Ingram Thorpe

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Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
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Ingram Thorpe
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

8 BBY (age 57)

Date of Death:


Physical Description







70 kg


Greying brown



Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information



Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Known masters:

Marcus Kiriyu



[ Source ]

Character History


Ingram Thorpe is a native of the planet Naboo. Born in the city of Theed in 8 BBY, Ingram enjoyed a prosperous upbringing during his early childhood. This gradually began to change during his formative years. Pressured into studies of politics and battle. Ingram frequently lashed out to his tutors. During times like these his connection to the Force manifested.

A child prodigy, Ingram performed at the annual celebration of Empire Day in 3 BBY. It was a special day for the Imperial affiliated world. Many years ago the Senator for Naboo, Palpatine was elected Chancellor of the Republic. His name became known throughout the galaxy, as did Naboo. The planet flourished as a result and was well known in the galaxy . Fourteen years ago, the Republic was victorious in the Clone Wars. Palpatine elected to unify royalist and separatist worlds in one Galactic Empire.

Ingram’s cadet squad was part of the annual parade. Unbeknowst to the Empire a Rebel cell targeted the parade. Striking from the adjecent buildings and alleys, the Rebels wrecked havoc with rocket launchers. Ingram’s squad was nearly wiped ou akong with many vehicles and starfighters. Among the casulties was Ingram’s best friend Jet. A couple of days later Stormtroopers had rounded up most of the Rebel’s leadership. Ingram was present at the exectuin along with many others forces stationed at Naboo. Unable to control his anger and rage, he momentarily Force gripped the supposed leader of the Rebels

After the incident Ingram was transported to a secure facility on the surface of Arkanis as part of project Harvester. Whilst there he was stripped of his identity and trained in the ways of the Force. In time he performed missions for the Empire, travelling to planets, blending in and taking out targets. To mantain control a memory blocker was installed by surgeons prohobiting memory retrieval. The memories of the rebel strike at Naboo was among the few to survive. Seething with rage and driven by revenge, Ingram performed his duities diligently, over and over again as as if every mission was his first one.

That all changed when Marcus Kiriyu found Ingram in a derelict shuttle in space...

Physical Description

Thorpe seems to in his mid 40s His dark brown hair already slightly greying making him look older then he really is. There are several modifications to his slender body. Parts of the body are being held together by bits and pieces of technology, particularly in the torso area. When focused his face doesn't show any emotion.

Canon References

  • Naboo
    • The Phantom Menace
    • Attack of the Clones
    • Revenge of the Sith
    • Marvel Princess Leia #2
  • Empire Day
    • Star Wars Rebels: Empire Day
  • Project Harvester
    • Servants of the Empire series