Garrakk Unknown
40 ABY
Twin Lightsabers
Character History
Early Life
Much is unknown about Garrakk's early life. All he knows is that he emerged from carbonite sometime around 34 ABY. What little records are available seem to indicate that Garrakk was a recently knighted Jedi knight towards the end of the clone wars, but there is no record of him being frozen in carbonite, nor of his death.
Garrakk in Action
The Brotherhood
Clan Scholae Palatinae
His relationship with CSP is tenuous at best. He maintains a professional relationship with Agent Wagglehorn of Battleteam Pellaeon. He hopes to use the Imperial connection that CSP has to try and figure out his past, and suspects that Wagglehorn may be able to help with that.
Personality and Traits
Garrakk is optimistic to a fault. He is high energy, and is a firm believer in balance in the force.