Deep Assault Recon
Deep Assault Recon
The Deep Assault Recon Troops (DARTs) are something of an enigma amongst Arcona’s Armed Forces. Unlike the rest of the Military, the DARTs aren’t formed from the Warrior Caste, but rather a specific Chapter of the Priest’s Caste – the Dark Star Nomads. They also have a unique rank structure. However, due to the nature of their training, they are often mistaken for Special Forces, but officially they are part of the standard military.
The DARTs were originally a chapter of the Priest’s Caste that journeyed across Eldar and were sometimes referred to as Eldarian Rangers. They lived in the wild and only ventured back to civilisation to find force potentials among the native populace and turn them over to the Shadow Priests for training. When Sashar Arconae formalised the military after the debacle above Antei, he made sure to organise the DARTs into the military and relied on their skills time and time again during the war.
There are only 6000 DARTs in existence. 2000 are assigned to the Eye of the Abyss II as an elite landing force specialising in combat over large, uncharted areas. A further 2000 are kept on Eldar to appease the Priest Caste and uphold the colloquial namesake ‘Eldarian Rangers.’ The 3rd Brigade is split into three elements; the first and second each comprising 250 troops aboard each of the two house-assigned BACs and are considered under the direct command of the various Quaestors. The rest of the Brigade is stationed on Arconae Primus. Their rank system is brutally simple – the vast majority are simply ‘Waymen’, with around 100 being led by a Wayfighter. Finally, the entire Brigade of 2000 is led by a Waymaster.
Unlike the majority of the Army, the DARTs do not wear armour. Their attire consists entirely of simple, homespun robes and camouflaged cloaks. They keep most of their survival equipment around their waists and don’t require large packs – their survival skills are legendary – indeed each DART is quite the woodsman. In terms of armament, they only have two weapons – one is a Verpine Projectile Rifle: the best sniper rifle available and a very distinctive kukri that serves a variety of uses. They are adept at trap-building and construct their own custom rounds for their rifles which are designed to stay on course even through obstacles such as tree trunks or thin walls.
They are the fastest moving of any of the infantry units and their longevity is of great renown; the DARTs have earned their fearsome reputation with blood, tenacity and an unparalleled ingenuity in the field.