Jade Serpents
- "Libertas In Tenebarum"
- ―Jade Serpents' motto
A Battle team in House Ludo Kressh, Clan Naga Sadow.
The Jade Serpents Battle team was originally the Krath battle team for House Ludo Kressh of Clan Naga Sadow. Originally known as the Night Death Phyle it was started by Robert Daragon during his time as Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh. Following his term, Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura stepped up as Quaestor changing the name to the Jade Serpents. His cousin, Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu is responsible for cementing the Phyle's identity by commissioning the logo and motto from the very members of the Team themselves.
DJB Facts
You may find the DB dossier Here
The Jade Serpents Battle Team has developed into a premier force of Clan Naga Sadow, being dispatched for a variety of missions in the service of the Clan. Their swift, decisive, and efficient actions when conducting maneuvers led to their being known at one time as the 'Winds of Death', as they often move as one with practiced, precise actions, leaving little trace of their passing.

Upon indoctrination into the Jade Serpents, a prospective member is issued a small badge of jade and durasteel construction with intertwined serpents displayed upon a disc of obsidian. The team's motto, Libertas In Tenebarum, or Freedom In Darkness, is inlayed in gold within the design. The badge's design is based off of a ring designed by the Herald for the Phyle's former Tetrarch Ashia Kagan Keibatsu and is worn on the member's formal uniform, serving as a reminder that their fate is interconnected, not only to themselves, but to the House, Clan, and Dark Brotherhood itself. The badge is also used as a mystical key to several resources reserved for the Jade Serpents.
Weapons Training and Hand to Hand Combat
- "...and he shall be given Power over a fourth..."
- ―excerpt from an ancient edict issued from the Iron Throne
In addition to having full access to the training facilities of the Antei Combat Center, the Jade Serpents are instructed in a variety of combat areas, such as the fundamentals of slicing, espionage, Long Range Recon and Patrol (LRRP), and holdout techniques, just to name a few. The standard equipment of a Jade Serpents' Team member is as follows:
- BlasTech DL-44 Blaster Pistol
- BlasTech E-11 Blaster Rifle
- Imperial "StarAnvil" Heavy Rifle
- PAC20 visual wrist comlink
- Katana
- Two Thermal Detonators
A Jade Serpents Battle Team member also receives training in the SoroSuub X-45 sniper rifle, the BlasTech DL-87 "Firespray" weapon and the Prax Arms AXM-50 equipped with the MGL-1 micro-grenade launcher. The result of such extensive cross-training ensures the Jade Serpents can operate in nearly any tactical arena and situation, conducting breach and boarding operations, counter-intelligence, holdout and heavy assault missions with deadly efficiency.
Additionally, the Tetrarch trains the team members in esoteric combat techniques, utilizing bladed weapons, silent projectiles, and the like. The exposure to such techniques gives the Jade Serpents team member the freedom to choose their own weaponry in which to specialize as prospective leaders; the disciplined manner in which the training is conducted can be likened to meditation, which gives the members a means to focus their unbridled rage, giving them more control over their Force Powers as Dark Side users.
With this training, each member was a personal killing machine. These combat techniques and their Force powers allowed the Jade Serpents to become soldiers of death to the ones who stand against them.
Starfighter Training
Each member of Jade Jerpents goes through an extensive starfighter training course. This would include simulations and dogfights. Each member was given an HLAF-500 starfighter in the battleteam's green hue. The Tetrarch was also given an XJ3 X-wing Starfighter. This version of the venerable starfighter added a third proton torpedo launcher, increasing the number of carried torpedoes to nine, as well as improvements to the targeting systems, shields, avionics, laser cannons, and was painted in gold trim.
Past Leaders
- J'Rai Sadow
- Siyavash Kaida-
- Sharmin Wheyes
Current Leader
Current Roster
- Abyssimus
- Cadavus
- CelticFang
- Krandon Rowella
- Rob Pett
- Silverr Rampu