Talk:Teia Coran

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 04:57, 31 October 2009 by Solari (talk | contribs) (Short tutorial for my apprentice)
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Using the Wiki: Links

Teia, good to see you put up your wiki page :D I put in two example links so you can see how they are done.

Links to other DJBWiki pages just have double square brackets around them ([[Link]])

Links to the Wookieepedia are prefixed by "starwars:" so the link to you home planet would be [[starwars:Rishi|Rishi]]. Notice the "|Rishi" the | tells the wiki software that everything to the left of it is the link and everything to the right is the text to display in the article proper. If you didn't specify anything to be used as display text it would have looked like starwars:Rishi

This can also be done with internal links, for example if you wanted to link to my page, but not display more whole name, or cal me master, you could type [[Windos Helkin Tarentae|Master]] which would result in Master.

When linking to another page, Wookieepedia or other wise, it pays to search for it, check that it is the page you are looking for and copy the page's title to be used as the link.

External links are slightly different, you only use one square bracket and tell the wiki software what the display text is with a single space, e.g. [ Dark Brotherhood Forums] will result in Dark Brotherhood Forums.

Also notice that this sort of link has an ugly arrow at the end of marking it as an external link, it is also purple. The link to the Wookieepedia above is purple like an external link but has no ugly arrow, this is because of the "starwars:" prefix.

Using the Wiki: Show preview

This was once a really big thing, as it really clogged up the Recent Changes page with a ton of small edits in a short amount of time. This is from Help:Editing:

"When you have finished, click Show preview to see how your changes will look before you make them permanent. Repeat the edit/preview process until you are satisfied, then click Save page and your changes will be immediately applied to the article. "