Issuing a challenge to start a match in the ACC is a simple process, with some great options you can change to tailor your match the way you want it to be. If you are looking for specific information on the challenge process, or what each of the options do look no further.
Issuing a Challenge
There are two ways to issue a challenge and get a match going. These are either via direct challenge to a member you specifically wish to face, or with the Open Challenge system.
On the ACC site, click on Battles in the upper menu bar. From the drop-down menu, you may select either Challenge or Open Challenge. Challenge is used if you know a specific member you would like to face in the ACC. Open Challenge uses a queue system to be placed against another member in the queue by the site instead. We’ll discuss more details about the Open Challenge a little later in this guide.
For now, select Challenge from the drop-down menu. The website will then display a page will the options available for an ACC match.
Opponent to Challenge
Challenge Screen
Knowing what specific member you wish to challenge, enter their primary character’s name into the Opponent to Challenge box. The site will auto-complete as you start typing so don’t feel like you need to remember how to spell the entire thing.
This is where you will have the opportunity to select which of your characters, and their loadout you wish to use in the match. Newer members will likely only have access to their main character, but as you advance within the club, the option for additional Alternative Characters can be earned, each with their own character sheets and loadouts. Further information on Alternative Characters can be found below.
Should you wish to use a different set of equipment, go to the Possessions system in your admin menu on the site. You can create and modify loadouts here. These loadouts must be saved prior to issuing a challenge.
It is important to note some sections of the loadout system. Cybernetics are purely aesthetic in nature, and do not grant special protection or strengths to the member. Anything listed in the Companion section of the loadout, be it a droid or creature, is viable to be used within a match.
Note: It is possible to have many different loadouts saved. For example, you might make one that is focused on close-range melee combat, another for long-range shooting, and a third for a casual appearance. Please be sure to select the correct loadout for the match, as this dictates what equipment you will have access to use!
This will typically be left as None. Many of the events in the ACC have matches manually created by the event runners. In some instances, it is possible for a competition to be entered (such as one that is going for total matches won but not in a ladder or bracket format) and should be selected here.
ACC Hall
There are multiple different halls, each with its own set of rules and match types.
- Duelist Hall: This is the standard ACC hall. All matches are 1v1.
- Scenario Hall: These matches involve special story prompts with objects to be met.
- Cooperative Hall: These matches involve both participants working together against NPCs.
- Unconventional Hall: These matches involve different forms of conflict rather than straight combat. These can range from rap battles to fictional scavenger hunts.
The venue is the setting and location your battle will take place. A detailed list of available venues can be seen here. Venues come with a prewritten post setting the stage for the match to follow. The narrative however is still up to you and your opponent to find and use throughout the match.
Match Style
There are two forms of how a match can end, Alternative Endings and Singular Endings.
- Alternative Endings: This is the standard and default type for the ACC. Both members write their respective body posts (however many that may be) then for their final posts, both write their own version of how the conflict ends. Your opponent’s ending post is hidden until after judgment is issued.
- Singular Endings: As the name implies there is a single ending post for these matches. This means one combatant writes an extra body post, while the other gets the only ending post.
Post Count
Matches can be done with the minimum (and standard) of four posts total, to a maximum of twelve posts total. This is regardless of match types.
For example with a standard four-post total the post format would look like this:
- Alternative Endings: Combatant 1 Body Post, Combatant 2 Body Post, Combatant 1 Ending Post, Combatant 2 Ending Post.
- Singular Endings: Combatant 1 Body Post, Combatant 2 Body Post, Combatant 1 Body Post, Combatant 2 Ending Post.
First to Post
By default this is set to random, however, you can specify when issuing a challenge if you want the challenger (you) or the challenger (your opponent) to open the battle.
Time Limit
This is how much time will be allowed between each post. These are calculated based on the time each post is made, not the site’s default GMT setting. The options are 1 day (24 hours), 3 days (72 hours), and 7 days (168 hours).
Extensions can be requested and claimed depending on the hall. Failure for a participant to post within the time limit closes the match.
Force Settings
You can select how the Force impacts your fight. There are three possible settings:
- Standard: Typical usage of the Force according to the Character Sheets, and the listed Force power levels.
- No Force: No usage of Force powers at all.
- Unleashed: Powers on both combatant’s Character Sheets may be used at the max level of Master (+5). Powers not listed on the Character Sheet may not be used.
Weapons Settings
You can select restrictions on the weapons within the match as well. No matter the setting, only the weapons on the linked Loadout may be accessed. This means if you are in a guns-only match, and don’t have any blasters or slugthrowers in your loadout, you aren’t going to be using weapons.
These restrictions are:
- Standard: Any weapon equipped on the specified loadout can be used.
- Lightsabers only: Characters may only use lightsabers.
- Guns only: Characters may only use blasters or slugthrowers.
Open Challenge
Open Challenge
If you do not know who you would like to challenge, you instead can select the Open Challenge option from the Battle drop-down menu. This will then add you to the list of individuals interested in a match, and can lead to a match being created against another member in that pool.
When selecting this option you need to specify your Character Sheet and Loadout, if it is attached to any competition, and the match style (either Alternative Endings or Singular Ending).
You may only have a single open challenge active at a time, but you may withdraw that at any time from the Review Challenges page found in the Battle drop-down menu.
An Open Challenge has default settings:
- A random venue
- Total post count of 4
- A 3-day (72 hours) post-time limit
- Standard Force settings
- Standard weapon settings
Alternate Characters
Alternative Characters are available through the Non-Player Character system. When an Alt has an approved Character Sheet, and a set saved loadout, participants can opt to use the Alt in an ACC match. This must be selected when a match is created, it cannot be changed after the fact.
If you plan on using an alt in something such as a tournament or bracket, you must be sure your Alt adheres to the rules of the event, and make the intent to use your alt clear when signing up. This is because these matches are typically manually created by the runners of the event, and that information is needed for them to proceed with the correct character and loadout.