Category:Image Categories
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Image Categories are important because they help us keep track of what images have been uploaded and to avoid duplicates. By following the proper uploading protocols we have in place will help the Wiki run smoothly.
To upload an image:
- Click on Upload file in the navigation bar on the left under toolbox. This page shows 3 boxes.
- The first box, Source filename is where you choose the image you want to upload. Clicking on Browse (to the right of the first box) will allow you to choose the image you wish to upload from your computer.
- The second box, Destination filename, is the name the file will be uploaded as.
- The third box, Summary, is where you add the fairuse tag and image category.
- It is important to note that when uploading an image you need to state if it is Copyrighted, Copyright Commissioned, Creative Commons, Creative Commons/Share Alike or Fair Use. If you are unsure what to label your file upload as, please contact a Wiki staff member.
All available Image sub-categories for the DJB Wiki:
- Category:Images-Artifacts - For all Artifacts received by the Clans and Houses
- Category:Images-Attire - For anything a member would wear, excluding members' Robes
- Category:Images-Awards - For all DJB awards
- Category:Images-Collective - For depictions of events/ships belonging to or involving the Collective
- Category:Images-Collective-Characters - For Collective NPCs specifically
- Category:Images-Characters - For all Player Characters and Non Player Characters that are not Collective Characters
- Category:Images-Creatures - For all creatures used by members of the Dark Brotherhood
- Category:Images-CoJ Cases - Case files of the Chamber of Justice
- Category:Images-Dark Council Badges - Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges! But the DC do
- Category:Images-Droids - For all character-owned or NPC droids
- Category:Images-Force Powers - The various Force Powers of the Brotherhood
- Category:Images-Groups - For all images of groups (two or more) of characters.
- Category:Images-Head Shots - For all head shot images of Characters.
- Category:Images-Humans - For all images of Human characters.
- Category:Images-Lightsabers - For all Member Lightsabers
- Categgory:Images-LightsaberForms - For all Lightsaber Forms
- Category:Images-Locations - For all locations that are not images of planets
- Category:Images-Logos - For all organization logos
- Category:Images-MAForms - For all Martial Arts Forms
- Category:Images-Mandos - We seem to have a lot of would be Mandalorians in our ranks
- Category:Images-Miscellaneous - For any image that does not fit in with the other categories
- Category:Images-Non Humans - For all images of non-Human characters
- Note: If you use a Image Category for a specific Non Human species, please do not use the generic Non Humans category.
- Category:Images-Anzat
- Category:Images-Chiss
- Category:Images-Ewok
- Category:Images-Hapan
- Category:Images-Miraluka
- Category:Images-Sephi
- Category:Images-Shard
- Category:Images-Twi'lek
- Category:Images-Wookiee
- Category:Images-Zabrak
- Category:Images-Planets - For all Member Planets
- Category:Images-Ranks - For all rank placards
- Category:Images-Robes - For all Member Robes
- Category:Images-SA - For images used in wikified Shadow Academy courses
- Category:Images-Severian Principate - For images which pertain to the faction the Severian Principate
- Category:Images-Screenshots - For all screenshots
- Category:Images-Species - For CS2.0 Species Images.
- Category:Images-Starships - For all Member & Clan Starships
- Category:Images-TIEs - TIE Fighter images
- Category:Images-Troopers - For Clone Troopers and Stormtroopers
- Category:Images-Users - For RL User photographs
- Category:Images-Vehicles - For all member and/or organization vehicles
- Category:Images-Warbanners - For images of member personal warbanners
- Category:Images-Weapons - For all Member weapons not including lightsabers
This category has the following 32 subcategories, out of 32 total.
- Images-Artifacts (96 F)
- Images-Awards (129 F)
- Images-CoJ Cases (52 F)
- Images-Creatures (141 F)
- Images-Dark Council Badges (16 F)
- Images-Droids (79 F)
- Images-Foodstuffs (6 F)
- Images-Force Powers (54 F)
- Images-LightsaberForms (10 F)
- Images-MAForms (12 F)
- Images-Member 13525 (27 F)
- Images-SA (16 F)
- Images-Severian Principate (7 F)
- Images-Lightsabers (173 F)
- Images-Locations (1,048 F)
- Images-Logos (573 F)
- Images-MartialArtsForms (6 F)
- Images-Planets (356 F)
- Images-Ranks (84 F)
- Images-Robes (82 F)
- Images-Screenshots (217 F)
- Images-Species (84 F)
- Images-Starships (603 F)
- Images-Users (48 F)
- Images-Vehicles (41 F)
- Images-Warbanners (82 F)
- Images-Weapons (168 F)