
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Donovan Grimwald Xyler
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:

6 BBY (age 49)

Physical Description





1.82 m


70 kg





Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

Single Curved Hilt (white blade)

Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):

Sliding Hands

Chronology & Political Information
  • Politician (Formerly)
  • 29th Count of Gothengromer
Known masters:

Ktulu Mizheray Xyler



[ Source ]

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
―Reflection Of A Troubled Mind

A Coruscanti, Donovan Grimwald is an aspiring Sith Lord who grew up on the political stage. A member of an aristocratic bloodline, his posh and smug bravado is only accentuated by his sinister tendencies, lack of empathy, and obsession with the macabre. The 29th Count of Gothengromer, he controls the leading trade organization, Phoenix Enterprise from his estate situated in the wealthiest district on Metellos, Stratablock 7. Cunning, masochistic, and a xenophobe, he finds great joy in the sorrow of others and derives pleasure from devaluing and disrupting the lives of those he deems unworthy.

Come Home

The bastard son of a politician, Donovan was born to a prostitute in the slums of Metellos and reared in an environment riddled with filth and poverty. On the outside he was a happy child but on the inside he was a bubbling cauldron of emotion, at times spilling over in the form of outbursts and secret obsession. During this time. He witnessed the death of a homeless Rodian as he succumbed to starvation. He viewed the creature as weak and developed an interest in the macabre. Vowing to make a name for himself or suffer the same fate. A lack of ambition and drive. To die in the gutter, forgotten. He refused to let that happen and windows of opportunity opened when his mother fell ill and she revealed to him the identity of his father. A haughty nobleman who would frequent her dive. A politician named Corvall.

Donovan was filled with rage at the thought of his rich father living a life of luxury while he and his mother suffered as street rats. He would have vengeance. But first, he would need to get his foot in the door. Secretly, Donovan sent Corvall a message masquerading as his mother. The message a cocktail of possibility and blackmail. If Corvall didn't respect the dying wish of the woman he had impregnated. His wife Moira would be told about his habitual infidelity.

Not long after the message had been sent, Donovan's mother had tragically died. Some speculate at the cause but it was deemed natural for the sake of less paperwork. Metellos officials were typically lazy and prone to sweep things under the rug rather than deal with lengthy investigations. Nevertheless, soon after, two guards were sent to the boy's home to escort him to Corvall's expensive abode.