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Clan Plagueis used to specialize in the schools Mind Control and Illusion – the combined paths of Clan Exar Kun and Clan Satal Keto. The Force School was phased out in favor of canon Clan Force Powers.
Minor Tier
Level One: Bastion of Dark Might
The Dark Jedi can resist mind affecting Force effects as if he were three ranks higher. (Granted Power)
Level Two: Empathic Imprint
The Dark Jedi twists the emotions of the victim into a desired state or intensity. The Dark Jedi can increase or decrease an emotion already being felt, or influence the victim to a new state – this is a sustained effort that requires concentration, and means the Dark Jedi can take only simple actions while sustaining the power. Once terminated, the victims emotions slowly return to their previous state. While sustained, this power can influence a victim to a new emotional state, and then proceed to modify the intensity of that emotion. Emotions provoked and instilled by this power are: Anger, Hatred, Jealousy, Fear, Lust, Love, Loyalty, Apathy, Serenity and Hope.
Level Three: Cognitive Prescience
The Dark Jedi's projective and receptive telepathic range doubles, and his ability to read thoughts and feelings is enhanced. (Granted Power)
Major Tier
Level Four: Compulsion
An expansion of the Jedi Mind Trick, the Dark Jedi implants a compulsion of some sort into the mind of the victim to be acted upon at a later or current time. The compulsion can remain hidden, to be activated at a set time (with no limit beyond the victims death) or during a set of specified circumstances, though these circumstances must be observable in some fashion by the victim’s senses. Anything else results in this power failing. The command can only be simple, no more than an sentence, and must be within the victims abilities to do, or the power fails. The compulsion can also be launched to take effect immediately, at the Dark Jedi’s whim, but once the compulsion is acted on and completed, it is gone, unless replanted. This compulsion will not motivate a subject towards self-destructive actions, or those involving excessive risk compared to the psychological benefit of obedience.
Level Five: Confusion
A psychic blast from the Dark Jedi confuses and stuns the victim temporarily, causing them to take random actions and say completely incoherent things. Possible results include: standing still, wandering randomly, attacking randomly, spouting random gibberish, revealing secrets, becoming dizzy, falling asleep, pretending to be a barn yard animal etc.
Level Six: Psychic Rendering
The Dark Jedi accesses the memories of the victim, enabling him to view an hour worth of memories per minute. The time to be accessed must be known to the user, either as an exact time (last 5th of September, from 1pm) or by referring to an event. The vividness of the memory will vary significantly depending on how important and impressive the event was for the victim, but subconscious and repressed memories can and will be accessed. Memories altered by Force powers like Brainwash cannot be retrieved at all (neither the original nor the implant), the user will pull a "blank" to indicate the memory was tampered with.
Level Seven: Voice of the Dark Master
The victim is compelled to come into the Dark Jedi's presence by the quickest and most efficient means. The victim will not feel the urge to endanger themselves to do so, nor will they do anything against their nature to answer the call, but they will still feel the compulsion to answer. This call is mental, and needs no verbal words and need not be verbally heard. Distance diminishes the effect, though no range limit has be compelled. The intensity of the call lessens by half for every space sector between the Dark Jedi and the victim.
Inner Order
Level Eight: Weirdling
The Dark Jedi causes the victims mind to create a hallucination personal to the victim, composed of their darkest fears and deepest horrors which torments the victim, and they believe is real. The victim will usually either flee in an attempt to escape the mental apparition, which will chase them, or will go berserk and fight it. The apparition can cause no physical harm or death, though the victim may imagine that it hurts them and suffer psycho-somatically. Others cannot see the apparition, and it appears the victim is fleeing from or fighting thin air.
Level Nine: Dominate
The Dark Jedi takes control of the victims mind and uses his body like a marionette, moving it as he will, and while he can force lungs and vocal cords to operate to generate speech, he cannot change the victims thoughts and can therefore not make use of their Force abilities, if any. The Dark Jedi’s own body becomes inert and unresponsive while this power is in effect, so the Dark Jedi usually leaves it in a safe location while controlling another.
Level Ten: Mind Lance
The Dark Jedi launches a lance of chaotic, violent thoughts at the victim’s mind, paralysing them with racking pain and draining their vitality. This lance of thought generates no sound or noise, and is a whip-like strike that by its very nature cannot be sustained. The effect can last different lengths of time depending on the strength of the victim, but is in any case extremely hard to resist.
Level Eleven: Dark Regalia
The Dark Jedi becomes an incredibly charismatic, awe inspiring sight, generating fear and reverence in the hearts of observers and subtly compels others to do his bidding. Even those with the greatest willpower find it hard not to obey the Plagueis Clansmen.
Level Twelve: Gift of Plagueis
With this power a Dark Jedi Master is able to pro-long his life span by manipulating the midicholrians within his own body. This power is one of such a Dark Nature that the toll it takes is sometimes said to be a sign of a user unworthy the benefits of a prolonged life. Repeated use of the power can be devastating to even the hardiest of Jedi.