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- "First to Fight, Last to Retreat"
- ―Banshee Brigade Moto
Banshee Brigade is a Battle team serving House Dorimad Sol in Clan Scholae Palatinae.
Naming of the Brigade
The Brigade originally only had a designation as a number. However, that changed with the appointment of a sergeant whose name has been lost. It was said that his voice was loud enough to be heard yelling out orders even in the heat of battle. This earned him the nickname of Banshee. Originally the Brigade was called Banshee’s Brigade. After his death the name was already attached to the unit and became simply Banshee Brigade.
Serving House Caliburnus
With Clan Scholae Palatinae dissolved, one house stood up for its independence. Rather than become absorbed by another clan, House Caliburnus petitioned the Dark council to allow the unthinkable; a house independent of the Clan system. Banshee Brigade joined the cause and along with two other battle teams, Ebon Cloak and Nightshade, refused to waiver. The Brigade was strong in this time and was instrumental in both winning the Independence of House Caliburnus, but also in eventually helping to reform Clan Scholae Palatinae under Grand Master Justinian Khyron.
Under the restructured Clan Banshee brigade was added to a new house, Dorimad Sol. It formed the backbone the house leading its members into battle and refusing to give one meter to it foes. Soon the battle cry was heard throughout the Clan ‘Banshee Brigade, First to fight, last to retreat!’ Trying times were ahead for the entire brotherhood and the shattering of Banshee Brigade was fast approaching.
It was decided after the retreat from the Antei system to retake the Clan home system. House Dorimad Sol was tasked with retaking Caina the home world of House Dorimad Sol. It was during this time the Banshee brigade gained both its grandest victory and it’s worst defeat.
The brigade led by Daniel Stephens took the lead in the assault to retake Caina from the Vong Invaders. It was a long hard fight and the Vong were eventually beaten back. The Brigade had lead the House in defeating the Vong but the losses were tremendous. Due to the injuries sustained Daniel Stephens was forced to take an extended medical leave eventually taking a position elsewhere. The Brigade remained empty for a time.
Current Assignment
Banshee Brigades (BB) current assignment is to defend the headquarters of House Dorimad Sol (HDS) and to police the grounds. They have had extensive experience with quelling riots, providing escorts to important officials and have even helped with space operations. In the rare instance that they have to investigate something on the planet they can do so with great speed and accuracy.
In the event of an offensive attack they act as a true battle team splitting into smaller fire teams and eliminate the enemy forces. In the event that HDS takes the offensive then the battle team is usually tasked with performing assassinations, infiltrating enemy bases, providing escorts for medical personnel and have even been known to break into separate smaller teams and perform combinations of the above tasks. Usually the team is charged with assassinations and infiltration but can perform all of the above
Sash of the Banshee
Banshee Brigade Sash A symbol of membership in Banshee Brigade, the Sash is awarded to all members upon their arrival at Castle Dorimad Sol. Members are required to wear the sash to all formal events including awards ceremonies.When sent into battle the member may choose not to wear the sash but most refuse to leave it behind. Made of simple cloth the sash has no outward effects on the wearer. It does however instill a deep sense of Pride for the honor of being in the Banshee Brigade and serving House Dorimad Sol.
Current Roster
Lead Team
- BTL01 - "Obelisk Sergeant Korvyn" - Team Leader (Fire Team Leader)
- BTM02 - "Obelisk Trooper Kat Pridemore" - Communications
- BTM03 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Medic
- BTM04 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Slicer
Assault Team
- BTM05 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Point Man (Fire Team Leader)
- BTM06 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Rover
- BTM07 - "Obelisk Trooper Zephyr" - Commando
- BTM08 - "Obelisk Trooper" - Commando
Ranged/Support Team
- BTM09 - "Obelisk Trooper Ric "Blade" Korbain" - Sniper (Fire Team Leader)
- BTM10 - "Obelisk Trooper Bal Comas" - Scout
- BTM11 - "Obelisk Trooper Rohak Althair" - Support
- BTM12 - "Obelisk Trooper " - Demolitions
A description for each Role is found in the article: Dorimad Sol Battle Team Roles
You may find the DJB dossier Here