ge'verd as his real name and dedicated to fulfilling his fathers dream, and the dream of his fathers before him - to bring together Ordo as a mighty Clan once again and reign as a powerful military throughout the Galaxy.
Being still young in age, Ge'verd was nigh-payed attention to by those older than him that bared the name of "Ordo", and he quickly found himself alone in his effort to regain honor for his family. He swore by his life and the life of his fore-fathers that he truly was of Clan Ordo and ultimately related to the great Mandalore, Canderous Ordo, though he had no proof of it.
Kelborn Trasnid
Kelborn Trasnid was born in 5BBY on Mandalore in a small farm on the outskirts of Keldabe. His father was Cander Trasnid, one of the leading engineers at MandalMotors. Growing up in such a household, it is no wonder that Kelborn was a very smart child, who spent nearly as much time with his nose in the books of engineering and physics books as he did training as a warrior. During the upheaval following the Battle of Endor, and the Empire's loosening grasp on the monopolies of MandalMotors merchandise, Kelborn started to use the resources of the company to research his families past. While he knew that his childhood friend Ge'verd Ordo and he had some blood relationship back further, the fact that his father and Ge'verds were like brothers meant that Ge'verd and Kelborn were brothers as well.
In his research, Kelborn found a great deal of information concerning the ancient Clan Ordo, discovering the crest that Mandalore the Preserver had chosen for the Clan his friend was trying to rebuild, as well as an old image of his armor. Knowing that Ge'verd would need all the help he could get for the rebuilding of his Clan, Kelborn went ahead and built him a suit of armor to match Canderous Ordo's, though it was built out of a top grade plastoid-allow-composite rather than beskar. Kelborn built himself a similar suit, making the colour green to honour his duty to his friend in his quest to restore Clan Ordo.
It is due to Kelborn's great devotion to Ge'verd, that he is considered to be the burgeoning Clan Ordo's second in Command, and with Littlefoot Ge'verd's closest advisor.
Dev “Little-foot” Chistor

Dev has blond hair, blue eyes, and a stubble beard. He wears a head-to-toe crimson-and-silver armor. Chistor's foot size is a gargantuan 34 centimeters (slightly more than a foot long). He wears his tattoo of the Clan Crest on his left upper arm. His face is dominated by a large scar running diagonally from his fore head to his left cheek. When not seen in his Mandalorian armor he often wears a red shirt under a dark gray trench coat. His blond hair accused to the back and exposes his ears.
Chistor serves as the Clan’s Rally Master, especially trained in the usage of Assault Weapons and Explosives but due to his immense size he also serves well when it comes to a point where persons outside the Clan need to be intimidated. He grew up with his childhood friends Kelborn and Ge’verd in the Clans Capital City on the planet Ordo, where they soon build up a strong friendship even while the two older Ordos often teased the younger Dev as “Little-foot”. Dev Chistor is hot-headed and shows no fear even when standing before hundreds of enemies, he also has a tendency to talk and act before he thinks, evident by the fact that he lost the last 3 fingers from his right hand due to an accident in the Battle of Ebaq9. The lost fingers have been later replaced by cybernetics.
His primarily chosen weapon is an underslung rotary blaster carbine manufactured by Merr-Sonn Munitions, which he fashions because of its high firing rates that might not be very accurate, but provides a steady stream of fire. He also carries multiple kinds of explosives as well as wrist mounted rocket launchers on each arm.

Ancient Times
Since the time of Canderous Ordo all members of the Clan followed his classification scheme for their troops. The armors of Clan Ordo were normally build of highly durable leightweight plastoid-alloy-composite plates sealed to a formfitting bodysuit, sometimes modified to hold special attachments like Kamas or Pauldrons to reflect the individual warriors favors. Also to distinguish the ranks within the Clan, the armor plates displayed different colors to show off a certain warriors rank:
- Golden armor plates worn by the drill instructor and the champion of the Battle Circle
- Crimson armor plates worn by the Rally Master, Guard Captain and sergeant of the Clan
Since the Ordo Re-emergence
In the more recent times, as the Clan is trying to rebuild, and recognizing that it's now a group of people with no clan, or exiled from other Clans, there's no standard grouping to Ordo's Armor, just a tradition of anointing each warrior's armor with a bloody handprint, to remind them of what they could lose.
Clan Crest
As with all Mandalorian people, the most important thing you can have is a link to your past, to your forebears and ancestors. Such is the importance of this that the wearing of a loved ones armor after they have passed is considered the height of respect in Mandalorian culture. So too it is with the Symbol that represents the Clans. While some lower ranked, simpler Mando's felt that using symbols such as a bloody hand, or a severed head would show their ferocity, it was actually the scientist Commando Kelborn Trasnid who led Ge'verd Ordo to being able to decide on an appropriate Crest.
While researching the ancient past of his adoptive Clan, Trasnid had stumbled upon a reference to the crest that their original leader, Canderous Ordo had chosen for the Clan. Something that was apparently a reference to Canderous' greatest triumph over an Alien species. It was this link that Ge'verd knew would bring the legacy of the past and tie it to the strength of the future. However it was important to note that they were not simply a continuation of the old ways, they were an improvement. A Clan to be feared and respected even more than their forebears.
After accepting a contract without Mandalore's blessing to aid the Galactic Alliance forces at the Ebaq 9, Ge'verd feared that his Clan may be seperated from his people forever, knowing how great of a leap he took, accepting a contract that was contrary to the deal Boba Fett had with the Yuuzhan Vong. However, the Vong would eventually betray the Mandalorians, and Ge'verd answered the call to defend their homeworld, earning them some measure of clemency from Fett. Knowing that these decisions would prove vital to the future of his Clan, Ge'verd chose to mark the time of their ascension on their clan crest superimposing their original Crest over the upswept wings that were the new symbol of the Galactic Alliance.
The Rite of Blood
All Mandalorians know from the time they're born, of the violent nature of the world and the lives that they lead. It is this knowledge that gave birth to the Rite of Blood of Clan Ordo. Prior to Battle, in a private ceremony that no outsiders are ever allowed access to, members of Clan Ordo segregate themselves in full battle dress. Inside, ancient oaths and promises are said, and the Commander of the upcoming battle has to prepare his troops for battle. Knowing that it could be their last, he adorns them with the Bloody Hands of Vengeance. Two full hand prints on their armor, one on their head, and the other somewhere else on their torso or arms. The Bloody Hands of Vengeance serve one purpose, to remind the Mandalorians that they are mortal, and to fight with all their strength... and most importantly, if they are to die, to die with the Hands of Mandalore on them.
Camp Followers
While most Mandalorian forces tend to prefer to be fast and mobile, bringing with them only their weapons and armor, Clan Ordo has learned different lessons. Owing to the contracts that the Clan seems to find itself in, a large amount of camp followers have attached themselves to Clan Ordo, providing armor repair, food services, and other more unsavoury activities for the troops in their long deployments.
- Nobody is sure whether it's paint or blood they use in the Hands of Vengeance rite of blood.