Ike Danakar

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Republic eraImperial era
Ike Danakar
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description





1.79 Meters





Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information





Dark Brotherhood Era

Personal Ship:

DP20 Event Horizon

[ Source ]

Ike Danakar is the Captain of the DP20 Event Horizon. Although once a young vibrant pilot, Ike is now an older man, who has seen his fair share of the galaxy. He served in the Imperial Navy before ending up on Arconae Primus where he joined the Arcona Expeditionary Force.


Early Life

Ike Danakar spent most of his early life travelling around the Galaxy on his parent's transport. Life in the cold reaches of space didn’t bother him; he liked looking out the windows at the stars and planets that he passed. Even as a child, he loved exploring new places and seeing new things. Every planet the transport stopped off at was another adventure from him. He would hear stories of wonderful things driving forward his thrust for the unknown. When the ship was in space, he spent days on end trawling over star maps and system maps until he could name a vast majority of them.

When he hit eighteen, Ike left his parents on Coruscant. After watching their transport leave from the spaceport, he set out to make a new life for himself. He worked privately as a guide taking rich travelers to their destinations. As Ike earned more money, he began to look into buying his own transport. However, he was given a better offer. When a mysterious person paid for his services, he told Ike that he had a talent and it shouldn’t go to waste. With the money he saved, Ike signed up with the Imperial Navy under the Intelligence Core. Danakar showed a knowledge of systems and planets that surpassed a great deal of his peers which gave him a natural advantage.

Back to Work

When he reached the rank of Navigation Officer, Ike Danakar was in his thirties. With the disbanding of the Imperial Navy, he turned back to the thing that he knew best. He reopened his small business and once again began saving the money for his own transport ship. After a few years passed, Ike bought his transport. While he ferrying a strange couple to the Dajorra system to a planet called Arconae Primus, he learned of the Arcona Expeditionary Force, he looked into them, putting his name forward to sign up. He knew that due to his time outside of the Imperial Navy that the chances of him being accepted were low but he still hoped for the best. But due to his amazing knowledge of planets and systems he was accepted almost as soon as he signed up. He was sent to serve aboard the DP20 Event Horizon.

After several years of exemplary service and proving his loyalty to Clan and crew alike, he was finally promoted to Captain and given command of the very ship he'd been assigned to.



Ike Danakar is a scruffy man of a medium build and height, his greying hair and rough face are a monument to the hard life that he has led.


Ike Danakar is a witty and intelligent man, normally the first person to make some form of remark. Due to the time that he has spent alone he comes across as coarse, giving people the distinct feeling that he is a little rough around the edges. Ike has seen many things and is always on hand with some story or tale he picked up from his travels.