Dark Crusade - Prologue
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Capturing the Avenger II | |||||||||||||||||
Information | |||||||||||||||||
Conflict: Zoraan has been defeated. The Grand Master wants to capture his starship, the SSD Avenger II before it can escape the system. | |||||||||||||||||
Date: 30 ABY | |||||||||||||||||
Location: Super-class Star Destroyer Avenger II | |||||||||||||||||
Participants: | |||||||||||||||||
Outcome: Avenger II captured | |||||||||||||||||
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[ Source ] |
The Dark Crusade Prologue is a Brotherhood-wide event designed to capture the Avenger II. Members have been tasked organized into 18 teams, have been given the task to board and capture the former flagship of Grand Master Zoraan. The fog of war destroys the greatest of plans and yours will be no different. Information for this adventure will be provided to you but it does not limit the scope of your run on. Keep things interesting and exciting by focusing on character progression and plot development!
In the wake of their master's death, the SSD Avenger II is attempting to flee the Antei System before the Brotherhood can mount a counter-attack. However, without Zoraan's guidance, the ship is having difficulty navigating through the Shroud leaving it blind and vulnerable for attack.
Muz Ashen has recruited you and a team of powerful Dark Jedi to board the Avenger II, eliminate all opposition, and capture the vessel for the Dark Brotherhood.
The Mission
Phase I

Your team has departed Antei after receiving an operations order from the Dark Council. Intelligence reports indicate the SSD Avenger II's external weapons will be hampered by the effects of the Shroud allowing your shuttle to dock at an axillary hangar bay, opposition is expected to be extreme once on board.
Your team has been tasked to board the ship and secure a small hangar bay. Additional teams will be operating throughout the ship in a simultaneous attack designed to confuse and disrupt enemy forces.
Be prepared for trouble. And remember, the obvious route is not always the best one...
Phase II
Explosions rock the SSD Avenger II as Dark Jedi Brotherhood forces successfully breach multiple access points within the ship. Your team has secured the hangar and defeated the combined forces of Reaper and Frost. Preparing to move forward, you begin to conduct inspections of personnel, ammunition, and supplies, but are interrupted by secondary assault teams arriving within your hangar. A transport shuttle bearing the markings of the Dark Council touches down and the Deputy Grand Master descends the boarding ramp accompanied by Pontifex Ekeia Iclo.

Without hesitation, the Pontifex moves towards your team and hands your team leader a datapad. Ekeia informs you that the message is coded, stamped priority, and the contents of the message may be shared at the discretion of the team leader. Accessing the datapad, your team leader sees the following: Coded Transmission Data
Ekeia rejoins Raken and his assault team as they move toward a secondary infiltration point within the hangar. You and your team are unaware of the Deputy Grand Master’s mission, but their presence has added a distraction to your already difficult mission.
Your team reassembles and moves toward the waiting turbo-lifts, eager to push forward before the enemy can regroup. As the last of your team enters the lift, you tap the console highlighting the bridge level. The lift accelerates upwards with a burst of speed, the only sounds coming from the hum of recycled air and your teams breathing. Before you can gather your thought, the lift slams to a stop, hundreds of meters below your objective. From behind the durasteel turbolift doors, you can hear the blaring sound of sirens and military commands.
The enemy has reacted more swiftly than you had hoped.
Security has disabled the lift and activated the ship's automated defenses. You turn to your comrades and reach an agreement. A lightsaber flares to life, stabbed violently through the metal walls entrapping you. In a few moments, your makeshift door falls to the ground with a thud and you begin to climb your way out of the turbo-lift....but, before your team can move forward, a flash bang rolls in to the turbo-lift and detonates amongst your team. Temporarily blinded and partially deaf from the enclosed explosion, your team spills out of the car...
To move on, you're going to have to disable the ship's security and find a new path to the bridge.
Phase III

Klaxon's wail and red emergency lights flash as the combined forces of the Dark Brotherhood assault the SSD Avenger II. Your team has triumphed against Dantella Novae and successfully navigated their way to the ship's bridge to discover madness. A lone man stands surrounded by bodies and blood, his chest heaving and his mind fragmented within the Force. As you step forward, the man turns towards you, his eyes glazed with insanity and a deranged smile alights his face. As your team moves in to position to engage, you notice additional movement within the room....
- Note - Replace Boss info with characteristics and traits from winning RO depictions
Reaper and Frost
- identical twin dark jedi, late twenties
- humans
- excessive chatter, annoying
- pale skin, dark hair, combat attire
- lithe and agile, very acrobatic combatants
- Dual Lightsabers (red, white)
- Force Slam (the ability to lift an opponent in the air and slam them to the ground)
- The twins combine Force attacks to increase their power
Dantella Novae
Priority Voice Intelligence Report: Bravo India 06
Darth Necar
Priority Voice Intelligence Report: NOVEMBER ECHO 13
Participation List | |||||
Team 1 | Team 2 | Team 3 | Team 4 | Team 5 | Team 6 |
Koryn | Eiko | Atra | Marick | Kairus | Mirus |
Shadow Nighthun | Ronovi | Araxis | Socorra | Setsuna | Malfrost |
Raiju | Solus Gar | Archangel | Teroch | Locke | Mirando |
Evant | Alaris Jinn | Kalia | Tsainetomo | Roxas | Bubbles |
Morotheri | Tra'an | Methyas | Wuntila | Coop | Lokasena |
Teylas Ramar | |||||
Team 7 | Team 8 | Team 9 | Team 10 | Team 11 | Team 12 |
Shadow Taldrya | Gaius J.C. | Nikola Valtiere | Valhavoc | Nath Voth | Halcyon |
Jac | Vessicant | Nadrin | Troutrooper | Zakath | Benevolent |
Aeson | Silent | Anigrel | Skye Dulovik | Damon Tye | Keirdagh |
Rian | Telum | Oberst | Montresor | Incendus Layon Krayt | Anubis |
Talon | Kuro Kogarasu | Kell Palpatine | Tirano | Andrelious | Tarax |
Evoroth | |||||
Team 13 | Team 14 | Team 15 | Team 16 | Team 17 | Team 18 |
Xathia | Vynn | Jaek | Macron | Etah | Anshar |
Kant Lavar | Sang | Fet'ai'narun | Vexatus | Putra | Altheseus |
Celevon | Ood | Cethgus | Jeric | Kalon Dane | Jason Hunter |
Arden Karn | Wes | Inarya | Xia | Valeriuskane | Tenda |
Kal | Kratus | K'tana | Shirai | Anduriel | Mirado |
- Capture the Avenger II - Winning Run On
- Team List
- Results News Post