![]() | |
Kolot | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Endor |
Date of Birth: |
3 ABY (age 46) |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Ewok |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
1 Meter |
Weight: |
60 Kilos |
Hair: |
Beige |
Eyes: |
Black |
Cybernetics: |
Prosthetic starwars:Limb Extensions |
Personal Information | |
Allies: | |
Fighting Style(s): |
Anklebiting |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
[ Source ] |
Kolot was a Wilderness Ranger selected from Arcona’s Armed Forces for the Fade Initiative and sworn to Terran Koul. An Ewok from Endor, he was an expert pilot and a skilled tactician. He had a keen fondness for all manner of weapons and explosives, and extensive training with rifles made him a crack shot in even the most stressful situations.
Fade Initiative - Operative 017
Physical Description
- "Yub Nub!"
- ―Kolot, when asked why he insisted on wearing boots while swimming.

Standing just over a meter tall, Kolot would have been easy to miss were he not one of the only Ewoks roaming the galaxy armed to the teeth. Beige fur covered him from head to toe, and his eyes were so dark they appeared to be all-pupil. When piloting a ship, he would wear a pair of custom-made prosthetic limb extensions that allowed him to reach the craft's controls. The logo of the Fade Initiative, black on red, was tattooed on his left thigh.
As with many Ewoks, Kolot's aesthetic sense began and ended with whether or not something was shiny. As a result, his attire varied greatly over time, but was nearly always an odd assortment of mismatched armor taken from his enemies - or his unwary allies. He was known to carry several blasters of varying make as well as an assortment of grenades that hung from his bandolier. Seldom seen without at least a blaster pistol and a blaster rifle, his firm belief that "size matters" often led to him adopting ridiculously large blaster cannons and sniper rifles.
- "Yub Nub!"
- ―Kolot describing his captivity and genetic modification.

Born on Tana, the forest moon of Endor, Kolot was kidnapped by Imperial agents shortly after he reached puberty. As part of Project Chubar, Kolot was subjected to a myriad of genetic tests and experimentation that increased his intelligence to above human norm. Ironically, despite his increased capacity for reason, the experimentation also made him more aggressive and violent than traditional Ewoks.
In 7 ABY, Kolot, along with many other victims of Warlord Zsinj's experiments, was freed by a former New Republic pilot named Gara Petothel. After escaping from the Iron Fist in a Sentinel-class landing craft, Petothel (now calling herself Kirney Slang) and Kolot settled on Corellia, where they started a lucrative import-export business.
Though the work paid well, it ultimately proved too dull for the adventursome Ewok. He had resolved to quit the shipping business, hoping to find work that would prove more exciting, when he first met Isshwarr. She was a Wookiee who had been serving as mechanic aboard a smuggler vessel, and the two took an immediate liking to each other. When they realized that they were both dreadfully bored with their lives, they resolved to go into business for themselves. Pooling their resources, they purchased the Indecorous Arrangement, a YT-2400 in good repair, and began taking on their own smuggling contracts.
The pair worked small jobs at first, each trickier than the next, and soon made a name for themselves as a crew that could always get the job done, no matter how difficult it might be. More interested in the job than the score, they were often far from wealthy. But the one thing they never were was bored.

Kolot met Terran Koul on Nar Shaddaa in 34 ABY and helped him recover a priceless piece of Verpine art for a less-than-reputable client. The trio crossed paths several times over the next two years, on Nar Shaddaa, Correllia and Coruscant. Kolot warmed to Terran, coming to respect his fiery temper even as he remained disdainful of the Kiffar's meager piloting skills. As for Isshwarr, she seemed to treat Terran like an adopted son in need of a parent to watch over him. Eventually they decided to make their intermittent associations permanent. Though they settled on Nar Shaddaa, their home was aboard the Indecorous Arrangement, wherever their cargo or recovery jobs took them.

At first the trio ran confidence schemes and larceny jobs, in addition to their smuggling. In time, they branched off into Bounty Hunting as well. The work appealed to both Isshwarr's and Kolot's hunter natures, and it paid better, which was enough incentive for Terran; and if Kolot occasionally ruffled under the alive-only stipulation that the Wookiee and Kiffar insisted on, he enjoyed the work enough to let it slide. As their metaphorical star rose, and the group began being offered more lucrative contracts, they were even able to upgrade their aging YT-2400 light freighter for a Horizon-class Star Yacht - heavily modified, of course.
After nearly a year of successful Hunting, the trio seemed to disappear. They stopped replying to job offers, and even their known associates ceased to hear from them. Then, several months after their last Hunt, Terran showed up on Selen, requesting to join the Brotherhood. Coincidentally, Kolot had joined the Arconan Armed Forces just months before. The Wilderness Rangers were thrilled to have an Ewok of Kolot's skill among their number, and none of them took it amiss when he quickly volunteered to serve as Fade for the rising Shadesworn known as Terran Koul.

- "Yub Nub!"
- ―Kolot, on being the only genius, bloody-thirsty Ewok in the galaxy.
Though intelligent and capable of intricate planning, Kolot was more bloodthirsty and prone to anger than traditional Ewoks. Despite that, he had a wry sense of humor and enjoyed playing pranks. He could speak Ewokese, Yuzzum and Shyriiwook, and could fluently understand a half dozen other languages, including Basic (though his vocal chords made it impossible to speak the latter). Like most Ewoks, he was easily distracted by shiny objects. Unlike his brethren, he was also obsessed with weaponry, constantly trying to find the deadliest blasters possible.
Combat Specialization
Size Matters
What he lacked in subtlety, Kolot made up for in firepower. Whether blasters or grenades, Kolot's philosophy was the same: the bigger the boom, the better. He had a keen fondness for all manner of weapons and explosives, and extensive training with rifles made him a crack shot in even the most stressful situations. His natural strength, roughly equivilent to a standard human soldier, meant that even larger blaster cannons were usable by the diminutive Ewok. The only question was whether their size would make them too unwieldy to use effectively. In addition to his marksmanship, Kolot was an expert with demolitions. Though capable of disarming even intricate explosives, he much preferred to set them off from a distance and enjoy the show.
- Based on Treek from KOTOR and Kettch from the Wraith Squadron novels.