Rasilvenaira Kaeth StormRaven

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"Do not waste my time with 'what if's. I will do whatever has to be done. I'll deal with the consequences later."
―Rasilvenaira, during the Acclivis Draco-Caliburnus Conflict

Sith Warrior Rasilvenaira StormRaven is the current Aedile of House Caliburnus, also serving as a Trainer in the Antei Combat Centre, and Eclectic Pedagogue.

Character History

Birth of an Outcast

10 BBY

Along the northern plains of Ord Mantell, far distant from any cities, a group of humans had settled around 425 BBY. This group of humans isolated themselves as much as possible and over time began to display a genetic uniformity among the people. The Keraci people became a race unto themselves, of medium build with blonde or pale colored hair and typically blue or green eyes. They were also a people without the force, living their lives based on superstitions and abiding by the laws laid down by the village’s High Priest.

In 10 BBY the High Priest was called on to attend the Shalphera, or highest ranking female, of the village for the birth of her latest child. Many of the village elders and minor priests were concerned; the omens were boding ill for the birth, since the village was being subjected to an unusually fierce period of storms that threatened the crops.

When the child was born, those fears and superstitions were compounded. Inspecting the child, a girl, the High Priest was faced with the shock of seeing dark brown hair and piercing dark eyes as the child looked up at him. Given her mother’s ranking as Shalphera, the laws of the village forbade killing the infant, but because of the inexplicable differences in her appearance, she was branded as an outcast.

Her mother gave her the name of Kaishera, meaning Shadowed Star, however the rest of the family and village began calling the girl Rasilvenaira, meaning Silver Raven. The name was meant in cruel jest because with her dark hair and even darker eyes, there was nothing silver about her, though she did seem to have a strong affinity for the bird she was named after.

As the young girl grew, her place as outcast was constantly made painfully clear to her. Frequently subjected to beatings, and verbal abuse, Rasilvenaira lived her life on the edge. The Keraci were her people, but their world seemed to have no place for her, even though it was the world to which she was born. Considered worthless, even below slaves in value, she often went with out meals, and was worked hard, given the chores none of her siblings wished to do. By the age of five, Rasilvenaira was beginning to display latent abilities which earned her even more scorn and displeasure from the Keraci people who viewed those abilities as unnatural and evil.

Rasilvenaira vowed to herself that somehow, she would survive, and despite the efforts of her kin to the contrary, she managed to do just that. But the seeds of hatred and anger were sowed deeply in her soul, and in time, those seeds would take hold and blossom.

Rise of the StormRaven


One evening after a particularly brutal beating came close to killing her; Rasilvenaira realized that it was only a matter of time before her kin succeeded in ending her life. As soon as she was able to recover enough from the beating, Rasilvenaira gathered up the few possessions she was allowed, as well as a few she managed to steal. Biding her time until the dark of night, Rasilvenaira slipped out of the Keraci village, taking one of the villages riding animals, or Rok’shall, for its extra speed.

Rasilvenaira drifted alone except for the Rok’shall she rode for nearly two weeks. She had no idea where she would go, but there was no going back, she would find her own way or die trying. Eventually her path crossed that of a Trader’s caravan, and she spent a couple of days with them. During her stay with them, her Rok’shall helped earn her a nice purse full of credits, and she was able to buy a few supplies from the traders, including a simple set of throwing knives. They also helped her gain a sense of direction, showing her maps of where they were and where the nearest city, Trader’s Quarter, was.

After parting ways with the caravan, Rasilvenaira made her way toward Trader’s Quarter. When she finally arrived, the city was quite a shock to her after the isolated, rural world of the Keraci. Immediately she found herself at a great disadvantage, knowing only very little Basic. Rasilvenaira managed to find a merchant on the outskirts of the city who purchased her Rok’shall though she was sure he’d cheated her in the deal. She had no plans of ever going back to the Keraci village, so the credits she earned from the beast would serve her better than it would.

Her first day in the city soon turned rather miserable as it started raining. Lost, alone, and getting scared as she was jostled and bumped and pushed aside by the people passing her by, Rasilvenaira had no idea where to go to for shelter against the weather. Finally she just huddled against the wall of a building and sank to the ground, worn out from her journey.

Rasilvenaira was beginning to resign herself to spending a restless night in the rain when she saw a strange looking humanoid approaching her. She was too tired to fight and something about his easy going manner kept her from running. Despite her inability to understand the Basic language, she managed to catch the meanings of his words as he offered her the one thing she wanted most at that moment, a dry, safe place to rest, and the possibility of food as well. She agreed to follow him, and along the way he introduced himself as Phutari.

Phutari was middle aged Dressellian who owned a well established cantina in the area, and he took Rasilvenaira in, giving her a room above his cantina, he also offered her a job in helping out around the cantina. The first few weeks were mostly spent by him teaching her various things. He taught her Basic, adding on to the little she knew, until she finally had a solid grasp on the language. Phutari also taught her about the various races and species as they came through his cantina, as well as teaching her about the city itself.

While she was never really able to understand why she trusted him so easily, there was just something in Phutari’s warm amber eyes that made her feel safe. As the months passed, they developed a close relationship, Phutari looking after her almost as if she were his own daughter. It was also Phutari who first gave her the name of StormRaven. He always called her ‘little Raven’ since he found that easier than her full name, but he coined the name StormRaven for her because of her stormy and unpredictable temper, combined with her incredible ability of stealth. As he told her, "You move like a shadow, yet strike like a storm. Storm Raven, that's what you are." From that day on she took the name StormRaven as her own.

Flight of the Raven

7-10 ABY

Phutari used his many connections to help Rasilvenaira as much as he could in various ways. One of those occasions was him arranging for her to learn to pilot ships. She was a fast learner and soon progressed to being able to manage even a mid sized freighter on her own. Her favorite teacher was another Dressellian by the name of Tsudaly who taught her how to pilot his YT-2400 called the NyghtFyre. Rasilvenaira was also particularly fond of the two droids he kept on the ship; a protocol droid called Verlassen, and a spunky astromech droid simply known as R5.

Rasilvenaira also began to find her own place in the scheme of things in the city. When she wasn’t spending her time working in Phutari’s cantina, Rasilvenaira gained a reputation as a talented thief. Eventually she also became an assassin, with her ability to seemingly disappear into the shadows it was an occupation she was well suited to. Phutari knew of her activities, but he never openly disapproved of them, as long as she didn’t practice her trade within the cantina.

When Rasilvenaira was twenty, Phutari gave her a special gift. She had been planning on leaving Ord Mantell when she had the credits saved up enough to get her own ship. Rasilvenaira was presented with one of the ships she had first learned to pilot, one which was very special to her. Tsudaly found himself in debt from gambling and in return for Phutari’s help in getting out of that debt; he gave Phutari the NyghtFyre as well as the two droids that served as its crew. Phutari had no real need for the ship, so offered it to Rasilvenaira as a gift. Soon after getting the NyghtFyre, Rasilvenaira left Ord Mantell and set out to explore the galaxy and to make a name for herself.

The End of an Era

11 ABY

StormRaven's Crest

Rasilvenaira started out working various merchant networks building a solid base of contacts with initial help from Phutari who put her in touch with some of his contacts. She also quickly became familiar with the added profit to be had in smuggling as well as occasional jobs as an assassin that presented themselves. The NyghtFyre served well for smuggling with the extra cargo space that Tsudaly had built into the vessel, and the additional sensor jamming systems that she had installed into the ship made it that much harder to catch.

However, despite her rapid successes and growing reputation, a deep rooted restlessness plagued her. Nightmares that had been infrequent while she was around Phutari’s calming presence became almost constant in the solitude of her ship in deep space. StormRaven stayed on the edge, pushing herself to the limits of her endurance in not sleeping; she sank herself into her work knowing that if she didn’t sleep, she wouldn’t dream and the nightmares would be kept at bay. Over time it gradually began to wear on her, the nightmares drifted into her thoughts even when she was awake, memories she tried to forget kept haunting her. Unable to escape them, she was pushed close to the edge of madness, driven by those nightmares until she wanted nothing else but to end them once and for all.

One year after leaving Ord Mantell, Rasilvenaira finally gave into the growing thirst for vengeance, the need to destroy that which kept haunting her thoughts. She returned to Ord Mantell, setting a course for the Keraci village, navigating mostly by remembered landmarks from her flight away from the village five years previous.

Landing the ship near the village caused quite a stir from the superstitious and isolated Keraci. Rasilvenaira left the ship, walking the last distance to the edge of the village, wanting to make sure that they knew who it was that would bring about their demise. She wanted them to know what their actions had earned them.

Many did recognize her, and many began to flee the village, but one man who did not recognize her asked, “Who are you?”

To which, Rasilvenaira replied, "Who am I? I am that which even nightmares fear, I am death, I am vengeance, I am sorrow. I am the StormRaven."

Following her orders, Verlassen, aboard the NyghtFyre, opened fire on the village with the full extent of the ship's weaponry, quickly leveling it to smoldering rubble. Those Keraci who hadn’t run when they had the chance were killed in the destruction. The way of life, all that the Keraci had been for over four hundred years came to an end in that firestorm.

Rasilvenaira stood silently watching the remains of the village burn for several minutes, then turned away and returned to her ship. Resigning her past to the ashes of destruction, she vowed never to look back, and focused her attention on the future.

Embracing the Darkness

At one point Rasilvenaira's journeys brought her in contact with an older Dark Jedi who recognized the latent force talent within her. He told her of the force in general, pointing out how she was using it without even knowing it, and then told her of the Dark Brotherhood. He suggested she go to the Brotherhood and learn to use her abilities with proper training.

However, her arrival near Brotherhood space did not turn out as she had planned. Apparently the last person she'd done a job for tipped the Brotherhood off implying that she intended to assassinate the Grand Master. The NyghtFyre was attacked by two capital ships from the Brotherhood and captured. Rasilvenaira was interrogated, and during the process her force abilities were discovered and those questioning her believed that she was not guilty of wanting to kill the Grand Master, so she was allowed to remain within the Brotherhood.

Rasilvenaira's warbanner

Finding a new home

Upon her acceptance into the Dark Brotherhood, Rasilvenaira was assigned to Clan Scholae Palatinae, and to the House Acclivis Draco.

The Sith worked hard to prove herself to those around her, moving quickly through the ranks. As time passed, Rasilvenaira began to regard the Clan's system as home, and the members as her family. For the first time in her life she began to look beyond herself, and to place the wellbeing and saftey of others before her own ambitions. While she will occassionally reflect on the change within herself, it is one that came of her own free will. Still possessing a deep stubborn streak, she does on occassion clash with her superiors, though it is seldom out of any disrespect, but out of her own determination to see goals met, albeit by somewhat different methods than others expect.

A new challenge

Rasilvenaira served as Aedile of Acclivis Draco and helped to lead the House during the conflict between Acclivis Draco and House Caliburnus. However, as the battles wore on tensions kept rising on both sides, and in taking actions she deemed to be necessary for the protection of the House, Rasilvenaira went against the orders of the Quaestor, RevengeX Palpatine.

Considered a traitor by RevengeX until she was able to prove the reasons for her actions, the conflict left tensions between the two even after its resolution. It was after this conflict that Rasilvenaira received orders to travel to Ptolomea where she would take up the position of Aedile to the newly named Quaestor Thran Occasus.

Despite missing Acclivis Draco which had been her home for so long, Rasilvenaira embraced the new challenge of serving Caliburnus with the same dedication and drive that she had given to Acclivis Draco.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Aedile of House Caliburnus

Trainer of the Antei Combat Centre

Eclectic Pedagogue for the Test of Endurance

Gaming Staff Member - 1 month

Judge of the Antei Combat Centre - 6 months

Clan Envoy of Scholae Palatinae - 8 months

Knight Adjutant of the Brotherhood - 5 months

Aedile of House Acclivis Draco - 4 months, 2 weeks

Sith Commander of Draco Conspicari - 3 months

Outstanding Achievements

Earned a Sapphire Blade for work done during the 6th GJW

Helped to rewrite the Master/Student Program for Clan Scholae Palatinae, along with Braecen Kunar.

Made major improvements in the Envoy system for Clan Scholae Palataine, streamlining the Envoy Team.

Achieved the rank of Sith Warrior within nine months of joining the Brotherhood.


Rasilvenaira is a Countess of Scholae Palatinae.

One would never know just by looking at her, but Rasilvenaira is far from sane, she's just good at pretending.

Rasilvenaira has an intense love of shiny things, as seen in her vast collection of them.

Rasilvenaira was half of one of the very few cross clan Master/Apprentice pairings. Her first Apprentice to achieve Knighthood was Corin 'Liwaen' Solander of Clan Naga Sadow. Even though Corin is now a Dark Jedi Knight, the friendship built between them remains strong.

Rasilvenaira's current Apprentices are Eton Jade, now known as Archangel; and Michalto Retorva.

Rasilvenaira's own Master was none other than the legendary OT Xan Be'lakor Azytzeen, the JA master and uber cool Templar of Caliburnus.

Rasilvenaira has a particular fondness for small furry animals, keeping several Voorpak, Snuzzleguffs, and small felines as pets.

She is also very fond of droids, having a remarkable talent for building or modifying them. She keeps a wide variety of droids around her.

Rasilvenaira also claims one special "pet" Krath, Selene.

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