Little record remains as to the origins of this once lost martial art. What is known is that it was taught to the clone troopers, commandos, and the advanced reconnaissance forces of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) by Mandalorian training sergeants. One would assume then that the art was developed by the Mandalorian people, however in studying the people and culture of Mandalore it is found that due to their pragmatism, the Mandalorians developed their martial arts in the same way they acquired their weapons and other technologies, from other cultures. It is currently unknown where and when Jakelian was first developed but there is no doubt as to its effectiveness.
Following the reorganization of the Republic into the Galactic Empire Jakelian was adopted as the primary hand-to-hand fighting style taught to all Imperial soldiers. It is used to teach timing, balance, and coordination so that the practitioner can function alone or as part of a group as soldiers often find themselves in both situations.
Since the fall of the Empire both Remnant forces and those of the Galactic Alliance have utilized Jakelian as the standard for training their soldiers. Because of its widespread teaching throughout the numerous Imperial training centers, Jakelian can be found to be taught in every corner of the galaxy. Its popularity among local and corporate security forces as well has led to its continuance of use unlike other martial arts utilized by the Empire such as Echani.
As with most martial arts the Jakelian stance is designed to present a smaller target to the opponent. The body is turned slightly to the side; with the feet roughly shoulder width apart thus granting better balance and stability. Hands are held loosely up at chest level ready to strike, deflect, or throw, or if using weapons to parry and counter-strike.
The Jakelian practitioner strikes while remaining balanced and in motion thus being able to elude predictability. Harnessing the body’s momentum the practitioner utilizes the generated energy and channels it into each strike thus making even short strikes potentially deadly. Striking drills are often combined with group movement drills so that the practitioner can learn to operate with others in tandem.
Jakelian defense is dependent upon utilizing the momentum of an opponent against him by either counter-striking the limbs, or utilizing throws if unarmed to send the opponent into a compromising position, weapon locks are also used should an opponent get within range. Jakelian defense is not a beautiful study in movement but rather a pragmatic approach to self defense. Perhaps it is for this reason that it was favored by the more practical Mandalorians.
Training is conducted individually and as part of a group dynamic. Soldiers very often times find themselves alone on the field of battle and just as often can find their unit about to be overrun and their ammunition depleted. Because of this the practitioner is taught to fight either alone or as part of a team. The practitioner is further taught to think of every object as a potential weapon, and every situation as a tactical exercise. Jakelian is common throughout the galaxy and one can find an instructor with relative ease, though true mastery of this art is indeed a rarity.
The use of single or double sticks, blades, or a combination of both is popular among Jakelian practitioners. The nature of Jakelian makes the combination of a stick and blade very popular, and at times one can find practitioners utilizing short spears so as to gain the advantages of both weapons. The true wonder of Jakelian is that it teaches the practitioner to utilize anything as a weapon, as anything could potentially become a stick or a blade, from a chair to a shard of broken glass.
Level: Advanced Prerequisites: Broken Gate 3, Hapan 3, WIS 18 Style: Hard Weapons: unarmed, shortstaff, daggers
• Swift-Strike, Side-Step, Double-Tap •• Pressure-Strike, Water-Flow, Triple-Strike ••• The Octagon, Snap Throw, Nerve-Strike •••• Whirlwind, Incisor, Vornsknyr’s Jaw, Rain of Stone ••••• Broken Skulls, Crimson Pool, Black Divide, Spear Dance