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Battle Team Hex of Ektrosis has been through several Tetrarchs, the most recent being Dark Jedi Knight Vardar who was also recently replaced by Anubis Annedu. Hex has recently encountered a dramatic increase in size as a result of the closing of House Archanis and the arrangement of members within Clan Taldryan. Hex prides itself on activity and a spawning place of the Leaders of the Future.
Battle Team Hex has been a notable Battle Team in House Ektrosis' History, and stands as one of the longest serving BTs in the Clan. Though not very active at times, Hex was noted for their superb capture of the Rougue Imperial Admiral, Lanar.
Battle Tactics
Hex tactics are very precise, the team as old as it is. Each member of the team is put through strict training, to ensure that they are capable of flying a craft when given the order to, or in an extreme emergency. The training consists of showing the basis of starfighter piloting, such as turning the craft, hovering, the list goes on.
Afterwards, they are given the task of flying around the planet, through large rings hovering seventy five meters in the air, that hover using repulsors. The rings are placed to test the limits of the pilots, as a precaution that they might not be suitable for starfighter piloting.
Those who cannot fly because they just lack the ability, are trained to use turrets located upon various vessels. They fire when they receive a lock, which is a pretty usual thing. When on Taruma, they practice their space tactics in simulators, which both Battle Team Leaders ordered for their teams.
Land training is very important. When in the field, you have three options. Stay alive, get shot, or be killed. Team members usually tend to want to return home with little to no injuries, so they stay in top physical condition by running obstacle courses, boxing, and preforming training exercises on each other to keep their healthiness at it's peak.
very morning, the members of Hex, including their commander, get out of bed and run a lap around the entire Ektrosis temple before eating breakfast. Although a few complain, they know it isn't that bad compared to what they could be doing. Besides, their commander runs too.
When in the field, all moves are first relayed to the team leader for approval before they engage. The only time they do have permission to fire without first contacting the rest of the team, is if they are in immediate danger. After they have eliminated the threat, they are to report their actions to the commander.
Because the commander felt that the team was too small for even a medium level threat, he brought in four special operatives from the Taldryan Navy. These four are equipped with the same gear as the other troopers. The only skill that they lack, is Force Sensitivity. They can be a valuable aid when in dire situations, and listen to commands when given them. The four special ops members are truly an asset to the team.
Hex used to use the Lizard's Hold as it's main form of transportation, having revived the vessel. Each battle team member had a job to do aboard the vessel, so not just one person is doing all of the work. The Sith members of the crew control the piloting controls of the vessel and do repairs on the engines, while the Krath members man the various weapons inside the ship. The four special ops team members make sure that the speeders are in top condition, as well as make sure everything is in proper working order. Finally, the commander acts like a captain for the vessel. Each crew member shares a double bunk with somebody else except for the commander, seeing how the ship lacks in single beds for everybody.
File:BARC speeder.jpgBARC speeder bikes
Hex makes use with fourteen BARC speeder bikes, ten for the normal team members and four for the special ops team members. Although they are quite old models, they were revamped and given new systems to stand up with modern bikes like the Z4-Z speeder bike. Easy to use, they have a maximum altitude of 10 meters (32 feet) and are highly maneuverable. They are also easy to transport, being stored on the Lizard's Hold until they need to be used.
This armor is a unique design, based on Clone War era Clone Trooper armor. It's equipped with a standard MFTAS system, as well as comlink, servomotors for increased agility, life support systems, extra blaster packs stored under the forearm and back of the legs, and most of all it's utility belt which is loaded with powerpacks, grenades, and a grappling hook. The armor itself is custom made for the team, designed by a small arms company specializing in armors. When off duty, some members of the team still wear their armor as an assassination precaution. They find the armor well equipped to defend them from sneak attacks and other threats.
Commander - TBA
File:HEX1.jpgHex's Custom Armor
The commander is given a the task of commanding the forces of Hex, overseeing that they do their duties correctly, and show no fault. The team must follow his orders without question, or it may cost them their lives on the battle field. The last commander of Hex ,Anubis Annedu, weared a special set of armor, made of many alloys which proved useful in battle. The commander wore a black pauldron.
- Lightsaber (If displayed on dossier)
- DC-15A Blaster Rifle
- DC-15S Side Arm Blaster (2)
- Wrist Vibroblade
- Elbow Blade
- Combat Vibrodagger
- Thermal Detonator (2)
1st Trooper
Betja Jun, NexusMage,
The 1st troopers are given the task of taking out the first line of enemy troops while ingaged in combat, to allow the other members of the team take cover before they themselves hide. Unless shot down, they are to stand their ground until the rest of Hex takes cover safely. Because of the danger in this role, they have a sniper at the back of the team covering for them while firing. They wear Hex's custom armor with a dark green pauldron on the left shoulder.
File:DC-15a Blaster Rifle.jpgThe DC-15A Blaster Rifle that the Hex Troopers use.
- Lightsaber (If displayed on dossier)
- DC-15A Blaster Rifle
- DC-15S Blaster (2) (Not to be confused with DC-15S Side Arm Blaster)
- Proton Grenade (2)
Raistline Majere, Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius
The normal troopers are given the task of first taking cover when in a battle situation, with the 1st troopers covering them. After they have found suitable cover, they are given orders from the commander to initiate in combat, sometimes in an unorthodox method, whether it be stealth, demolitions, or just all out blaster fire. They are nicely armed for their tasks, and are expected to obey the orders of both the 1st troopers and commander. Normal troopers wear a blue pauldron.
- Lightsaber (If displayed on dossier)
- Standard E-11
- DC-15A Blaster Rifle
- Ion Grenade (1)
DarkAmiz, Daar Kareth
The pilots are given the task of flying the Lizard's Hold when engaged in aerial combat, giving the gunners the openings they need when attacking an enemy or taking fire from an enemy. When initiating in an aerial drop, they open the air locks and allow the troopers to deploy, landing the ship away from the battle, joining the troopers shortly after. In ground combat, they add to the numbers of the normal troopers, increasing their numbers and taking orders from either the 1st troopers or the commander. Pilots wear a red pauldron.
- Lightsaber (If displayed on dossier)
- DC-15S Blaster
- DC-15S Side Arm Blaster (2)
File:DC-15S Blaster.jpgThe DC-15S Blaster that the Hex Pilots and 1st Troopers use.
Sniper, Medic
Two Special Ops Members
The sniper is given the task of first protecting the 1st troopers by providing cover fire for them, and then continuing to eliminate the enemy, concealing their presence yet still focusing to provide cover fire for the team, and take out other snipers and commanders. They follow the orders of the commander, and in extreme circumstances, the 1st troopers. The sniper/medic has an yellow pauldron.
- Lightsaber (If displayed on dossier)
- DC-15X Sniper Rifle
- DC-15S Side Arm Blaster (2)
- R-1 Recon droid
- Medical Scanner
- Flat Flesh Medpack (4)
- Emergency Procedure Datapad
- Cloths and Bandages
- Laser Scalpel
Two Special Ops Members
The assassins are given the very important task of infiltrating the enemy ranks, and when preforming an aerial drop are dropped off to the side of the trooper drop point. The sneak up the sides of the battle field, and quietly from behind, remaining in the shadows unless attacking. After succeeding or failing in an attempt to kill a target, they immediately return to their safety in the shadows, and attack when an opponent draws close. Instead of wearing the same armor as Hex troopers, they wear the very same armor that normal members do, except without a pauldron, and with a few extra enhancements. The forearms store special short vibroblades, that with a push of a button extend out of a slot, above the hand. Both of these blades are made from a rare crystal clear crystal, surrounded by a cortosis weave and phryik alloy metal. This metal is energy charged from the internal crystal, and is meant to deflect lightsabers, while not actually dueling against them.
- Wrist Vibroblade
- Elbow Blade
- DC-15S Side Arm Blaster
- Flash Grenade (2)
- Commander Anubis Annedu Wrath
- Tyro Betja Jun
- Tyro NexusMage
- Flight Member DarkAmiz
- Flight Member Daar Kareth
- Tyro Raistline Majere
- Tyro Tyr Vode
- Flight Member Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius
- Trooper Jendan
- Flight Member Swifty Chapple
Timeline of Leaders